• 2 months ago
Comedian Luenell is keeping it real about Dave Chappelle's 'SNL' monologue, where he called for compassion as America embarks on a new chapter with President Trump in charge.


00:02See I like the math so I got to ask you I got to ask you
00:06You know a lot of people are talking about Dave Chappelle's SNL
00:10monologue and you know he's basically saying
00:14You know the world is counting on Donald Trump the offices is no place for petty people
00:20But that you know he's basically wishing him wishing him the best you know because the people are depending on
00:27Well you know people got opinions on both sides, but like what do you would you make of that?
00:32You know I know you you've toured with Dave, and you know there's people with opinions on this
00:38I think that he said it very well. I think he's just
00:43asking for some compassion
00:47Unfortunately he's talking to a compassion list
00:50person and administration
00:52And I mean Dave said it better than I could have said it, I think it was
00:58Okay, that he did that you know just one last sleep as if something is worse than sitting around watching Saturday
01:10Inauguration which just happens to also insultingly be on Martin Luther King jr.. Birthday, which is
01:18Insulting to me did he even I mean I'm not I tried to look it up
01:23because I couldn't watch it live, but
01:25Did he even mention I?
01:28Was on a boycott so I?
01:31Played so I wasn't watching had no intention to watch right Dave has some hope you know that that they could be
01:40He's just had to say that
01:44And be as a meter, but you know making a plea was not a bad thing what he said was not a bad thing
01:51He's just asking for some compassion, but like I said he's talking to compassionate people. Yeah, you know yeah
01:58we had compassion the same kind of
02:02outpouring of clothing and and
02:05resources that went to the people in Palisades and hopefully in
02:11Altitude in the Pasadena as well because I heard they had to ask him to stop bringing clothes. They had so many clothes
02:16So you are not optimistic
02:19Okay, okay, you know what man?
02:22I just I hope I have I hope and pray a lot of things that don't come to be you know
02:29Something can turn around
02:32But I don't I don't have much hope
02:36And I think that a lot of people in the country don't have much hope right now. We're just along for the ride
02:42What can we do? What do you think?
02:45MLK would be at you know
02:47He'd be I think he'd be 98 this year like we where do you think he'd be at with all this?
02:52If he wasn't dead already this would have definitely killed him
