• 2 months ago
कानपुर समेत 22 जिलों के लाखों किसानों की खेती संबंधी समस्याओं का वैज्ञानिक समाधान कराएंगे. किसानों का फोन नंबर सर्विस पोर्टल पर रजिस्टर्ड कराया जाएगा.


00:00Yes, as we know that the farmers are given information about the climate
00:06through our IMD website, which is the Climatic Rural Climate Service.
00:16And very recently, in the month of December of last year,
00:21our Institute has uploaded the website of the Farmer Service Portal.
00:28Through this, the farmers get information about crop advisory and climate.
00:37And as you know, the Climatic Rural Climate Service,
00:42on the same basis, all the facilities will be provided to the farmers through this.
00:50In this, either the farmers can go to our website and register.
00:55If they register on this website,
00:58in such a situation, on Tuesdays and Fridays,
01:02they are given information about crop advisory and weather forecasting through SMS.
01:10So, in short, the effort of the Indian government
01:14in the field of agriculture, in the direction of digitization,
01:17is a very successful effort of the Institute.
01:20And on our international website, we have made this service available to the farmers.
