• 2 months ago
Ballarat Wildlife Park has welcomed eight infant inland taipan snakes.


00:00Breeding our inland taipan, also known as the fierce snake or the world's most
00:05venomous snake. Has the most toxic venom out of any snake anywhere in the world
00:09and you've been on the journey from when we paired them up and they copulated or
00:12mated, to when she was actually nesting, even when she was laying her eggs. You've
00:17been on that journey with us, now this is the best part, the most exciting part,
00:21they've actually hatched. So we've had eight successful little taipans hatch
00:25out of their eggs and what they'll do is use this little egg tooth on their head,
00:28crack the egg and come out, but we've got one that's still a little bit sleepy, so
00:32we're going to aid it in actually coming out of that egg. The world's most venomous
00:37snake taking its first breath, its first appearance onto this planet.
00:49How good is that? The inland taipan.
