• 2 months ago
Traders with ‘super hero’ positivity have breathed new life into a market in Skegness which has struggled in the past few years to get established. Lincolnshire World last visited the market on Briar Way in 2023 when the new owners PLR Leisure rebranded it as Skegness Trading Hub. At the time there were several vacant uniuts but now, apart from one, they are full. Steve Cartwright, of Real Deal Promotions, who has a unit there, takes us on a tour to show how things has changed.


00:00Morning Sceggy, we're down here again at Scegness Trading Hub, Scegness Market.
00:07We're outside the Treehurst Antiques and Collectibles.
00:11Here's Ben. Hi!
00:14Lots of new things in, as always, from furniture to antiques and collectibles.
00:20Then round the corner, we don't usually go this way, but round on this side here we've got Sceggy's famous rug shop.
00:28Lots on choice, lots on offer.
00:31And again, for those that don't know, 58 years he's been here.
00:35Well, as you know, we are just off Chip Alley, straight opposite from Scegness Working Men's Club.
00:41And then round on this side, we've got close to date, and we've got one of our newest stalls.
00:48Look at this, absolutely amazing. We've got the pre-loved clothing boutique.
00:54More stocking again, more items coming in?
00:57Yes, we've got loads in there in full plus size, just coming in today.
01:01Oh, fantastic.
01:06Brilliant, so there is so much range on there, there's lots of things.
01:10Can we have a nosy round?
01:11Yes, absolutely.
01:14Everything from, see if I get this right, from tiny baby wear to plus size, fancy dress and everything in between.
01:24So if you've got an event coming up, and you need a new outfit, then you know where to come.
01:30And if you've got too many clothes in your wardrobe, people can bring their old clothes down as well, is that right?
01:35Yes, £1 a kilo.
01:37How much?
01:38£1 a kilo.
01:39£1 a kilo, and that's on lots of different items as well.
01:43So again, that's just one of the new traders down here.
01:47And then we've got our long-standing traders, faces that you know.
01:51We've got Sonic Boom Comics with their range of Funko Pops.
01:56Round this side we've got Aaron from Skeggy's Sweet Occasions.
02:00What have we got going on this week? We've got any specials on? We've got any new products?
02:04We've still got the 10% off throughout January.
02:07So if you come on down, it's in-store only, 10% off anything for the January.
02:13And that's not just on this side with the printing and the sublimation.
02:17We've also got the embroidery side and baby range.
02:19Yes, so also on the embroidery and baby...
02:22I was going to say baby change, the baby range.
02:25And then following down this way, we have Marion the Crafty Knitter.
02:31How are you, Marion? Are you alright?
02:33I'm alright, thank you. I had my first pupil in learning to knit.
02:36Oh, that's right, yes, you're doing little workshops and knit and chat and coffee mornings and things.
02:43So you're learning to knit. Never knitted before?
02:48Right, no pressure, but we're going to have a look.
02:51See, all I know is you knit one purl one.
02:54Just knitting.
02:55Just knitting, yes. See, I don't even know what I'm talking about. I've got no idea.
03:00What are these? I've seen these popping up everywhere.
03:03I know.
03:05So are these the ones that you had commissioned from Dark Forge?
03:09Can you show us how these work?
03:11I've seen them. They look amazing.
03:14So again, part of the market community, Dark Forge is making products for Real Deal Games for the Crafty Knitter.
03:21It's all a wool and you knit away and it comes through the patch here.
03:25Oh, look at that. That's fantastic. So you're not getting wool and yarn all over your living room.
03:29Or you can put it in the pig and you can go through his little crown, like so.
03:38Oh, that's fantastic. So you could do it with anything. I suppose you could get it with a cow and make it come out the other way.
03:44Oh, yeah, you can do that. I have got cows, look.
03:48You have got cows as well. Look at that.
03:50And then you've got your diamond dart and you've got all your other stuff.
03:55That's fantastic. And this one actually looks like it's been knitted or crocheted.
04:00Look at that. And that's 3D printed from Dark Forge. Amazing.
04:05Right, well, I'll leave you to your student. Good luck.
04:08So if anybody wants to learn to knit or do anything like this, they can come down and see you, Marianne, grab a coffee.
04:13Yes, they can do.
04:15Marvellous. Right, see you soon.
04:18Heading on round, we have your local Avon representative, who I think has just gone on a coffee run.
04:26But lots of good stuff going on in here. We've got your jewellery, we've got your cosmetics.
04:31You can even come down and get yourself the latest campaign as well.
04:35Well, how are we doing?
04:37Good morning.
04:38So were there any accidents today, Mal?
04:41Oh, I did hear about somebody trying to set fire to the place.
04:47But it's not that bad, is it?
04:51Yeah, looking good as well. More items coming on. I've noticed the wave machines disappeared.
04:57Yeah, that's the one that got broke.
04:59Yeah, that's the one that got broke. There was a bit of an accident, a bit of a tidal wave.
05:02But we've got everything from pet supplies to tools to toys to movie memorabilia,
05:14watches, wooden crafts. And what's it say on the sign, Mal?
05:18Something for everyone.
05:20Something for everyone. And then, again, we have CK Crafts and Gifts. Where is he?
05:27Who's that? Me?
05:29Here he is. We haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing, Chris?
05:32Well, I've seen you. I'll show you.
05:33Yeah, every day, unfortunately.
05:35So what's crack-a-lacking? What's going on?
05:39Burning wood.
05:40Burning wood?
05:41Burning wood.
05:42Yeah, Marianne was burning things earlier as well.
05:44Yeah, the fire.
05:46Burning wood. Can we have a look? What have we got?
05:49Ooh, this is cool.
05:51A little work here and there.
05:55So this is laser engraving?
05:57It is, yeah.
05:58Yeah, and what do you do that on? Is it just wood?
06:01No, I can do it wood, metal, glass potentially.
06:06So what kind of things could you make on metal and wood?
06:10Business cards, for example. That's what we'll be doing soon.
06:14Dog tags.
06:15Oh, I never thought of that. That's cool.
06:17Yeah, dog tags, you know.
06:19So I've seen in a local pet shop, they're like 15 quid a pop in a local pet shop.
06:23So would there be 15 quid a pop here?
06:27Could too, but it definitely would not be that.
06:29Some of the things that you've already done. Can we have a sneak peek, or is this a secret?
06:36So they're just some of the projects that you've been working on as well, ain't they?
06:39Hopefully it'll be full by the end of tomorrow.
06:41Yeah, and what else have we got going on?
06:43Come and tell us your wares.
06:44Just the, I'm holding that, I'm rubbish with it.
06:49So we've got our Valentine's ranging at the minute.
06:51So obviously we've got the bath bombs, the wetsuits, the body mists, the little wax melt boxes.
06:59Are these the ones that have the little?
07:02Yeah, the little wax melts in.
07:04Very nice.
07:05£6 them.
07:07Brilliant, and is there going to be any Valentine's confectionary bits and pieces as well?
07:11There is some sweetie cones, and there's also going to be some boxes.
07:17Some boxes?
07:18Yeah, we're not going to release the boxes yet, we're just finishing them off.
07:21Oh, right.
07:23Right, and then let's have a wander down here.
07:25Also, Real Deal Games, we've got a ridiculous amount of DVDs, okay, so what we're going to do for the rest of the week,
07:33if you've got a caravan, if you've got a DVD player, you just like the physical DVDs and that kind of thing,
07:39come down, help me get rid of them, I'm going to do them all this week, 10 DVDs for a quid.
07:43And then inside Real Deal Games, we've got the arcade machine running.
07:48This week's arcade challenge is on Frogger, that old Atari classic.
07:52We have the wrestling range with all your DVDs, your action figures, your boxes.
07:58We have your classic consoles.
08:00We have your PlayStation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
08:03We have your Xbox Original, Xbox One, Xbox 360.
08:08Then we have your Nintendo section, everything from the NES all the way through to your DS, your Wii, your Wii U, and very soon Switch games.
08:17Now, if you've got any Switch games, if you've got any Switch consoles, PlayStation 5s, PlayStation 5 games, Xbox One games,
08:25bring them down because we are now taking those in as well.
08:28Moving on from there, we've got a couple of Blu-rays down the bottom.
08:32Lots and lots of things in store, so the best way to find out exactly what we've got is to come and check it out.
08:38And then on this side, this is the Real Deal Games gaming area.
08:42But as you can see, it's currently being populated with a lot of products from Dark Forge.
08:48That's because of two reasons.
08:50Reason number one, in March, Dark Forge are going to be moving into Unit 6 and 7 behind me.
08:55And Real Deal Games are going to be moving to the front of the market.
08:58So we'll be open six days a week, nice and prominent.
09:01We'll be open, and everybody can see that the market's open as well.
09:04But the second reason is, Paul just keeps making things, like lots and lots of things, and he's not got any room left in his unit.
09:12Every time he gets more room, he just makes more things.
09:15Make a little, break a little.
09:17Make a little, break a little.
09:19Yeah, because there was a bit of an accident, wasn't there, recently?
09:22Many accidents.
09:24So what are you working on at the minute, Paul? What's the big stuff you're doing at the minute?
09:28Lifesize Terminator. Lifesize Batman. Lifesize Iron Man.
09:33We have two Pauls, a third Paul being started tonight.
09:37When you say a Lifesize Batman, Lifesize Iron Man, and Lifesize Terminator?
09:41Six foot.
09:42Six foot?
09:43Six foot human size, six foot man size, that sort of thing.
09:47Yeah, and they're going to be available down here in the shop?
09:49Yeah, absolutely. On that side, in that first section.
09:52All statues, all that sort of big stuff in there there.
09:55Over here, we've got all the helmets and bits and bobs, and yeah.
09:58We've got some bits of Terminator stuff.
10:00It sounds like the kind of thing as well that would be really good for Comic-Con.
10:04Skegness Comic-Con 2025, coming soon.
10:08We've got new Deadpool balls.
10:10Oh, they're fantastic. Is that what's just come in this morning?
10:13Yeah, that's what my lovely wife has dropped off for me this morning.
10:16And when I say it's just come in this morning, it's not just come in from a company that you've ordered it from.
10:21You've made everything.
10:22I've made lots of them.
10:23Everything on here is made by Paul.
10:30This is not me saying this, it's just something that I've heard, but 3D printing, it's just you press a button and it appears, doesn't it?
10:37Lies. Lies and fabrication.
10:40So, what goes into 3D printing? So, say something like...
10:44Behind me, who's this big guy behind me?
10:46The T-60 power armour from Fallout.
10:49It's a rubber steel thing.
10:50It's been about a month.
10:54So, how do you get something that big off something this small?
10:58Lots of pieces.
10:59Like a very complicated sort of thing.
11:02And how many pieces would something like that?
11:06300 pieces, and it's fully wearable?
11:09It's fully wearable.
11:14So, when you've got your 300 pieces, you've then got to assemble it?
11:17Yeah, put it all together, hide the seams, hide the gaps, sand in, prime it all, sand that back, start your painting, clear coat, finish all that, make sure the elastic pieces all work.
11:31And then electrics and stuff, if there's other bits.
11:34So, obviously you've got a massive team working with you.
11:37Just you?
11:38There's one guy and a lot of caffeine.
11:44That's like one of those forbidden things you shouldn't search on the internet, isn't it?
11:47One guy, lots of caffeine.
11:51But, yeah, that's us down at Skeggy Market.
11:55Come down, say hi, and if you can't manage to get down, check out on Skegness Standards Facebook tomorrow when they'll be going live at 12 o'clock down here at Skegness Market.
12:06But, again, thank you all and I hope to see you soon.
