• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - In questo numero:

Aisf e Cfu – Italia in Senato per chiedere integrazioni a vantaggio delle persone con fibromialgia a disegni di legge

Nuovo studio italiano conferma efficacia Inclisiran con una riduzione del colesterolo Ldl del 60%

Emulsionanti e rischio diabete di tipo 2, sette sotto accusa

A seguire lo Speciale Salus Tv dal titolo: Scompenso cardiaco, se i pazienti partecipano al disegno dei trial migliorano le cure


00:00In this number, ICEF and CFU Italy in the Senate to ask for integrations to the advantage of people with fibromyalgia in law drawings.
00:19New study confirms the effectiveness of inclisiran with reduction of cholesterol LDL of 60%.
00:25Emulsifiers at risk of type 2 diabetes, 7 under accusation.
00:30To follow the special SALUS TV from the title.
00:33Cardiac compensation, if patients participate in the design of the trials, improve the cures.
00:39Modify and integrate the normative proposal about fibromyalgia syndrome to give concrete answers to those who suffer from this pathology.
00:51In these goals, the Italian Association of Fibromyalgic Syndrome and the United Fibromyalgic Committee have participated in the 10th Commission of Social Affairs, Health, Public and Private Work, Social Prevention of the Senate,
01:02where they were called to discuss multiple law drafts, 9, regarding this pathology, which have been in progress for years for the recognition and commissioning of patients affected by fibromyalgia.
01:126, as explained by Giuseppina Fabio, vice-president of ICEF, advanced proposals.
01:16In particular, we ask for the inclusion of fibromyalgia in the essential levels of assistance, so that there can be a participation in health care by our national health system.
01:27We also ask for the implementation of a PDTA that can indicate to all regions to follow a line of identification of centers of multidisciplinary reference,
01:37in which even the figure of the doctor of general medicine must have a fundamental role for the management of the chronicity of this disease.
01:45We also ask for the implementation of a national register of resistant fibromyalgia, but which is only relevant to rheumatology, which can also receive data from other specialists.
01:56We ask for regulations that can protect these patients in the field of work, so regulations that can regulate agile work and teleworking.
02:07We also ask for a specific regulation for fibromyalgia syndrome that can ensure, through well-defined articles, support and support for patients in every area of their lives.
02:23We also ask for training, information and awareness campaigns on this pathology.
02:29On the other hand, fibromyalgia is a chronic disease with a high-training trend characterized by widespread skeletal muscle pain,
02:35sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, neurocognitive alterations and many other symptoms such as cephalitis or irritable colon syndrome.
02:42It is therefore a serious factor of disability that can occur at any age, although it occurs in most cases between 30 and 50 years,
02:49mainly interested in female sex in a 2 to 10 to 1 male-female ratio, for about 2 million people affected only in Italy.
02:57Despite the great steps taken in recent years, however, people affected by fibromyalgia are still waiting for concrete actions to see their condition really improved.
03:05We are acting, manifesting a dissent towards the government through a hunger strike, which has now lasted for 72 days.
03:14Since October 29, we have organized both a press conference in the Senate and a public demonstration in Piazza Vidoni in Rome.
03:24It is a strike involving patients, caregivers, relatives, lawyers, doctors, journalists,
03:31anyone who manifests and testifies to the difficulties they face in living with this pathology or next to those who live with this pathology.
03:39Every day a person in various parts of Italy strikes for 24 hours, asking our government to give concrete answers,
03:48and that above all the rights to care and health, which at this time are less, by annulling Article 32 of our Constitution,
03:57can instead be protected and assured to patients affected by fibromyalgia syndrome.
04:04How is hypercholesterolemia managed?
04:08The management of hypercholesterolemia is essential for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases,
04:13one of the main causes of mortality on a global level.
04:17However, a persistent problem in therapy against cholesterol is the adherence of patients to prescribed therapeutic regimes.
04:24Recently, the emergence of the Inclisiran drug, supported by the results of the Colinet study conducted by Professor Perrone Filardi,
04:32Director of the Department of Advanced Biomedical Sciences of the Federico II University of Naples,
04:37has opened new perspectives to improve adherence to therapy in subjects who have already had an acute cardiovascular event,
04:43or with atherosclerotic diseases in various districts, diabetics at cardiovascular risk and subjects with family hypercholesterolemia.
04:51The new drugs for the control of dyslipidemia, that is, cholesterol and LDL,
04:56and in particular the drug-object of our study, which is called Inclisiran,
05:01are particularly important because they have a new mechanism of action,
05:06they are very effective, they are devoid of side effects and give an important adherence duration.
05:13Using RNA-interfering technology, Inclisiran silences a specific gene in the liver,
05:20thus reducing the production of LDL cholesterol, with an evident effectiveness and tolerance of the drug.
05:27LDL cholesterol is reduced by 51% in 3 months and even more than 60% in 9 months,
05:40especially when, together with Inclisiran, there is also a substance statin.
05:50Another important fact is that out of 650 patients, only 23, for various reasons, have abandoned the drug,
06:00never for important side effects, unfortunately, or in most cases,
06:07because their doctor believed that the added value of cholesterol was too low.
06:11We insist on saying that there is no value of cholesterol too low.
06:15Unlike traditional treatments that require daily assumptions,
06:20one of the main advantages of Inclisiran is its supply regime,
06:24which not only simplifies the therapeutic process, but also improves the adherence of patients.
06:29The adherence, which means that the patient maintains the therapy as prescribed by the doctor,
06:37was 93-94%.
06:41On the other hand, we explain it to ourselves, because these are drugs without side effects,
06:47the supply, so distanced in time, is very convenient for the patient,
06:53it does not involve particular precautions, even in terms of maintenance,
06:59dispensing the drug, the treatment of the drug at home.
07:10So it is a very simple thing that can be done and this explains this high adherence.
07:15The new adherence to cholesterol therapy represents a crucial challenge
07:20in the fight against cardiovascular diseases in a supply regime for selected patients
07:26through simple processes and key steps.
07:29By addressing their specialist, but also their general medicine doctor,
07:33certainly the colleagues of the general medicine are well informed about this therapy
07:39and will be able to direct patients to the reference centers,
07:42where they are authorized to prescribe and formulate the therapeutic plan for supply.
07:49With the advancement of research in the field of pharmacological therapy,
07:54and in particular of pharmacological and cardiovascular therapies,
07:58today we have available injectable drugs that are extremely comfortable for the patient,
08:03are extremely advantageous and are extremely effective.
08:11Food additives under the lens of researchers for the risks related to the development of type 2 diabetes,
08:16in particular, 7 out of 61 identified emulsifiers,
08:19contained in hundreds of ultra-processed products,
08:22are suspected to favor this metabolic disease.
08:24A new analysis of the prospective study of Cort and Nutrinet-Santé,
08:27in fact, places them at the forefront as factors able to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
08:31The study, the first to relate the disease and these products,
08:35was published on The Lancet, Diabetes and Endocrinology
08:39and analyzed the data of over 104,000 adults aged from 2009 to 2023,
08:43to which it was asked to compile records of 13 of 24 hours every 6 months,
08:47with the aim of evaluating exposure to emulsifiers.
08:50The 1% of participants developed type 2 diabetes during the follow-up of 6-8 years.
08:55But how are emulsifiers identified?
08:57And which ones increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes?
09:00We asked Angela Vogaro, former president of SID, the Italian Diabetology Society.
09:06They are usually found in food,
09:10and we can basically see if there are these emulsifiers,
09:14because they are reported in the packaging.
09:18They are these famous compounds that we identify with numbers and the letter E in front,
09:25which tell us nothing, but in reality,
09:28each E followed by a number corresponds to an emulsifier.
09:33They are, for example, pectin, sodium bicarbonate,
09:38monoglycerides and fatty acids,
09:41guar gum, phosphates,
09:44sodium citrate, lecithin,
09:47in short, a series of substances that obviously characterize our foods.
09:59And this work has highlighted a very important thing,
10:06that the presence of these emulsifiers in food
10:12increases the risk of those who take them to have type 2 diabetes.
10:18Obviously, each emulsifier contributes in itself to the increase in risk.
10:24Clearly, all the emulsifiers together significantly increase the risk of diabetes.
10:31Emulsifiers are a family of food additives widely used in the industry,
10:35because they improve the consistency, color and taste of processed foods.
10:39They are used to mix liquids such as water and oils,
10:42acting on their polar bonds, which are omnipresent in ultra-processed foods.
10:46They are found in chocolate, in baked goods, in biscuits, ice cream, mayonnaise, sauces, oils.
10:51In this study, 5% of cases were taken from processed fruits and vegetables,
10:56such as canned food and syrup fruit,
10:5814.7% from cakes and biscuits and 10% from dairy products.
11:03But how do emulsifiers cause diabetes?
11:06For two reasons.
11:07The first reason is that it has been seen in this work
11:11that these emulsifiers are able to modify the intestinal flora,
11:17the famous microbiota,
11:19leading to a dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota.
11:23We know that, for example, the intestinal microbiota, when it is altered,
11:28can make the intestinal epithelium permeable
11:33and pass on substances that cause an immunological reaction at the level of the body.
11:41It is as if we were exposed to a continuous infection that derives from the intestine.
11:46And this naturally leads to a, let's say, pro-inflammatory state, it is said,
11:54which is associated with an increased risk of diabetes.
11:57The other reason is that these emulsifiers
12:01directly negatively affect the function of the arteries,
12:06making them less vasodilatable and therefore making them more rigid
12:12and therefore indirectly predisposing them to the appearance of diabetes.
12:17Based on the results obtained, how should we intervene?
12:20This study is dedicated to all practices, on the composition of food,
12:25on trying to reduce the emulsifiers in food.
12:31This is very important.
12:33Even if this refers to a very small part of the global risk
12:38to which an individual is exposed for the risk of diabetes,
12:42I remind you that the main risk is certainly the quality of food,
12:49certainly saturated fats, carbohydrates, high glycemic index,
12:55but above all the sedentary nature,
12:58which predisposes more than anything to the emergence of obesity and diabetes.
13:09Cardiac discompensation management,
13:11of which about a million people suffer in Italy,
13:14with 80,000 new cases per year and the main cause of recovery for the over 65s.
13:18Convulsion of patients and new therapies in the development phase
13:21have been the themes at the center of the 10th National Congress
13:24of the Italian Association of Cardiac Discompensers, AISC-APS,
13:27held in Rome at the Folchi Hall of the San Giovanni hospital company in Dolorata.
13:31Enhance the active participation of patients
13:33to improve health care, the aim of the event.
13:36But what advantages can the active involvement in clinical experiments
13:39of the patient who suffers from this problem bring?
13:42We asked Salvatore Di Somma, director of the AISC scientific committee.
13:46The answer is simple, many additional values.
13:50First of all, because what we find in clinical practice
13:54is that the patient is often informed of the therapeutic novelty
13:58a little later than the possibility of knowing the benefits.
14:02If from the beginning of the design the experimentation is asked to the patient,
14:06does this experimentation really help you in your daily management?
14:13Having this drug, this device, this new technology, this innovation,
14:18do you think we can have something that helps you better manage the disease?
14:23This is something that in other states, as always in the United States,
14:26has become an indispensable practice.
14:29These are new drugs that are injected periodically,
14:33once a week or once a month, for the reward,
14:36which, basically, before going to the experimentation,
14:39the situation of the patients in their applicability is evaluated.
14:43This is a path, in my opinion, indispensable for the future
14:47and therefore I really invite all the people involved in the experimentation design
14:53to feel first the experimental design of the patients
14:56who can help both in the optimal preparation phase
14:59but also in the management of the experimentation.
15:01In the end, the patient is at the center of the clinical experiments.
15:05The most common problem that a person with heart failure must face,
15:08however, explains the president of AISC, Rossana Bordoni,
15:11is that of diagnosis.
15:12Because heart failure is a set of pathologies,
15:15it is not a single pathology,
15:17so often it is exchanged for other things
15:22and therefore the patient finds himself not understanding.
15:27However, thanks to the associations,
15:31to the pharmaceutical companies, to the doctors,
15:34this relationship that exists between these three characters,
15:38as we want to call them,
15:40is very important because the patient is at ease.
15:43We, with the associations, the doctor, the pharmaceutical companies,
15:47we can make sure that we can relate
15:51and therefore we can also achieve important goals.
15:55Also the telemedicine, the electronic health unit,
15:58the community centers, as well as the pharmacies of service
16:01and doctors of general medicine,
16:02play an important role with Tino Rossana Bordoni,
16:05as they can immediately respond to the needs of patients
16:07affected by heart failure,
16:09changing the lives of these people both in terms of duration and quality,
16:13as they are able to ensure early diagnosis,
16:15care and the removal of emergency situations.
16:19Telemedicine explains to us Vita di Russo,
16:21Deputy Chief of Staff of the Lazio Region,
16:23and the goal to which for a year they have been working
16:25together with people with heart failure.
16:27The medicine we are already working on,
16:29because we have understood that the heart failure,
16:32the so-called PET, is a chronic disease.
16:34Chronic diseases must be helped,
16:36not only with secondary access,
16:38which brings a discomfort to them
16:40and brings a discomfort to their subjects,
16:42but keeping them in their rooms
16:44where they can be activated
16:46and kept out of sight
16:48through this new device
16:50that we are looking for.
16:53So this is the new front,
16:55and this is what I want to bring
16:57to the 11th Congress of the House.
17:01And I give my word
17:03that we will put all our efforts
17:05and all our efforts together
17:07with President Rocca
17:09to carry out this project
17:12that will improve the lives of everyone.
17:14And what is now defined as participatory health
17:16in Veneto is already a reality,
17:18also with regard to heart failure,
17:20and that started from the project already started in Lazio,
17:22as Massimo Anniciarico explains,
17:24Director General of the Health and Social Area
17:26of the Veneto Region.
17:28We would like participatory health
17:30to be a participation present from the beginning,
17:32until the definition of the paths,
17:34because the experience experienced by the citizens
17:37is one of the best sources of information
17:40and improvement
17:42of the quality of services.
17:44Often in the past this has been seen
17:46as a form of vindictive participation,
17:48when instead it is able not only
17:50to optimize the results,
17:52but also to make the system
17:54better and more sustainable.
17:56So we wish,
17:58and the association of patients,
18:00in particular those with heart failure,
18:02have never betrayed this trust.
18:04So I think this is really a new path
18:06for public health service.
18:10This was our latest news.
18:12To contact us you can write to
18:16Thank you for following us
18:18and see you in the next episode.
