• 2 months ago
According to Swiss researchers, the way people type and use their computer mouse can be better stress indicators than their heart rate. Veuer’s Chloe Hurst has the story!


00:00According to Swiss researchers, the way people type and use their computer mouse
00:04can be better stress indicators than their heart rate.
00:07How we type on our keyboard and move our mouse seems to be a better predictor
00:11of how stressed we feel in an office environment than our heart rate,
00:15says study author Mara Nagelin.
00:18Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
00:21observed 90 participants in the lab performing realistic office tasks,
00:25including planning appointments or recording and analyzing data.
00:29After recording the participants' mouse and keyboard behavior,
00:32as well as their heart rates,
00:33the study concluded that stressed people type and operate their mouse
00:37differently from relaxed people.
00:39People who are stressed move the mouse pointer more often and less precisely
00:43and cover longer distances on the screen.
00:46The study highlights the urgency of finding reliable ways
00:49of detecting heightened stress on the job.
00:52Those affected often don't realize that their physical and mental resources
00:56are dwindling until it's too late.
