• last month
(Adnkronos) - “Sono anni che lavoriamo sulla tecnologia della guida autonoma e abbiamo fatto tanti passaggi. Quello di oggi è un punto di arrivo e un punto di partenza: un punto di arrivo in quanto valorizza tanta ricerca fatta negli scorsi anni e un punto di partenza perché oggi, per la prima volta su strada pubblica, con un'autorizzazione ministeriale, abbiamo fatto vedere come è possibile usare questa tecnologia per abilitare modelli di mobilità innovativi, più efficienti, più sostenibili”. E’ quanto affermato da Sergio Savaresi, professore di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria del Politecnico di Milano, in occasione dell’avvio della sperimentazione su strada del car sharing del futuro. Il progetto vede la collaborazione di A2a con il Politecnico di Milano, è parte del programma di ricerca del MOST, il Centro Nazionale per la Mobilità Sostenibile ed ha avuto oggi per protagonista una Fiat 500 elettrica che, in modalità di guida completamente autonoma, ha percorso a Brescia il suo primo chilometro.


00:00What is the future of autonomous driving?
00:04The work is far-reaching.
00:06We have been working on autonomous driving technology for years.
00:09We have made many steps.
00:11Today it is a starting point,
00:14a starting point because it values a lot of research done in recent years.
00:19It is a starting point because today, for the first time,
00:22on the public road, I emphasize, with a ministerial authorization
00:25that allows us to do experiments on the public road,
00:28we have shown how it is possible to use this technology
00:32for new mobility models.
00:34So not as a tool for the private sector,
00:37but as a tool to enable innovative, more efficient, more sustainable mobility models.
00:42This technology and these systems are so complex
00:46that it is now unthinkable to think they are the result of a single entity.
00:51Politecnico Milano is obviously a research center of excellence,
00:55of which I am very proud,
00:57and we certainly need a synergy.
00:59Today we had a very important partner, 2A,
01:03a company that is on the territory,
01:05that deals with mobility,
01:07distribution of electricity,
01:09recharge, therefore fundamental,
01:11but there are many other partners behind it.
01:13I mentioned Cisco.
01:15Much of the hardware technology inside the car is provided by Cisco,
01:19but we will have to increasingly aggregate
01:22the country's intellectual, economic and industrial forces
01:26to build a big, important project
01:29that shows that Italy is also able to fully develop services
01:34based on this technology,
01:36developed entirely in Italy.
01:38This is our dream, our goal.
01:40The first mile went well, we are in Brescia,
01:42so the 1,000 miles, we said it was the first mile,
01:44not the first kilometer,
01:46it went well, it did everything it had to do.
01:49So from an operational point of view,
01:52in the coming months,
01:54we will simply expand the area of the city
02:00on which we are able to do this route.
02:03So we complete the experimental research part in this regard.
02:08Obviously, the hope and ambition is to transform it
02:11into an industrial project,
02:13therefore a real service, an industrial project.
02:15The technological heart is there.
02:17Now we will have to aggregate the country's best forces
02:20to transform it into an industrial project.
