• last month
Fanny triste en “Palabra de honor” por ser rechazada por La Familia.



00:00:08Like it I'm a young boy. I saw you like smart. I have a host
00:00:15When I'm a master tres veces yeah, but if you me boy a la otra parte del mundo
00:00:20But if that's thank you look at me. I don't care if you better not I've been able to give me a premium
00:00:23Okay, but I get to know you this to know you
00:00:56Will tell you my talent
00:00:59Explicando la gala te has metido la conversación nadie hablado contigo
00:01:12No y esto recién comienza
00:01:39Tres dos uno
00:01:44Comienza entonces esta la primera fase de esta competencia de salvación la dupla que logre
00:01:51Llevar las cinco cantimploras hasta el extremo superior y luego tocar la campana será la dupla ganadora
00:01:59Señores ahí está y enco
00:02:05Entrega entonces
00:02:08Ojo y ahí va gonzález tres cuatro
00:02:17No es solo sensualidad touch no es solo el baile sexual huy se da un golpe
00:02:31A yenko separa requiena se prepara para ir a atrapar
00:02:39Y ahora se vienen por la campana señoras y señores
00:02:42Es muy bien vienen por la campana señoras y señores muy bien
00:02:47Ahí está se acaba la prueba para gonzález y gálvez
00:02:51Tocan la campana finalizado la prueba para requiena así concluimos las tres fases de esta competencia
00:03:09Muy bien señoras y señores quiero que se escuche fuerte el aplauso porque ha sido una competencia claramente
00:03:16extenuante donde cada uno de los participantes ha entregado lo mejor de sí en una prueba realmente
00:03:23Impactante lo quiero felicitar a las tres duplas y porque entregaron mucha mucha carga vital no era simple voy a partir
00:03:30entregando el resultado de la pareja que hizo el recorrido de este circuito en el mayor tiempo y la que se
00:03:36transforma por supuesto automáticamente en la primera pareja duelista con un tiempo de
00:03:4116 minutos y 10 segundos en la primera pareja duelista es la conformada por
00:03:49Nacho gonzález y lorena gálvez
00:03:54La pareja que hace el circuito en el menor tiempo y se exime del duelo de eliminación es la dupla conformada por
00:04:03Las reclutas bernal y silva
00:04:06Como ya lo saben requiera y del río tendrán que enfrentar junto a gálvez y gonzález un duelo de eliminación
00:04:17Yo quería decirle a ustedes lo siento
00:04:38En sentido súper incómodo y por la situación que te comenté yo a ellas no le he hecho nada yo solamente me senté con andrés
00:04:45y de ahí
00:04:46no sé no sé si me hicieron la cruz no quisieron hablar conmigo no quisieron hablar el tema igual a mí me dolió
00:04:52me duele porque yo así como sigo con ustedes con ella
00:04:56Tú sabes porque yo me alegro un poco de la fanny porque me
00:05:00No me gustó como te trató a ti
00:05:02bueno me da lo mismo que me hablen que no me hablen pero por qué hacerlo otro así como
00:05:11Y igual no sé dos días estaba hablando conmigo siendo supuestamente amigas y yo
00:05:18Qué pasa
00:05:21Luego cuando la puerta
00:05:23me dice
00:05:26La mañana me sirvió y aparta para esta puerta o sí y luego llegar a él le pregunta es verdad que dijiste que nosotras apartamos
00:05:34No, yo nunca dije eso
00:05:38Me siento que usted una parte del hígado porque a mí me dice que sí y agarra le dices que no
00:05:47Que no aguanta
00:05:51Hola muy buenos días
00:05:53Como está y hola hoy a ti te quería conocer
00:05:58Como estas
00:06:03Literalmente yo no te conocía pero me has conocido antes de que yo llegue habla igual
00:06:15Habla igual a ella
00:06:22Persona pero ella yo la veo que es una niña supernatural
00:06:26Richard que parte de español esto de barcelona la otra de venezuela
00:06:38Que lo dejen para que los del rancho la damos no me parece justo porque cada quien sabe que saca y
00:06:44lo que ocupa y donde lo deja
00:06:47Deberían recoger su esposa y lavarlo ellos mismo pongo a repasar las camas a ver quién se ha dejado pasos ahí
00:06:56Me va gritando de arriba que encontró esto en la cama de la fer en la noche tomo agua
00:07:03Soba yona
00:07:06Comandante lo podemos hacer después de desayunar por favor después el desayuno nos ponemos a full
00:07:16No confío
00:07:19Somos muchas personas en un momento está se hace en un momento y se desayuna fin
00:07:26Tienes mucha cara diciendo esto guapa porque yo por ejemplo sin haber estado aquí un mes entero
00:07:32mañana las ocho y media yo se limpiado todo el baño
00:07:35a mí no me vaciles a ver si vas a limpiar el suelo con la lengua
00:07:43Que te pasa que limpies y que no sea tan bueno voy a limpiar después de desayunar muy bien
00:07:48como debería a mí lo que me parece injusto
00:07:51siendo un poco vista de tal medida en toda esta historia sin comerlo
00:07:55ni beberlo porque yo pensaba que tú no tenías parejas bueno soy una mina respetuosa
00:07:59yo no me meto en ese tipo de situaciones
00:08:01entonces claramente ya
00:08:03Lo que ella me ha dicho es como que casi que cuando tú te viniste para acá ella estaba en tu en casa no estaba
00:08:07en mi casa no éramos pareja lo que
00:08:11es que yo no me podía ir a ningún lado que si yo me venía para acá
00:08:17en plan que nuestra relación se acaba yo pensaba que a lo mejor iba a tener el apoyo de la persona que te quieres pero
00:08:24no fue el caso así
00:08:26y obviamente me he portado mal mis actos no están
00:08:31Justificado pero al final yo he sido
00:08:33un cabrón porque realmente una parte de mí como no tenía miedo de perderla y es más como la intento dejar y no
00:08:40será mi casa
00:08:41a veces yo es que mira es que no me va a atrever a hacer nada porque si me pilla y me deja pues casi que mejor
00:08:49es más una parte de mi que ella que me pillase y me dejara loco
00:08:55Hola bienvenidos al revolucionado reformatorio de palabra honor lealtad o traición
00:08:59El ingreso de zoe
00:09:00movilizó la convivencia josué no sabe cómo relacionarse con ella al tiempo que gala también se siente parte de un triángulo amoroso en el
00:09:07que nunca imaginó estar por otro lado pánico se auto proclamó la matriarca de la ex familia
00:09:13esto la alejó del grupo ya que tiene nuevo nombre y están dispuestos a dar batalla por el control de reformatorio
00:09:26Como todo la prueba
00:09:27durísima cabía una tan brilla como ahora primera vez
00:09:31yo iba a muchas contigo pero esta era la más brillante y el sergio hasta el sergio lo dijo
00:09:38Ellos son de nosotros 14 y 16
00:09:43Era muy dura la prueba es muy muy dura
00:09:49Buenas tardes buenas tardes comandante bernal y silva
00:09:55Ya ente
00:09:58Primero que todos los felicito por haber
00:10:01sido los ganadores
00:10:03sé que lo dieron todo y
00:10:06por eso mismo ustedes saben que hoy día dejan el calabozo ya pueden dormir en las barracas y no pueden ocupar más este baño
00:10:15Agustin y venga para acá y la recluta urtubia rápido
00:10:21No alchemy comandante buenas noches porque tiene esa cara de alegría
00:10:29Comandante por favor
00:10:34Que pasó hace un momento
00:10:37en esa
00:10:39Yo me quedé con la ropa mojada
00:10:42de la piscina de la tarde porque llevo una compañera nueva y si me di cuenta así entonces tenía la ropa muy húmeda y
00:10:48como ando con dolor de útero ya entonces me quisiera gustar y en qué momento
00:10:54desde su dolor de útero aparece agustín y y usted urtubia la primera vez como también voy a pensar
00:11:01voy a planificar toda la noche su castigo y el mejor soy un despistado increíble
00:11:07Te lo juro que no sabía que me iba a penalizar por bañarme y te lo juro lo que tiene bueno ahora son las manos
00:11:11y que algo va a tener que hacer con las manos mañana algo que decir reclutas
00:11:17Yo me imagino que tú estás súper incómodo pero bueno
00:11:20Yo no le voy a decir nada malo de ti ni me voy a meter en vuestra relación ni voy a decir nada
00:11:24No, si no estoy hablando de ti, estoy hablando del comportamiento que iba a tener ella contigo
00:11:28No me digas porque es que la conozco a la perfección
00:11:30No le importa tu amistad una p***
00:11:32Pero está bien que tampoco tengamos mal rollo porque yo no quiero pelear con ella porque yo no tengo nada que ver con ella
00:11:37Y si yo le dije con lágrimas en los ojos en una carta que yo había gastado todos mis cartuchos
00:11:43e incluso había recogido cartuchos del suelo para volver a intentar a ponerlos a ver si funcionaba
00:11:48o sea que ni de coña y posibilidad
00:11:50ni de coña yo le quiero
00:11:53es que no sabe ni él
00:11:55no sabe ni él
00:11:59Es muy buen niño pero claro en las relaciones emocionales con la pareja
00:12:03Cada cual sabe lo que ha pasado
00:12:05Pero en la convivencia es muy agradable
00:12:07Si, si, yo lo se, lo primero que digo es que como amigo es un 35
00:12:12Para mí ha sido o es el amor de mi vida
00:12:15¿Lo es todavía?
00:12:16Si, yo no tengo problema en decirlo
00:12:18Pero si es en realidad
00:12:20Mis sentimientos hacia ella son super fuertes, lo que pasa es que yo decidí dejarla porque no quiero una persona tóxica en mi vida
00:12:25No quiero una relación tóxica en mi vida
00:12:27Por mucho que la amase, al final decidí priorizarme a mí y mi bienestar porque al final viví amargado
00:12:32De bruto, de bruto
00:12:34De bruto, esa es la palabra, exacto
00:12:36Pero tiene momentos sensibles porque es muy emocionante
00:12:38Y se cubre mucho de eso
00:12:40Ayer tuvo un gesto tan malito conmigo
00:12:42Por una situación que pasó y me da un abrazo y me dice me has enseñado mucho
00:12:46Me da un beso y es como wow
00:12:48Y eso es él
00:12:50Y eso es el máximo expresión de cariño que entrega
00:12:52Eso es él, eso es él
00:12:54Pero ese es el que no deja verme
00:12:56Y de hecho yo le dije, cuando hablaron de ti yo le dije yo a esa niña la tengo que conocer
00:12:59Me dice no, por qué
00:13:01Digo sí, porque ella me va a decir, me van a terminar de confirmar quién eres tú
00:13:04A todo el mundo hermano, me pone como si fuera el puto demonio, el puto diablo
00:13:08Habla fatal de mí en público, me pone como lo peor
00:13:11Si soy tan malo, por qué coño sigues volviendo a mí
00:13:15Porque yo te prometo que en el día que lo dejamos
00:13:18Ni la he buscado, ni la he llamado, ni le he escrito un mensaje
00:13:21He dejado que siga haciendo su vida
00:13:23¿Y Kenzo? ¿Cómo te llevas con Kenzo?
00:13:25Le echo mucho, no me hables del perro
00:13:27Pero tú no eres la tutora, ¿no?
00:13:31Ay Kenzo, te da más emoción
00:13:36Kenzo, el perro
00:13:38El perro de Josué
00:13:43Él tenía muy claro que no quería compartir perro y tal
00:13:46Pero claro, al cabo de los años cuando lo dejas con una persona
00:13:48Dices, joder, es que es como mi hijo
00:13:50Y él me pidió de verlo
00:13:52Bello Kenzo, bello
00:13:54Tiene una personalidad brutal
00:13:56Sabes, de los perros
00:14:00Tranquila mijita
00:14:02Es que yo cuando soy perro, tía
00:14:04Es que yo he pasado tan mal con él
00:14:06Que el perro ha vivido muchos más momentos conmigo que
00:14:10Que él, ¿sabes?
00:14:12Pues a buen abrazo
00:14:20¿Qué tal la cena?
00:14:21¿Ya está?
00:14:22Vamos a comer
00:14:24¿Para qué vayamos a comer?
00:14:32Cuando nosotros lo dejamos
00:14:37Yo lo pasé, pero escucha mi perro
00:14:40Entré en depresión
00:14:42No salía en casa, no comía
00:14:44Porque al final, como yo tenía una relación tóxica con ella
00:14:47Yo no tenía miedo a perderla
00:14:48Es más, en una parte a mí la quería perder
00:14:50Pero por todo lo que yo había contado antes
00:14:51Yo no tenía cojones de a lo mejor dejarla
00:14:53Incluso muchas veces la dejaba
00:14:55La dejaba, le decía
00:14:56Venga, le voy a echar cojones y la dejo
00:14:57Hasta aquí, que se fuera de mi casa
00:14:59No se iba de mi casa
00:15:00Porque a ella la mantendría yo, ¿sabes?
00:15:02Pues déjame, hasta que yo me encuentre otra cosa
00:15:04Me quedo de mientras tanto en tu casa
00:15:05Tú por tu lado, tú por el mío
00:15:06Pero eso al final no lleva a ninguna parte
00:15:09Yo el *** que tenía con ella
00:15:10Era brutal, le había mucha atracción
00:15:11Entonces al final, pues de ahí
00:15:13Y volví otra vez a todo
00:15:16A ser lo mismo de siempre
00:15:18Juan me dijo
00:15:19Ella va a intentar ser tu amiga una vez que viva
00:15:21Y yo no creo que ella
00:15:22O sea, no es que me guste tu interés en ser mi amiga
00:15:24Pero sí, claramente
00:15:26Ella no quiere que él esté con nadie
00:15:29Entonces me está intentando convencer
00:15:30De que a él no vale la pena
00:15:32Lo estaba pasando súper mal
00:15:33Porque al final yo me sentía culpable
00:15:34Porque el que la había cagado
00:15:35Y el que le había sido infiel era yo
00:15:37Como persona, pues me sentía una ***
00:15:39Cuando ella me dejó
00:15:40Yo me sentí como súper aliviado
00:15:42Por fin voy a poder estar en paz
00:15:44Voy a poder estar tranquilo
00:15:45Pero igual tú necesitabas esa adrenalina
00:15:47Claro, al final para mí era como una ***
00:15:50Me he pasado
00:15:51Y él me hace sentir ya chingada de menos
00:15:53Me arruiné, estaba la ***
00:15:55Y justamente cuando lo estaba pasando
00:15:57Después de un mes sin saber nada de ella
00:15:59Llegué a mi casa
00:16:00Que quería hablar conmigo
00:16:01Que me echaba de menos
00:16:02Que no sé qué
00:16:03Que para arriba, que para abajo
00:16:04Otra vez vamos
00:16:05Otra vez, nunca
00:16:06Hoy nunca mencionó que tenía novia
00:16:09Independiente de que podía o no pasar algo entre los dos
00:16:11Es un dato importante decir
00:16:12Oye, estoy en una relación
00:16:14Porque según él se habían terminado antes
00:16:17Pero según ella no
00:16:18Siempre ha sido algo superior a mí
00:16:20Sabe dónde darme
00:16:22La hueá de que te está así como picando, picando, picando
00:16:25Te conoce
00:16:27Se ha girado con una cara
00:16:29La ha visto
00:16:30Pero si no para de hablar de mí
00:16:32Que pare ya
00:16:33Sabes que me está buscando todo el rato
00:16:35Ahí, qué sé, la Javi
00:16:36Ahí, qué sé, hablando de mí, de mi ex y mi relación
00:16:38Y no sé qué
00:16:39Para ya
00:16:40Que estás buscando que te diga algo
00:16:44Que yo no estoy diciendo nada
00:16:45Habrá que decir
00:16:47Sí, que me levanto y os jodo la comida a todos
00:16:49Queremos verlo
00:16:50Queremos verlo
00:16:51Por favor
00:16:52Y le pegas a la bandeja
00:16:53Yo te aplaudo
00:16:59No, hombre
00:17:00Ya está
00:17:02¿Qué te pasa?
00:17:03¿Por qué tienes esa cara?
00:17:15No me acordé de situaciones
00:17:16Ella me preguntó exactamente
00:17:19Y me empecé a reír porque ya la conozco
00:17:23Y porque me conoce
00:17:24Pero dije, no me acuerdo
00:17:25De alguien, me acuerdo de situaciones
00:17:26Y nada más
00:17:28Mañana entró una caja frágil
00:17:29De rico
00:17:30You know how I run away, but from her, right?
00:17:34The other time, Julie, I ran away.
00:17:39Come on, man.
00:17:40You're mad at me because of a story about him.
00:17:42So what do I have to do?
00:17:43I've got a lot of money.
00:17:47Don't get mad.
00:17:48Do you know why I'm mad at her?
00:17:49Because she loves you so much, she loves you so much
00:17:51that she can't perceive in her head
00:17:53knowing or seeing that you've been with someone else.
00:17:56She doesn't forgive me for things I did at 12.
00:17:59She's also too toxic.
00:18:01What? I like her.
00:18:02No, I'm not that crazy.
00:18:04Should I kiss you?
00:18:09How am I going to get my face out?
00:18:16What are you doing to me?
00:18:17Forgive me.
00:18:19Forgive me for having told you.
00:18:21I love you.
00:18:27She doesn't take it off.
00:18:31Poor thing, so much pain.
00:18:35So much sadness.
00:18:37I love you.
00:18:38Who are you?
00:18:40Girl, I told you the song you should finish.
00:18:43I'm going to take advantage of the situation
00:18:45with the low defense,
00:18:47the low defense.
00:18:48The low defense.
00:18:49She's toxic.
00:18:51She does things to hurt your feelings.
00:18:53She knows it bothers you to talk to her.
00:18:55I think the best option is for you to come with me
00:18:58and we can leave this place.
00:19:02How does she do it?
00:19:17Mercado Pago.
00:19:20Hi, how are you?
00:19:22Sue or Zoe?
00:19:23Yes, me.
00:19:24Yes? How are you?
00:19:25Very well.
00:19:26All good?
00:19:27Yes, nice to meet you.
00:19:28It's true, from Spain, right?
00:19:29Yes, have you seen it?
00:19:30That's why two kisses.
00:19:31There's one left.
00:19:32Yes, there's one left.
00:19:33I missed one.
00:19:34Let's go.
00:19:35Let's go, guys.
00:19:40Did you miss me?
00:19:47Good evening, friends.
00:19:49Here begins the Honor Game of Mercado Pago.
00:19:54Mercado Pago.
00:19:57Today we'll have a high-impact duel.
00:20:01Who's going to win?
00:20:03What are your names?
00:20:09And you, what are your names?
00:20:10Los Carebíos.
00:20:12Los Carebíos.
00:20:13This is the seventh Honor Game
00:20:16and for the first time this team
00:20:18is no longer the family.
00:20:20That's right.
00:20:21Yes, they are no longer the family
00:20:23to be the...
00:20:26The Carebíos.
00:20:27A round of applause for the Carebíos.
00:20:29Do you have a little step like the Falons?
00:20:35At this moment, in the ranking of Mercado Pago,
00:20:37in number one, Miran.
00:20:41And in number two is Da.
00:20:44Very good.
00:20:45Thank you very much, Da.
00:20:46You're welcome.
00:20:47After Dach, we have Caldirola.
00:20:50In the top three.
00:20:52Here in the bottom of the list,
00:20:54the leader, Fer Figueroa.
00:20:57Fanny Cuevas.
00:20:58Dani Requena.
00:21:00And Zoe, who's coming.
00:21:02I wanted to tell you,
00:21:03we've already created a Mercado Pago account.
00:21:05You have the opportunity to add 250,000 pesos to your account.
00:21:08And the best of all is that you can withdraw this money
00:21:10whenever you want to use it.
00:21:12And as Dach knows,
00:21:14the money grows without...
00:21:15Doing anything!
00:21:17Let's start with the games of Honor of Mercado Pago.
00:21:20We already have the Cachai or not Cachai.
00:21:22And the...
00:21:24And the Carebíos.
00:21:26How are you today?
00:21:27We lost.
00:21:28Hey, I don't see myself motivated.
00:21:29But did something happen?
00:21:30Ask the curly-haired girl in front of you what happened.
00:21:33But you are boyfriends.
00:21:34No, no, no.
00:21:35But is everything okay? Are you friends and everything?
00:21:36Yes, it is.
00:21:37No, not friends.
00:21:38But I think that now we are not, I don't know.
00:21:41Good vibes.
00:21:42From good vibes there has not been a moment.
00:21:44I will try to have good vibes these days.
00:21:46Well, let's hope that the Honor Games of Mercado Pago
00:21:49achieve the miracle.
00:21:51Because here the team is going to join them.
00:21:53Mercado Pago.
00:21:55And with this spirit, we are going to start the first game
00:21:58of the Honor Games of Mercado Pago.
00:22:00What's up, game?
00:22:06And this is the game, El Cazador de Trapos.
00:22:10They are going to make three fouls.
00:22:12What happened, Dach? What happened, Fanny?
00:22:14No, that I tell the four girls,
00:22:16uff, that this team is to be feared,
00:22:18that they are calm.
00:22:19Shut up!
00:22:20The cachayos are united.
00:22:22A round of applause for the cachayos.
00:22:24Very good.
00:22:25Guys, this is El Cazador de Trapos.
00:22:28A member of this team is going to face another member there.
00:22:33The cloth will be in the center.
00:22:35I'm going to be on the team over there.
00:22:36Okay, so I have to run.
00:22:40Turn around behind the chair.
00:22:42There is very little space.
00:22:43That's why, that's the fun.
00:22:45And pick up the stick.
00:22:47Then try to score the goal with the cloth in the opposite arch.
00:22:52The one who scores the goal wins the point of the versus.
00:22:56Let's start the shot with the first round.
00:22:58Who's going?
00:22:59Falon, very good.
00:23:01Let's start.
00:23:02Three, two, one, go!
00:23:05The first round has begun.
00:23:07Be careful, they slip.
00:23:08Javi in the first one.
00:23:10Yes, it was good.
00:23:12That was yours.
00:23:14That's yours.
00:23:15Wait, wait, wait.
00:23:18No, that's my goal.
00:23:20What do you mean? That was the shot.
00:23:22That's my goal.
00:23:23This is the one you have to score.
00:23:25Not here.
00:23:28It's like this.
00:23:29Pick up the stick.
00:23:30He didn't get it.
00:23:32He didn't get it.
00:23:36Meca do Pao.
00:23:39Here they are, honoring their name, the Caribbean.
00:23:43Very good.
00:23:47Let's go for the second round of the night.
00:23:50Who's coming?
00:23:54Very good, Yenko versus Ray.
00:23:56Are you going?
00:23:57Yenko, turn around.
00:23:58Pick up the stick and score the goal there.
00:24:02Let's start in three, two, one, go!
00:24:06This competition has begun for the Paño hunter.
00:24:09Sir, that's right.
00:24:11Very good.
00:24:12What will happen?
00:24:14This is the same as the game.
00:24:16We are in Canada, gentlemen.
00:24:18Yenko, the strip, yours, mine, for you, for me.
00:24:21The young gunman, Raymundo.
00:24:23And goal!
00:24:25Impressive, Raymundo's world.
00:24:33He stepped on it.
00:24:34He stepped on it.
00:24:35He stepped on it and kicked it.
00:24:36The bull is a cheater.
00:24:39Score for the Caribbean!
00:24:43Let the game begin!
00:24:45No, it's okay.
00:24:46I thought it was like you, turn the chair,
00:24:49go back to your stick and put it in the opposite one.
00:24:52Let the game begin!
00:24:54This is Nails in Action.
00:24:57Everyone participates.
00:24:58Everyone participates.
00:24:59The best of three will be the winner.
00:25:01First of all, with the protections,
00:25:03safety, first of all, thanks to Mercado Pago
00:25:06for worrying about all of us,
00:25:07from where I am.
00:25:08I run, I grab the hammer.
00:25:12Only one.
00:25:14Only one.
00:25:15I leave it.
00:25:16I run.
00:25:17The hand.
00:25:18I go down.
00:25:19The other one comes out.
00:25:21It's the first team to nail the whole nail in the trunk.
00:25:24Let's start with the first round only for women.
00:25:30We start in 3, 2, 1.
00:25:33Let's go!
00:25:34Exclusive duel for women.
00:25:37That's it, very good.
00:25:39Take your time.
00:25:45At this moment, Zoe for the first time in the game.
00:25:48At this moment!
00:25:52Very good!
00:25:54How does she do it?
00:25:55Very good!
00:25:57Falon is focused in her second attempt.
00:26:01Falon failed!
00:26:02Gala again.
00:26:04Apparently, the team of Los Cachay or No Cachay
00:26:07is winning at this moment.
00:26:12Very good!
00:26:13Nathalie can do it!
00:26:14A little more!
00:26:17Let's go, let's go!
00:26:21Final blow!
00:26:25A little more strength.
00:26:29She has to get used to it.
00:26:31There it is!
00:26:33The live faces!
00:26:37Let's reset the game.
00:26:40Second round of the night at Nails in Action.
00:26:44Men's duel.
00:26:46Nails in Action in 3, 2, 1.
00:26:49Let's go!
00:26:50Very good!
00:26:51Jinko comes out and almost falls.
00:26:54At this moment, Gouvier makes a mistake
00:26:56and has already begun to bend the nail.
00:27:00Let's see how she did it.
00:27:03She nailed it!
00:27:04She even got sparks!
00:27:09Straighten up, straighten up.
00:27:10Very good!
00:27:11She wants to hammer it again.
00:27:15What is that?
00:27:16She has been very busy at this moment.
00:27:18Very concentrated.
00:27:21Catchay or no catchay!
00:27:25Point for the Catchay or no Catchay!
00:27:31She hammered it ten times.
00:27:32But how are they so bad?
00:27:34Why did I tell them slow?
00:27:37They want to go!
00:27:39Let's go with the third round of the night.
00:27:42Nails in Action.
00:27:43This time, each team will be made up of two men and three women.
00:27:50Are we ready?
00:27:51We start in 3, 2, 1.
00:27:53Let's go!
00:27:55Slow but sure.
00:28:12He is going to miss!
00:28:13And again!
00:28:18Very good!
00:28:19Very good, Dani!
00:28:24It doesn't go in!
00:28:25It's in the nail.
00:28:28They are the same nails.
00:28:29But they are bent.
00:28:31Point for the Catchay or no Catchay!
00:28:36Next up is a game called Pata Boom!
00:28:40One point for Los Cacheros Cachay!
00:28:43And one point for Los Carevisos!
00:28:47I'm going to explain what this game is about.
00:28:50We're going to do three duels.
00:28:52A member of each team is going to come.
00:28:54They have to take off their shoes,
00:28:56and they'll put on their inflatable shoes.
00:29:00Then they'll put on the helmet that has a balloon.
00:29:04They're going to walk up to here,
00:29:06sign up, and start.
00:29:08And the balloon starts to inflate.
00:29:10The one who blows up the balloon
00:29:12will be the winner of the duel.
00:29:14Please bring in the first members.
00:29:18Let's start the first round of Pata Boom!
00:29:20Let's start with this duel.
00:29:22In three, two, one, go!
00:29:25The first round of Pata Boom has started.
00:29:28Palo Larraguer vs. Gobernal.
00:29:32Gobernal is about to start.
00:29:54At this moment, the balloon is about to explode.
00:29:57Impressive! How does he do it?
00:30:03The balloon is about to explode.
00:30:08The first round is over.
00:30:11Hey, you hit me.
00:30:15What happened?
00:30:16I bounced.
00:30:17Obviously, you hit me.
00:30:18Unintentionally, sorry.
00:30:20But you couldn't do that.
00:30:22I bounced, sorry.
00:30:23No, you hit me.
00:30:27I didn't hit you hard.
00:30:29You hit me like this.
00:30:30You hit me in the head.
00:30:33Unintentionally, unintentionally.
00:30:35We were playing.
00:30:37I understand.
00:30:38But you have to be careful.
00:30:40Because you're not playing only with men.
00:30:42If it happens to you, it will also bother you.
00:30:44All he's saying is that he uses the same force
00:30:46with men and women to test you.
00:30:48Be careful, simply.
00:30:50It's okay.
00:30:51I'll jump the other one, come on.
00:30:52I'm defending you, so shut up.
00:30:54Okay? I'm saying...
00:30:55You're the one who has to do everything.
00:30:56I'm defending you, shut up!
00:30:58Easy, easy.
00:30:59You don't even thank me.
00:31:00I'm saying that you did it unintentionally.
00:31:02Shut up.
00:31:03Yes, it was a heavy blow, my God.
00:31:06I understand your discomfort, Fallon.
00:31:08I also understand that it wasn't with a double intention, of course.
00:31:11I'm not saying that.
00:31:13But you have to be careful.
00:31:15Because if he had already burst his balloon,
00:31:17why would he burst the balloon of the other one?
00:31:19Remind everyone that there are men and women in the teams
00:31:24so that there is more precaution than anything else.
00:31:27I understand, Jo, that you didn't have any bad intentions and everything.
00:31:30And more because this is a game and fun environment.
00:31:34Let's continue with the second round of the night.
00:31:37Who's coming?
00:31:40Versus Dutch.
00:31:41Okay, at this moment, if you want, you can take off your shoes.
00:31:44And let's start with the duel.
00:31:48We start in 3, 2, 1.
00:31:50Come on!
00:31:51We start with the second round of El Patabum.
00:31:53The first round was won by Jo Bernal of the team.
00:31:56The Caribbean team won.
00:32:05They are like little rabbits.
00:32:07Natu, although he took a long time to start,
00:32:10he is already scoring.
00:32:12Apparently, he is about to reach Dutch.
00:32:15Very good, Natu!
00:32:19Natu Urtugui, supported by Zoe.
00:32:22At this moment...
00:32:25The point of this night is for the Caribbean team.
00:32:31Now comes the most anticipated moment on Chilean television.
00:32:35Let the cell of knowledge pass.
00:32:39Correct answer adds a point.
00:32:41Incorrect answer is the shame for you.
00:32:43I have answered, but not well.
00:32:45But no correct answer.
00:32:46No, no correct answer.
00:32:47I know you know this one, Dutch González.
00:32:49This question is for you.
00:32:50Dutch, what year did the man of the moon arrive?
00:32:54Blow me.
00:32:555, 4, 3, 2, 1.
00:33:02To the cell of wisdom.
00:33:11Which is the lightest metal, Fabio?
00:33:15The lightest metal?
00:33:17Of course.
00:33:21There it is.
00:33:25I was closer.
00:33:26Flores, which artist painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
00:33:31I don't know.
00:33:32Michelangelo, right?
00:33:35Hey, he said it.
00:33:36What do we do?
00:33:37Because we say it in Spanish.
00:33:38It's Michelangelo.
00:33:39He did it well.
00:33:49Which organ of the body consumes more energy?
00:33:54The stomach.
00:33:55And it's incorrect.
00:33:56What is it?
00:33:57The brain.
00:33:58You have to go with your partner, Fabio.
00:34:00Agostini, he will teach you.
00:34:02Very good, here comes Javi.
00:34:04Which is the country with the most pyramids in the world?
00:34:16You didn't know, right?
00:34:18But now you learned.
00:34:19Julie, it's good to see you after so long.
00:34:21All for my group.
00:34:22All for your group.
00:34:28Julie, you are a woman who travels the world.
00:34:32In which country is Mount Everest located?
00:34:37And it's correct!
00:34:42Reina de Chile!
00:34:43Come on, Reina!
00:34:47Reina de Chile.
00:34:49Which is the most famous painting of Vincent van Gogh?
00:34:52Mona Lisa.
00:34:55Go inside.
00:34:57This is from Da Vinci.
00:34:59And which one was it?
00:35:00The Starry Night.
00:35:01The Starry Night.
00:35:02I'm very ignorant.
00:35:05Fer, Figueroa, this is your moment.
00:35:07What does the acronym ADN mean?
00:35:11DNA, blood.
00:35:12But what does the acronym mean?
00:35:14I don't know.
00:35:15I'm going to make up things.
00:35:17I don't know.
00:35:18Which one?
00:35:21Acid of that ribonucleic acid.
00:35:23What was the root?
00:35:24Acid of sex.
00:35:27Bull, it's your turn.
00:35:28Which country is known as the land of the rising sun?
00:35:35Even the audience said, it's easy.
00:35:37And the country of the rising sun is...
00:35:45It was Japan.
00:35:48Very good, Fallon.
00:35:49Which instrument was used to measure time before mechanical clocks existed?
00:35:55Before what?
00:35:56What could it be?
00:35:57It's easy.
00:35:59But wait.
00:36:00I didn't say anything.
00:36:01But it was a clock, right?
00:36:04And what could it be?
00:36:06Come on, girl.
00:36:07And how do you ask questions about time?
00:36:12Sand clock.
00:36:13Sand clock.
00:36:14Sand clock.
00:36:15Sand clock?
00:36:17And it's incorrect!
00:36:18It was the sun clock.
00:36:20I knew it!
00:36:26Next one, very good.
00:36:27You just got the most difficult question.
00:36:29I prefer the most difficult one in the whole planet.
00:36:31That's my dog.
00:36:32Because if I get it wrong, nothing happens.
00:36:33Very good.
00:36:34Which is the capital of South Korea?
00:36:37No way.
00:36:38No idea.
00:36:39Or of South Korea?
00:36:40Yes, I know the answer.
00:36:44Throw one.
00:36:45I don't know any city.
00:36:48Very good.
00:36:49Now, Yenko.
00:36:51Come on, Yenko.
00:36:53This question is for you.
00:36:56Which animal can hold its breath for more than six hours under water?
00:37:03No, it's not in this reality show.
00:37:05There are two.
00:37:08Choose one.
00:37:10It's incorrect.
00:37:12Or hippopotamus.
00:37:13It was one of the two.
00:37:14Neither of the two.
00:37:18Thank you very much, Yenko.
00:37:19You have to repeat two.
00:37:21Which is the only continent that doesn't have a desert?
00:37:24No way.
00:37:28Does anyone know?
00:37:34It's all ice.
00:37:35It's all ice.
00:37:37The only continent that doesn't have a desert is where you come from, Europe.
00:37:42What do you mean we don't have a desert?
00:37:44Of course we do.
00:37:45The only continent that doesn't have a desert is Europe, so you didn't get your point.
00:37:50Thank you very much, Jo.
00:37:51Let's go, Dani.
00:37:53This question is for you.
00:37:55Which human organ can regenerate by itself?
00:38:02It's easy.
00:38:03The tongue?
00:38:04It's not the tongue.
00:38:05It's the liver.
00:38:06It's the liver.
00:38:07Let's see.
00:38:08Very good.
00:38:09Next question for Gala Caldirola.
00:38:10What is the color that bulls can't see?
00:38:11Without asking anyone here.
00:38:12Without asking anyone here.
00:38:13Shut up.
00:38:14Shut up.
00:38:15What colors can't you see?
00:38:16I think...
00:38:17I think...
00:38:18No, no, no.
00:38:19...that they can't see.
00:38:34What colors can't you see?
00:38:37Let's see.
00:38:38You blew it up here.
00:38:39That's right!
00:38:40Gala, take a step.
00:38:41Gala, take a step.
00:38:42Gala, take a step.
00:38:43Let's go, Yero.
00:38:44Come on, Yero, come on.
00:38:45It's not the wings.
00:38:47It's not the wings, Yero.
00:38:50It's not the wings, Yero.
00:38:51It's not the wings, Yero.
00:38:52It's not the wings, Yero.
00:38:53It's not the wings, Yero.
00:38:55Let me see if I guessed them right.
00:38:56A turtle.
00:38:58This question is for you.
00:38:59Which is the bird that can fly backwards?
00:39:02You can fly backwards.
00:39:06You can fly backwards.
00:39:08It's Cañuley.
00:39:10No, no, no.
00:39:12I don't know.
00:39:145, 4, 3, 2, 1.
00:39:16A canary.
00:39:18There's the canary.
00:39:20It's here.
00:39:22No, it's the hummingbird.
00:39:24A hummingbird.
00:39:28Do you repeat?
00:39:304, 0.
00:39:32This question is for you.
00:39:34What metal
00:39:36is known as the devil's metal
00:39:38due to its
00:39:42Come on, Lore.
00:39:44I don't know.
00:39:46I don't know, Mati.
00:39:48Tell me a metal.
00:39:50I don't know. Lithium.
00:39:56Mercury, right.
00:39:58Thank you very much, Lore.
00:40:00Fanny Cuevas is coming.
00:40:04Give me an easy one.
00:40:06This is easy.
00:40:08What language is written
00:40:10from right to left?
00:40:12Yes, please.
00:40:14I'll strangle you.
00:40:18Spanish is written from left to right.
00:40:20From right to left is written...
00:40:24Thank you very much, Fanny.
00:40:26Lore, repeat the question.
00:40:28In which ocean
00:40:30is the
00:40:32Great Coral Barrier?
00:40:36Atlantic? And it's
00:40:40It's the Pacific Ocean.
00:40:42Very good, Andrés Cañulejo.
00:40:44Last question for you.
00:40:46Andrés Cañulejo.
00:40:48It's a pleasure for me that you're here
00:40:50to answer the next question.
00:40:52Which is the
00:40:54driest place on the planet?
00:40:58The Atacama Desert.
00:41:00And it's correct.
00:41:02The one with the honor.
00:41:04We have
00:41:06Los Cachay O No Cachay
00:41:08with 3 points.
00:41:10And Los Carevivos
00:41:12have 4 points.
00:41:14They won the auction.
00:41:16The horse.
00:41:18The horse.
00:41:20The horse.
00:41:22The horse.
00:41:24Attention, friends.
00:41:26It's time for the
00:41:28Great Coral Barrier.
00:41:30What's in the
00:41:32Great Coral Barrier?
00:41:34Let's count.
00:41:42The Great Coral Barrier.
00:41:44The Great Coral Barrier.
00:41:46The Great Coral Barrier.
00:41:48The Great Coral Barrier.
00:41:50The Great Coral Barrier.
00:41:52The Great Coral Barrier.
00:41:54The Great Coral Barrier.
00:42:04The greatest
00:42:06coral river in all of Los
00:42:13of increasing your funds by 500,000 pesos.
00:42:16Four couples, right?
00:42:18There's a card that's free,
00:42:20and I'm going to play that one.
00:42:21No way.
00:42:23And if I win, I win.
00:42:24She'll give it to me.
00:42:26But if that's how it is, it's luck.
00:42:28No, why?
00:42:29If I win?
00:42:30We're going to start by choosing
00:42:31for our friend Javi.
00:42:32Please put your hand on top.
00:42:35That wasn't it.
00:42:36And choose our friend Lore.
00:42:42What do you say, Pico?
00:42:43Whatever you want, if not, it doesn't matter.
00:42:46Very good.
00:42:47Which one?
00:42:48You have two options.
00:42:51Okay, I'll keep this card.
00:42:56We're going to spin it in three, two, one.
00:43:01We won!
00:43:03We won!
00:43:04We won!
00:43:04We won!
00:43:05Illegal wine!
00:43:06We won!
00:43:07We just won 500,000 pesos of market share!
00:43:13Market share!
00:43:14Market share!
00:43:18At this moment, Dach is taking off and reaches the top!
00:43:26Lore Galvez, Dach Gonzalez are the winners
00:43:30of the game of the market share!
00:43:33Here, in Palabra de Honor, we say goodbye, friends.
00:43:37Good night, we'll see you next time.
00:43:39Bye, bye, bye!
00:43:41I have a memento, deposit it in my account.
00:43:47Good, good, good, good, good.
00:43:49How much did you win?
00:43:50I'm happy.
00:43:54Who's going to invite you?
00:43:55Whatever you want, Poyeti!
00:43:57Today, Dach pays!
00:43:58Today, I pay!
00:44:00I'm wet from the shirt.
00:44:06Did you get your feet wet, Javier?
00:44:07Yes, I have them a little wet from the back,
00:44:09but I don't care.
00:44:11You don't have more?
00:44:13Yes, but I just finished putting it on.
00:44:20It doesn't burn, does it?
00:44:26What's going on?
00:44:29What's going on?
00:44:32Javier, what...
00:44:34He's taking off his pin, he's wiping his shirt.
00:44:36How attentive!
00:44:38How attentive, Javier.
00:44:39I don't know, I was there and he told me...
00:44:41He didn't tell me, I was in a hurry, really.
00:44:52She's a good girl, she's a good girl.
00:44:54And she comes with everything.
00:44:55She has to spend a couple of days,
00:44:56and her energy will go down, logically.
00:44:58She's going to go to the ground in a minute,
00:45:00and who's going to pick her up?
00:45:01And she's going to realize that,
00:45:02in reality, she's the woman she loves
00:45:04more than anyone else in the world.
00:45:05The ship is going to start.
00:45:06Because you know that nothing happened to her.
00:45:08He doesn't know anything.
00:45:08Touch, up.
00:45:09But why is he thinking about her?
00:45:11She told me that she didn't want to rush,
00:45:13because she didn't have things clear.
00:45:14Now, Gala is touched and sunk.
00:45:16No, Gala is out of place.
00:45:18The little she had here...
00:45:19Gala doesn't know what to do,
00:45:21where to get in, where to get out.
00:45:22Don't worry, if Lorena is the most forced thing,
00:45:25Rai will catch up with her.
00:45:26But yes, Rai is hooked on her, on Gala.
00:45:29On all of them, dammit.
00:45:30No, on Gala.
00:45:35The Gala.
00:45:37And come here, because we have to talk to you.
00:45:38Today, in Esteley, our star guest, Gala Caldirola.
00:45:42I've seen you very down, because of his arrival.
00:45:44No, but I feel that maybe you've misplaced yourself a bit.
00:45:48But you had the hope...
00:45:49It's been a week that...
00:45:50But you still had the hope that maybe...
00:45:52No, I'm in shock, because there were so many possibilities.
00:45:57With all the thousands of people in the world,
00:45:59where do I put my eye?
00:46:01I'm a bit confused, man.
00:46:02I'm going to be a whore, but like this, but...
00:46:05I mean...
00:46:06Is he the guy you like, the one you've been with for a month?
00:46:08No, man, don't fuck with me.
00:46:09She's his ex.
00:46:10I have to see her.
00:46:11But, all of a sudden, this morning, you...
00:46:13Does it hurt to see him like this?
00:46:14No, man.
00:46:15It's the other way around.
00:46:16It takes me a lot away.
00:46:17And it takes me a lot away, because I'm going to get into a story like this, you know?
00:46:20If this had happened a week earlier, I would have felt like shit, I think.
00:46:24Imagine that he arrives, and we're all there,
00:46:25cramped in bed.
00:46:26Running, playing in bed.
00:46:28I would have felt very uncomfortable.
00:46:30Man, and for some reason, it didn't flow.
00:46:32A person who, supposedly, suffered too much for someone,
00:46:35and who hurt you so much,
00:46:37you don't come and get into a place where you know...
00:46:40But you do it for money and fame.
00:46:42Yes, but then, it's not like he hurt you so much,
00:46:45and you want to forget him.
00:46:46There's something weird.
00:46:47I bet you whatever you want,
00:46:48that you get out of here together.
00:46:50I hear traces in him,
00:46:52that coincide with bullshits she's told me.
00:46:54And the weirdest thing is,
00:46:55I don't think she told me anything.
00:46:56I don't think she told me anything.
00:46:57I don't think she told me anything.
00:46:58I don't think she told me anything.
00:46:59I don't think she told me anything.
00:47:00I don't think she told me anything.
00:47:01I don't think she told me she had a partner.
00:47:03You were totally loyal.
00:47:04The only point is,
00:47:05he should have told me he had a partner.
00:47:07Have you told him?
00:47:08I'm going to tell him at some point.
00:47:09Man, that would be good, right?
00:47:11Get some doubts.
00:47:12Why didn't you tell me?
00:47:15What's wrong?
00:47:16Alvin, I'm sorry.
00:47:19I didn't mean to hurt you.
00:47:20Oh, Cosi.
00:47:22I know.
00:47:23I know it wasn't on purpose.
00:47:28The thing is,
00:47:29all of a sudden,
00:47:31I was at a party
00:47:33and he told me not to worry,
00:47:35that he was going to pick me up,
00:47:36that I shouldn't worry.
00:47:38At 8 in the morning,
00:47:39I hung up the phone.
00:47:40At 10, I got on the plane.
00:47:41I landed at 1 in Malaga.
00:47:43He had to pick me up.
00:47:44He never picked me up.
00:47:46He took a taxi.
00:47:47I went home.
00:47:48My dog was alone.
00:47:49He hadn't come out since the day before.
00:47:51How long does it take
00:47:53to get to a house,
00:47:54put a leash on a lonely dog
00:47:56and pee?
00:47:57In those five minutes,
00:47:58I went through the door.
00:47:59If I leave my house,
00:48:01I'm going to walk over there.
00:48:03My dog went over there.
00:48:05I saw him coming like that
00:48:07with a girl.
00:48:08With his hand?
00:48:09No, the girl was behind him
00:48:10with a leash on.
00:48:12They were coming from a party
00:48:13the next day.
00:48:14So, he was going to pee?
00:48:15Of course.
00:48:16So, I said,
00:48:17where are you going?
00:48:19He looked up and ran away.
00:48:21I met the girl
00:48:22and I said,
00:48:23look, I know you don't owe me anything.
00:48:24All I want to know
00:48:25is what happened.
00:48:26She told me
00:48:27that they had left a village
00:48:28in a taxi.
00:48:29So, I told her
00:48:30that I wanted to share the taxi
00:48:31and they got into a fight.
00:48:32They didn't have any relationship
00:48:33in the taxi,
00:48:34but she told me
00:48:35they kissed.
00:48:36They kissed
00:48:37and they puked.
00:48:38I thanked her
00:48:39and she got in the taxi
00:48:40and went up to my house
00:48:41and I didn't find her.
00:48:43The gang exploded?
00:48:44No, because he
00:48:45was drunk.
00:48:46He was very hurt
00:48:48and I told him
00:48:49either call your mother
00:48:50or I'll call her
00:48:51to tell her everything
00:48:52that happened
00:48:53and to tell her
00:48:54that this is not going to go forward.
00:48:55I gave her a hug
00:48:56and I said,
00:48:57I deserve you,
00:48:58I love you.
00:48:59And I left him.
00:49:00But he was so weak
00:49:01that he stayed at home.
00:49:02He was so sorry
00:49:03that he needed his love
00:49:04and I came back with him.
00:49:05And he went back to sleep
00:49:06with your ex.
00:49:07He didn't like it.
00:49:08And he went back to sleep
00:49:09with your ex.
00:49:10Do you know
00:49:11what happens
00:49:12to girls
00:49:13who sleep with Fabio?
00:49:14Maybe he's going
00:49:15to ask for a hand.
00:49:17in fact,
00:49:18I told him.
00:49:19I told him,
00:49:20I'm very dangerous
00:49:21at night.
00:49:22I'm very dangerous
00:49:23at night.
00:49:24I told him,
00:49:25I'm a Freddy Krueger
00:49:26at night,
00:49:27so he's going
00:49:28to be dangerous
00:49:29at night.
00:49:30I'm very dangerous
00:49:31at night.
00:49:32He's going to be careful.
00:49:33I'm more dangerous.
00:49:34One thing,
00:49:35you have good friends
00:49:36in the other group.
00:49:37Are you in that shit?
00:49:38Yes, man.
00:49:39The girl
00:49:40is not going to be alone
00:49:41around here,
00:49:42she will have to socialize
00:49:43and go up with someone.
00:49:44We are taking off
00:49:45the mask
00:49:46a little bit
00:49:47with this version.
00:49:48I think that knowing that,
00:49:49it is much more understood
00:49:50that he gets angry
00:49:51when he says
00:49:52certain things to me
00:49:53and that's it.
00:49:55But I don't like
00:49:56to see him like that either.
00:49:57I've given him
00:49:58everything about me
00:49:59and I've used it
00:50:00at his whim
00:50:01as much as I wanted to.
00:50:02I'm so afraid
00:50:03to give him this,
00:50:04that I don't want
00:50:05anything at all.
00:50:06Well, stay strong then.
00:50:07And you've heard
00:50:08a couple of things
00:50:09that have happened around here.
00:50:11I haven't seen him
00:50:12like that either.
00:50:14No, at home.
00:50:15At home,
00:50:16but in size,
00:50:17but nothing.
00:50:18I haven't seen him
00:50:19really fucking someone.
00:50:20He's a projectile.
00:50:21He throws
00:50:22everything that moves.
00:50:24I don't know if he's
00:50:25fucking her again
00:50:26in the same way
00:50:27with Gala
00:50:28and the whole movie.
00:50:29No, with Gala
00:50:30it just hasn't come up
00:50:31in both parts.
00:50:32The only time
00:50:33he's broken
00:50:34and been fragile here
00:50:35was when it was about her.
00:50:36Do you want to hug him?
00:50:37No, because I know
00:50:38it would break.
00:50:39Do it.
00:50:40Oh, my God.
00:50:41Oh, my God.
00:50:42I can't wait
00:50:43to see you.
00:50:44A hug is nice.
00:50:45But these things
00:50:46happen when
00:50:47you're born.
00:50:48Yes, with blood.
00:50:49And when I think
00:50:50I really have to give it to him.
00:50:51You end up doing it.
00:50:54While we were
00:50:55in the game,
00:50:56she had defended you
00:50:57and everything,
00:50:58but then she also
00:50:59threw her shit.
00:51:00No, but why
00:51:01was she defending me?
00:51:02She uses the same force
00:51:03with men and women.
00:51:04That's what she said.
00:51:05I'm defending you.
00:51:06That's what she said.
00:51:07I use the same force
00:51:08with men and women.
00:51:09That's not defending.
00:51:10That's not defending.
00:51:11That's not defending.
00:51:12That's what she said.
00:51:13They turned too much.
00:51:14And they turn.
00:51:15I saw it.
00:51:16I saw it when
00:51:17Josue did this to her
00:51:18and it was unintentionally
00:51:19because he moved
00:51:20and the hat
00:51:21went down.
00:51:22But it wasn't like
00:51:24It was like this.
00:51:25Anibay says
00:51:26and in the group competition
00:51:27she took Javiera
00:51:28out of one hand
00:51:29and threw her away.
00:51:30She also said that.
00:51:31Listen to what she says, brother.
00:51:32A competition.
00:51:33And she throws you there.
00:51:34I wanted to tell you
00:51:35I'm sorry.
00:51:36Don't worry.
00:51:37We understand.
00:51:38We understand.
00:51:39Let's hug.
00:51:40Let's hug.
00:51:41Now we have
00:51:42new members of the group.
00:51:52She rigged it.
00:51:53She wants me to get out
00:51:54of the lead role.
00:51:59Seriously, that.
00:52:00I felt really uncomfortable
00:52:01because of the situation
00:52:02I was telling you about.
00:52:03No, because the others
00:52:04don't look at her.
00:52:05They don't think of her.
00:52:06They ignore her.
00:52:07As if they're trying to
00:52:08intimidate me.
00:52:09Welcome to our world.
00:52:10You haven't given us
00:52:11any attention all day.
00:52:12It's like,
00:52:13yeah, just the Fanny left.
00:52:14I fix it with the Fanny
00:52:15but we don't
00:52:16nag about her.
00:52:17It's like this.
00:52:18I haven't done anything
00:52:19to them.
00:52:20I've only
00:52:21I only sat with Andrés and from there, I don't know if they made me the cross,
00:52:26they didn't want to talk to me, they didn't want to talk about the subject,
00:52:28because they didn't ask me about the vote,
00:52:30and I didn't help the girls' group to tell them anything about you,
00:52:33or that you said something, and I don't know what.
00:52:35And I also talked about you, you'll see it in the videos.
00:52:37That's what I talked about.
00:52:38Yes, we talk bad about her, she's part of the WB.
00:52:42It still hurt me, it hurts me, because I, as I am with you,
00:52:46I went with her, got it?
00:52:47Why didn't they say, well, if you joined the Falon,
00:52:51we also want to share, we all share.
00:52:54Because they do it like on the side, you know?
00:52:56And I feel uncomfortable with that.
00:52:58I was trying to explain that to you, because it hurts a lot.
00:53:00It hurts because one tries to be transparent, you know?
00:53:04I hadn't given myself the opportunity to meet them,
00:53:08because they grabbed me, there was a group,
00:53:10well, there was Félix, who was the one I talked to the most, you know?
00:53:14They tried to recruit you, and if you don't work for them anymore, boom.
00:53:17The family.
00:53:18But with me, nothing, I'm fine with everything, but...
00:53:21No, and not only, I mean, it's the same for me that they talk to me,
00:53:24that they don't talk to me, but why do the other thing?
00:53:27Oh, you're so cute, now, you don't...
00:53:30Oh, Falon, I don't know what...
00:53:32And Juan, two days ago, you were talking to me,
00:53:35supposedly being friends, and I, Juan, I was like,
00:53:39what's going on, Juan?
00:53:41Now that that thing happened with Ray,
00:53:42that I also left the shit yesterday,
00:53:45more, you know?
00:53:46More affection for him, and almost that he's his best friend.
00:53:50You know why I'm a little far from Fanny?
00:53:52Because I didn't like the way she treated you.
00:53:55And she comes face to face and lets me go,
00:53:58out of nowhere.
00:53:59It's not that they don't...
00:54:00They love it, man, that's what they love.
00:54:02If you tell me that they haven't flirted with her,
00:54:03or they haven't fucked her, or they haven't heated up the soup,
00:54:05I would understand the speech perfectly,
00:54:07tell you, Lore, you know what?
00:54:08Look, Ray is heating up the soup for me,
00:54:10he's flirting with me,
00:54:11and, look, I'm telling you, as a woman to a woman,
00:54:14but if the eggs do exactly the same as Ray,
00:54:17then I don't understand the excuse.
00:54:19If you want to respect Lore, don't go into the egg.
00:54:21That's crazy!
00:54:22In fact, for me, it was out of tune,
00:54:24I said, no, you have to smoke this girl in here.
00:54:27It was out of tune, I told him.
00:54:29Fanny's friend, and I said, where did he come from?
00:54:37You went to the side, didn't you?
00:54:44Life teaches us every day,
00:54:46and this is a lesson.
00:54:48And here we are for anything.
00:54:50Cry, cry, cry.
00:54:51When we received her,
00:54:53I saw her crying.
00:54:54Don't worry, Fanny,
00:54:56you're going to be able to count on us forever.
00:54:59You're going to have a group that's going to support you,
00:55:02that's going to talk to you,
00:55:03that's going to contain you.
00:55:05I'm sick.
00:55:06I'm hot, are you okay?
00:55:07I can't take it anymore.
00:55:10The group will never be twenty-one,
00:55:13the group together will never be twenty-one.
00:55:15The group together will never be twenty-one.
00:55:17Because this is a real group.
00:55:19Fanny said the hardest things they've said to her.
00:55:21It's worse.
00:55:22It's like nothing.
00:55:23One is consequent,
00:55:24and if you said horrible things to a person,
00:55:26you don't go and you become an intimate friend out of nowhere,
00:55:29because yes, you can have peace and be good,
00:55:33but you don't magically become intimate.
00:55:38Dani, I don't want you to tell me that you were crying,
00:55:41please, I'm asking you, okay?
00:55:42No, no, no.
00:55:46It can't get any worse with the hammer.
00:55:49It can't get any worse with the hammer.
00:55:51Hey, when Janko was there with the hammer…
00:55:53It can't get any worse.
00:55:55Well, then he goes again.
00:55:56What a disgrace.
00:55:59I try to get up,
00:56:01to give him something good,
00:56:02and he struggles week after week to ruin it,
00:56:05day after day.
00:56:11I shouldn't give my opinion,
00:56:12but I'm telling you because,
00:56:13obviously, you know,
00:56:15I've grown fond of you,
00:56:17and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable about it,
00:56:20because I don't know if it's true or not what you've told me.
00:56:22I've always had a question.
00:56:25Why do you always come back to me,
00:56:28one way or another?
00:56:29Why have you always wanted to come back to me?
00:56:32If I'm so bad,
00:56:34how do you sell yourself to everyone?
00:56:36You know I'm not bad.
00:56:38I have no idea.
00:56:40Have you said it yourself?
00:56:42That you have a toxic relationship?
00:56:44Oh, look at that.
00:56:46With the hammer.
00:56:48It's more fake.
00:56:49Oh, I do this with Gala.
00:56:51She's there with Gala.
00:56:54Oh no, I'm interrupting their date.
00:56:56What seems unfair to me,
00:56:57being a bit egoistic,
00:56:58is to be involved in this whole story
00:57:00without eating it or drinking it,
00:57:02because I thought you didn't have a partner.
00:57:04Well, I'm a respectful girl,
00:57:06I don't get involved in that kind of situation,
00:57:09but what she told me
00:57:11is that when you came here,
00:57:13she was at home.
00:57:14She wasn't at my house,
00:57:16we weren't a couple.
00:57:17What she told me was that
00:57:19I couldn't go anywhere,
00:57:21that if I came here,
00:57:23I'd forget about her,
00:57:25that our relationship was over.
00:57:27I thought I'd have the support
00:57:29of the person who loves me,
00:57:31but that wasn't the case.
00:57:33But why do you think she has those toxic behaviors?
00:57:35Because it's like that.
00:57:37Maybe you've been bad to her.
00:57:39Yes, obviously I've been bad to her,
00:57:41my actions aren't justified,
00:57:43but in the end,
00:57:45I've been a bastard,
00:57:47because a part of me
00:57:49wanted to lose her
00:57:51and I didn't have...
00:57:53You didn't have balls to end the relationship.
00:57:55Yes, there were a lot of times
00:57:57when I told her,
00:57:59I can't take it anymore,
00:58:01I don't live the same,
00:58:03I'm bitter, I'm off,
00:58:06and in the end,
00:58:08you go back to the same shit as always.
00:58:10I wasn't afraid of losing her,
00:58:12and moreover,
00:58:14I tried to leave her
00:58:16and she didn't come to my house,
00:58:18and sometimes I said,
00:58:20I'm not going to do anything,
00:58:22because if she catches me and leaves me,
00:58:24it's better.
00:58:26A part of me wanted her to catch me
00:58:28and leave me.
00:58:30I was going to interrupt a situation
00:58:32that shouldn't have been interrupted.
00:58:35I haven't said anything bad about your friend.
00:58:37Don't freak out with me.
00:58:39No one has spoken badly about the situation.
00:58:41I haven't said it in that sense.
00:58:43We were doing so well.
00:58:45I had a busy day,
00:58:47so that now you come to tell me this.
00:58:51I like it when people complain.
00:58:53There were times when I found the courage
00:58:55to leave her,
00:58:57and other times I haven't found it,
00:58:59because my love for her was very toxic.
00:59:01I knew she was hurting me,
00:59:03but I didn't need it,
00:59:05because I was hooked.
00:59:07Were you or are you?
00:59:09No, I'm not.
00:59:11She has a part of her that I love,
00:59:13which is what made me fall in love with her.
00:59:15We are connected to perfection,
00:59:17but then she has a part
00:59:19that I hate, that I detest,
00:59:21that takes the worst out of me.
00:59:23It's like hell.
00:59:25In the end,
00:59:27she has her version,
00:59:29just like you have yours.
00:59:32I don't know her,
00:59:34and I don't know you either,
00:59:36but I've shared her with you,
00:59:38and this is love,
00:59:40so that you take care of yourself,
00:59:42so that you don't hurt us
00:59:44if you don't deserve it.
00:59:46Try to change the story.
00:59:48If you say you haven't had balls,
00:59:50have a couple of balls,
00:59:52and change the story yourself.
00:59:54Don't wait for her to change.
00:59:56But if she has a couple of balls
00:59:58to leave her and go to the other side of the world,
01:00:01she's going to learn.
01:00:03I've tried everything.
01:00:05I don't want to keep having a bad time,
01:00:07I don't want to keep arguing with that girl.
01:00:09And life has told me over and over again
01:00:11that that person is not for me,
01:00:13that I shouldn't try anymore,
01:00:15that she's going to keep hurting me
01:00:17and her.
01:00:25One, but...
01:00:27It's because...
01:00:29You have to go in there.
01:00:31You have to go in there.
01:00:37I'm going to sleep in the dungeon
01:00:39because I'm nominated.
01:00:41They're going to challenge Elienco.
01:00:43I don't want to wake him up
01:00:45because he has a bad time waking up.
01:00:47Yesterday I slept with Josué,
01:00:49it was the most magical night so far.
01:00:51And today he's bringing me his girlfriend from Spain,
01:00:53who I really like, his ex-girlfriend,
01:00:55but Zoe...
01:00:58What's up?
01:01:00Look what Lorea has hidden here.
01:01:04Do you want to see?
01:01:06Eat it.
01:01:08Take it.
01:01:10Eat your ass.
01:01:15What are you doing?
01:01:19For Lorea and Elienco.
01:01:23Come here.
01:01:25I don't trade you for anyone.
01:01:28You're my favorite.
01:01:30Are you okay?
01:01:34I like the girl at the moment, I won't tell you tomorrow.
01:01:36But she's not clean.
01:01:38There are some things I would like to talk to you about.
01:01:40I'm going to tell you a few things
01:01:42that are all true because they are my experiences
01:01:44that have impacted me.
01:01:46You better talk to me before you believe anything
01:01:48because there are always two versions.
01:01:50And neither the bad ones are so bad
01:01:52nor the good ones are so good.
01:01:54That's true.
01:01:57I'm going to explode.
01:01:59Because she's trying to justify herself.
01:02:01I'm going to kick her.
01:02:05Don't worry.
01:02:07It's just an alarm.
01:02:11I love you, man.
01:02:26I love you, too.
01:02:28I love you, too.
01:02:30I love you, too.
01:02:54I'm going to clean up.
01:02:56Go downstairs.
01:03:00Do you think you'll talk to her?
01:03:03Why do you feel like you are isolated?
01:03:11I don't mind you getting together with whoever you want
01:03:13because we're grown up and we get along with whoever.
01:03:15What bothers me is that
01:03:17you're naked
01:03:19and you've been talking badly
01:03:21about the people you're dating
01:03:23and you are not able to be more transparent.
01:03:25And you think she's going to be comfortable
01:03:27with that?
01:03:29She came up to us and told us that she wanted to talk to us because she felt like that.
01:03:34The two times I talked to her was because I came up to her, because I told her.
01:03:37So I feel like she's too good at making things up.
01:03:41You know what she told Falon?
01:03:44She hadn't told him what she was going to tell him before.
01:03:47And we all told her, no, don't get involved.
01:03:50Because it's a very delicate topic.
01:03:53If you want to discuss it with her, use other arguments and discuss it with her.
01:03:57But as you can see, neither Falon nor anyone from the other group got involved to discuss it with her.
01:04:04That's why she changed the group.
01:04:06She wanted to change the name of the group.
01:04:08She said she was the matriarch and that she wanted to be the owner of the group.
01:04:14Well, we said the same thing.
01:04:16Because we said, well, so that she would feel integrated and so that she would feel comfortable with us.
01:04:22So don't come and tell me that we excluded her.
01:04:27A few days later...
01:04:34No, I can't stand taking a shower in Mexico.
01:04:39Thank you, thank you, thank you.
01:04:52Wake her up. Give her a good morning kiss.
01:04:58A few days later...
01:05:10Where are you going? Are you still training?
01:05:12I'm training, but let's go.
01:05:13Oh, you want to win?
01:05:14Obviously, that's why I'm coming.
01:05:15You're scared.
01:05:16Where did the S.O. come from?
01:05:17What's up with the new girl?
01:05:18She's screwed.
01:05:19Oh, why?
01:05:20With Joshua.
01:05:21What Joshua?
01:05:22The one who's been around for a long time.
01:05:24I can't believe it. And she's alone.
01:05:27She's alone.
01:05:29Well, how are you? Good morning.
01:05:31Honestly, she's shit.
01:05:33Why is she shit?
01:05:35She loves her. She loves her in the back of her heart.
01:05:37She loves her.
01:05:38I have feelings for her and that's why I wanted to go away from her.
01:05:44And the other one comes here.
01:05:45It's a toxic love.
01:05:46Yes, it only makes me follow my steps and be present in my life. How can I forget?
01:05:52And how's it going with Gala?
01:05:55Supposedly good.
01:05:56I know her, she's a fake.
01:05:57The first thing I said to Gala was,
01:05:59come on, I know you, because the first thing she's going to do is try to get along with you,
01:06:03because she's going to want you as a friend.
01:06:05And what group did she join?
01:06:07Because there are two of you here.
01:06:09And who are you? The family?
01:06:10No, with the Falons.
01:06:11Oh, you've changed!
01:06:15No, the family is gone.
01:06:18I can't take it anymore!
01:06:22My last day there, my last day here.
01:06:25But not in the reformatory.
01:06:27That's it!
01:06:29I'm going to do it all today.
01:06:36Good morning, how are you?
01:06:38And the music?
01:06:40No, there's no music today.
01:06:41Hello, good morning.
01:06:43How are you?
01:06:47I wanted to meet you.
01:06:49How are you?
01:06:53Literally, I didn't know you.
01:06:56But you met me before I arrived.
01:06:59She speaks the same!
01:07:03A flashback!
01:07:04But why? I don't understand!
01:07:06She speaks the same!
01:07:10No, please!
01:07:12I'm sorry, but I see that she's a very natural girl.
01:07:17Where are you from in Spain?
01:07:20The other one is from Venezuela.
01:07:26Do you know Marxoli?
01:07:28Yes, I know her.
01:07:29We've met a couple of times, but we're not friends.
01:07:32Why do you speak the same?
01:07:34A lot of people have told me.
01:07:36Your energy is different.
01:07:39It's very different, really.
01:07:41Say hashtag.
01:07:44Oh, no!
01:07:46But welcome!
01:07:49How old are you?
01:07:51Are you single?
01:07:53No, I'm single.
01:07:54And you're 25?
01:07:59I understand a lot of things.
01:08:01I told her the same thing.
01:08:03I think that, without realizing it,
01:08:06she was repeating her attitude towards me,
01:08:11as if she was rejecting me.
01:08:13I didn't understand it either.
01:08:15It was what she was saying all the time.
01:08:17And I didn't know how to read.
01:08:20I didn't know that she was coming from something like that.
01:08:23Well, I hope you get along with the girls here.
01:08:28People are very nice.
01:08:30They have nice feelings.
01:08:32Like this gentleman.
01:08:33He's with me.
01:08:34He's with you?
01:08:35Oh, he's your partner?
01:08:37I can't believe it.
01:08:38Hey, but...
01:08:39He's so fast.
01:08:40And Natu...
01:08:41They came to me.
01:08:45I waited for him for two weeks.
01:08:47He waited for you with that eye.
01:08:49He was the only one who kept his celibacy
01:08:53to wait for you because you had that bad eye.
01:08:56She treated me badly, so the change is good.
01:08:59What did he say?
01:09:00I told him that I was changing for the people of Europe.
01:09:03For the people of Europe?
01:09:04Because they're from Europe.
01:09:05And this reality is from Chile.
01:09:07He changed the argument.
01:09:08He told me that Chileans were hungry and liked foreigners.
01:09:13But he doesn't know what he likes.
01:09:15In here, what is for the morning is not for the afternoon.
01:09:19And what is for the afternoon is not for the night.
01:09:27Good morning.
01:09:30Hurry up, but I'm going to talk.
01:09:33What do I tell her?
01:09:38How are you, Sergeant Fox?
01:09:41I came to...
01:09:42Today you don't have a...
01:09:44No, no, no.
01:09:45A tribute to anyone.
01:09:46A tribute to anyone.
01:09:47Actually, I came to pay tribute because today the era of Marc Soli dies.
01:09:50And which one is reborn?
01:09:54Zoe Bayona.
01:09:55And did you meet her?
01:09:56Can I talk to her?
01:09:57I met her.
01:09:58She is very beautiful.
01:09:59So today, more than a tribute, it is to live life.
01:10:03No, no, no.
01:10:04But to live life not relaxed.
01:10:07Look at this chiquero that is here.
01:10:09Good morning.
01:10:10Good morning.
01:10:11I have told you that the bed model ID is this.
01:10:15I like it.
01:10:16Every day.
01:10:17Very tidy.
01:10:19I want to tell you something that you may have forgotten.
01:10:22The shield of the bed cover is not because someone placed it and said,
01:10:27ah, we are going to place it here.
01:10:29Supposedly, the shields must be covered and aligned all the beds in the same place.
01:10:35So, you came in a hurry to give it today at 10 in the morning.
01:10:39But if the shield, I didn't know it was for the same place.
01:10:42Look, the beds are all messed up, the pillows.
01:10:44I am homosexual.
01:10:45I didn't do military service.
01:10:47What does that have to do with it?
01:10:49I don't know what that is.
01:10:51It's common sense, Sergeant Fox.
01:10:53Now, lower this row.
01:10:57And now, lower that one.
01:11:01That's enough.
01:11:03Let's start with the cleaning of the bed.
01:11:04How did the cleaning go on yesterday?
01:11:05It was hemp, caldirola, suñiga...
01:11:09What cleaning?
01:11:10Cañule, bernal, urtubea.
01:11:13What cleaning?
01:11:15It was bad because look how suñiga comes.
01:11:17Apparently, yesterday, the day was so intense that we forgot.
01:11:22We forgot.
01:11:23That's what we wanted to tell you.
01:11:24There's one until that cleaning is done effectively.
01:11:28But to me, the house is a bit ambiguous.
01:11:31But what do you mean by ambiguous?
01:11:33There is cleaning of the house, like the dust, the shower,
01:11:38maybe the bathrooms, but everything that is on the floor
01:11:41and all the cups that belong to each one,
01:11:43I think each one should order.
01:11:45I want to say something.
01:11:46That they pick up the things and leave them
01:11:48so that the ranchers don't think it's fair,
01:11:51because everyone knows what they take out
01:11:53and what occupies and where they leave it.
01:11:56They should pick up their things and wash them themselves.
01:12:00I'll go over the beds to see who has left their things there.
01:12:03Of course.
01:12:04I'm going to do it.
01:12:05Go see.
01:12:06He's yelling at me from above.
01:12:07What did you find?
01:12:08This is the bed of the dog.
01:12:10At night I drink water.
01:12:13It was Eva Llona.
01:12:14Fabi Agostini.
01:12:16Commander, can we do it after breakfast?
01:12:18No, please.
01:12:19Now, after breakfast, we go all out.
01:12:21Yes, all out.
01:12:22All out.
01:12:23All out.
01:12:25But she doesn't trust me anymore.
01:12:26Word of honor.
01:12:27Word of honor.
01:12:28One thing, sorry.
01:12:29We are a lot of people.
01:12:30At one moment, it's done.
01:12:31At one moment, it's breakfast.
01:12:32The end.
01:12:35You have a lot of face doing this, beautiful.
01:12:38Because I, for example, without having been here
01:12:40a whole month, I got up this morning at 8.30
01:12:42and I cleaned the whole bathroom.
01:12:44Thank you very much.
01:12:45Don't mess with me.
01:12:46Let's see if you're going to clean the floor with your tongue.
01:12:50Answer her, Yoli.
01:12:51What's wrong with you?
01:12:52She's screaming.
01:12:53What's wrong with you?
01:12:54That you clean.
01:12:55Well, I'm going to clean after breakfast.
01:12:56Very good.
01:12:57As you should.
01:12:58The word of honor was that after breakfast
01:13:00we go all out.
01:13:01Unfortunately, you yourselves have managed
01:13:05that I can no longer trust you.
01:13:07So, I have to continue with the sanctions
01:13:10of the rest of the recruits today.
01:13:12So, go back to the area.
01:13:14To the front of the river.
01:13:22And Galvez.
01:13:25It's like the gala.
01:13:26I can claim.
01:13:28No, look, I'm going to tell the shot.
01:13:30He's going to tell me,
01:13:31I slept outside because I wanted to jump.
01:13:33No, not because I wanted to.
01:13:34We just left the competition very tired.
01:13:38They just lay me down.
01:13:39And why, when you were already lying down,
01:13:42you didn't lie down in the dungeon?
01:13:43But if he's lying down all day.
01:13:48What do you mean he's lying down all day?
01:13:50He's on a picnic.
01:13:51Is that true?
01:13:52No, I do my things, but I don't have to be
01:13:55asking anyone for permission
01:13:57or telling them what I do or don't do.
01:13:59Besides, at the conference yesterday,
01:14:00my legs couldn't even walk.
01:14:02I'm a little woman, commander,
01:14:04and I just wanted to.
01:14:06Come on, come on, come on!
01:14:14It's red, it's red.
01:14:17It's red, it's red.
01:14:18Come on!
01:14:28Don't make me laugh.
01:14:31Come on, this is going to be the whole movement
01:14:33that our Recruiter del Río is going to do today.
01:14:39Lie down.
01:14:42He's going to sleep three days.
01:14:45Since you guys are very creative,
01:14:48this is only now because we're short on time
01:14:51and I'm going to think what's coming for you
01:14:53because the most severe sanction is for you two.
01:14:55I hope I can give you the sanction tomorrow.
01:14:59Maybe I won't see you.
01:15:12But if it's true, you never leave and I don't see you again.
01:15:15And not when you say goodbye.
01:15:16Agostini and Urzubia, come on, you owe me yesterday.
01:15:20What did you do?
01:15:22I just found out that I have a recruiter who is a therapist.
01:15:26You guys stand here, stand here.
01:15:28Gonzales, Alfreste, come on.
01:15:30What now, commander?
01:15:32You two.
01:15:34You two are going to do the service today,
01:15:36but you are going to instruct Bayona
01:15:38to teach you how the subject is.
01:15:40And you are going to explain, Gonzales,
01:15:42the other thing that you have to save for breakfast
01:15:45to the six who are going to do the cleaning,
01:15:47which are Caña, Caldirola, Bernal, Zúñiga, Cañule, Urzubia.
01:15:53Do I have to save the breakfast?
01:15:55Yes, he's going to tell you.
01:15:57Go ahead.
01:16:00This way you will learn to joke less.
01:16:02Here you will learn based on military regiment.
01:16:09You, Sergeant Fox, see those who are doing the cleaning upstairs
01:16:13and the rest covers themselves to have breakfast.
01:16:17Agustín and Urzubia, come on.
01:16:21Let's have a short breakfast.
01:16:22You can't have breakfast.
01:16:24Hey, Galita.
01:16:25No, you have to take it out.
01:16:28No, you can't.
01:16:29Come on.
01:16:31Who are they?
01:16:32Well, you know the sanction you are going to receive.
01:16:35If you don't do it, you tell me to shoot to take the measures
01:16:38and be sanctioned as it corresponds to you.
01:16:41You decide.
01:16:42You tell me here to shoot.
01:16:43Come on.
01:16:46If these people are stressed, I can give them a massage.
01:16:48What are you going to give me a massage?
01:16:50Come here.
01:16:51Insolent to the shot.
01:17:01Hey, Fer.
01:17:02I don't want you to treat me anymore.
01:17:03It's fake.
01:17:04You are very fake.
01:17:05You have to tell me.
01:17:08That's fake.
01:17:09You are fake.
01:17:10You are fake.
01:17:11Let's go over there.
01:17:12Things that are not going to be caught.
01:17:13You are not talking about me behind my back.
01:17:15Tell me things in my face.
01:17:17In my face.
01:17:18Tell me things in my face.
01:17:20Because I have not spoken to you twice.
01:17:23I have not spoken to you twice.
01:17:27Get her out.
01:17:28How not?
01:17:29How not?
01:17:30How not?
01:17:31How not?
01:17:32How not?
01:17:33I have not spoken to you twice.
01:17:34You are fake.
01:17:35You are fake.
01:17:36You are fake.
01:17:37That's being fake.
01:17:38That's being fake.
01:17:41Because I did not know you.
01:17:42You are fake.
01:17:43You are fake.
01:17:45But because I did not know you.
01:17:46Because I did not know you.
01:17:49Something tells me that you are going to argue a lot.
01:17:51Just be careful with what I argue.
01:17:53Because I'm not going to react like Fer.
01:17:55How would you react?
01:17:57You'll see later.
01:17:59I'm going to leave.
01:18:00Can you stand it?
01:18:02Can you allow him to finally continue to defend your life?
01:18:05Things happen for a reason.
01:18:07It's here to show you that you can do it.
01:18:10In spite of her.
01:18:11That is the shit that always appears.
01:18:14It will continue to appear.
01:18:16It will continue to appear.
01:18:17Do you want to forget her?
01:18:20We have not ended well.
01:18:21She has hurt me a lot.
01:18:23You do not know her.
01:18:24And I am the only one who really knows her.
01:18:26I do not want to be with her.
01:18:27I do not want to be by her side.
01:18:28If I'm so bad, why does she always come after me?
01:18:30Why does she want to come back with me?
01:18:32I do not know.
01:18:33Forget me, uncle.
01:18:34Leave me alone.
01:18:35Take this, my friend.
01:18:36It has an antidepressant.
01:18:40Put that barret.
01:18:41The bugs will not beat him.
01:18:42I'm not afraid of any bug.
01:18:44I'm afraid of bugs.
01:18:46I do not know why you look at me.
01:18:47I am Homo Sapiens.
01:18:53Put your arm.
01:18:56Defeat it.
01:18:57If this fear can beat you.
01:18:58I do not want it.
01:19:01I can not believe you.
01:19:07And now.
01:19:10Let's go for the cockroach.
01:19:11Very good, pig.
01:19:15But if a ...
01:19:17But why up?
01:19:18Not up, not up, not up, not up.
01:19:19But Agostini is used to having a snake in his hand.
01:19:22That's why.
01:19:23He is used to having snakes.
01:19:24Sleep with one.
01:19:26Did you hear?
01:19:29If you say that I am poisonous.
01:19:30That I do not understand the bricks.
01:19:31So when you have to tell me something.
01:19:32You tell me face to face.
01:19:33I do not speak with the Oriana of Aliexpress.
01:19:35Ok, I'm not the Oriana of anyone.
01:19:36My name is Joven Barbayona.
01:19:37I am not from Spain.
01:19:38I have my discipline.
01:19:39The same Oriana of Aliexpress.
01:19:40I like it well.
01:19:41And you do not look at me.
01:19:42No, if you do not look at me.
01:19:43I do not look at you.
01:19:44I do not look at you.
01:19:45I do not look at you.
01:19:46I do not look at you.
01:19:47I do not look at you.
01:19:48Oriana Fluna.
01:19:49Do not look at me.
01:19:50No, if I'm not going to look at you.
01:19:51It's good that you were looking at me to criticize me.
01:19:52Yes, I was looking at Fabio.
01:19:53Focus on you, okay?
01:19:56I have an internal blockage.
01:19:57I do not want to get hooked in this minute of my life.
01:19:59Well, at this moment, no.
01:20:01A while ago you were in that stop.
01:20:03When we met.
01:20:04You were in a stage.
01:20:06That's why the other day when I spoke with you.
01:20:08I told you to be clear with her.
01:20:11Tell her how things really are.
01:20:12So that you do not look bad.
01:20:14She does not feel bad.
01:20:15I don't know, I mean, she's going to go out, she's going to do her life outside, probably,
01:20:19and I have to stay here doing my things, I don't know.
01:20:23Maybe it's understandable, you know?
01:20:25Like, you have projects that maybe don't fit with that.
01:20:34And now, you know, it's my turn.
01:20:36That if there are activities, if there is a game, brother,
01:20:38in the end, I have you as my colleagues and it's going to be my turn.
01:20:41I don't know if I have to kiss, if I have to dance,
01:20:43because in the end, I still feel for her.
01:20:45She told me that she had only eaten a pie, but that she was a friend of hers,
01:20:48but that you only knew her.
01:20:50She knows that you only know her.
01:20:52Can I ask you one thing?
01:20:54Can I ask you one thing?
01:20:55If you're going to talk about this, can you talk when I'm not here, please?
01:20:57Well, go away.
01:20:58I'm picking up.
01:20:59Well, go away.
01:21:00Okay, but please, bye.
01:21:01You have all the clients, I've arrived, everything.
01:21:03Okay, well, since you've arrived too, you've been talking shit about me.
01:21:06I haven't talked about you for a long time.
01:21:08And what I have fat.
01:21:09What are you going to talk about, Josué?
01:21:11And what are you going to talk about, Zoe?
01:21:12Well, about what I have received in the relationship.
01:21:14Well, and what I have received, right?
01:21:16You have bad things against me, and I have a lot of bad things against you.
01:21:20So don't talk too loud.
01:21:21Neither the bad ones are so bad, nor the good ones are so good.
01:21:26It's that I have a lot of morale, because he's putting people against me.
01:21:29Because I'm fighting with people because they're there talking all day about the monotheme.
01:21:33No, calm down, come here, honey.
01:21:36It's that, man, fuck.
01:21:38It touches my balls to hear nonsense.
01:21:42It's that, man, I don't want to.
01:21:46She's a liar, brother.
01:21:47Why does she lie?
01:21:48Because if she lies, it doesn't look so bad.
01:21:51But he has to understand that he has been my weakness.
01:21:54That I can't get close to him, I can't comfort him.
01:21:57Do you think he doesn't know?
01:21:58Well, yes, he knows.
01:21:59Of course he knows.
01:22:00But he's angry because I'm not approaching positions.
