• 2 months ago
अंबिकापुर नगर निगम का कार्यकाल मंगलवार को समाप्त हुआ.जिसके बाद प्रशासक ने कमान संभाली.पूर्व मेयर अजय तिर्की ने इसके बाद विकास कार्यों की जानकारी दी.


00:00Like there was a Central Library, we tried a lot for the Central Library.
00:06Even in the past, the former Chief Minister had announced 100 crores for the library here.
00:13But after that, the session ended.
00:15So now, the Central Library that has to be built, if it is built, it will be the wish of all of us.
00:22Because we send all of our people, our children, to study abroad.
00:27We know how difficult it is for the parents.
00:31So, if a Central Library is built, the children will get a good base.
00:35So, that place has also been fixed.
00:38And we have also discussed with the Collector, that the old place of Bitiyai and the ground,
00:45which is an educational hub, that place should be fixed.
00:49And it is a regular place, not a desolate place.
00:54So, if the children come to study, they will not have any problem.
