• 2 months ago
गोलीबारी के बाद अनंत सिंह की मुश्किलें बढ़ सकती हैं. उनके खिलाफ पटना में केस दर्ज हुआ है. सोनू-मोनू पर भी प्राथमिकी दर्ज हुई है.


00:00Sir, there is news of shooting in Nauranga Jalalpur
00:04In the evening, we got the information that there is a shooting in Nauranga Jalalpur
00:14We immediately reached there with our team
00:18We saw the team of Thana Dex
00:20Both the teams, one of them was a local representative and the other was a representative of the opposite party
00:28We saw the shooting in between
00:31Both the teams left the scene and ran away
00:38Who are the people in both the teams?
00:40Sir, the name of the former MLA Anand Singh is also coming up
00:43As I told you, the local representative and the two brothers Sonu and Manu
00:53The name of the two brothers Sonu and Manu is coming up
00:58Anand Singh and Sonu and Manu
01:00It is difficult to identify the people who were shot
01:10According to the local representative, 15 rounds were fired
01:16But according to the police and special team, only 3 rounds of empty cartridge were found
01:27What was written in the letter?
01:29There was a very unfortunate incident
01:33I was coming back from Patna
01:36I got the information that there is a shooting in your house
01:39I asked why did the MLA shoot?
01:41We didn't do anything wrong
01:43After that he shot blindly
01:45He shot at my wife
01:47My wife was standing there
01:49The information is the same
01:51He stopped the car and left
01:53He took the rifle and threatened to welcome me
01:56He fired the first bullet
01:58He fired the second bullet
02:00He tried to kill me
02:02He tried to kill me
02:04He tried to kill me
02:06He tried to kill me
02:08He tried to kill me
02:10He tried to kill me
02:12Somehow, he saved my life
02:14By the grace of God, he saved my life
02:18What is the reason?
02:20The biggest reason is that his wife was standing there
02:25She was standing there when Babu Anand Singh left
02:31At that time, we were open in the NDA
02:35Because the democracy will remain wherever it is
02:37That is why we were open
02:39So, it was a political commitment
02:41Yes, it was a political commitment
02:43Why is he trying to kill me?
02:45Why doesn't he pick up the weapon for me?
02:47He tried to kill me
02:49My name is Pramod Kumar
