• 2 months ago
Shamli Encounter Updates: शामली एनकाउंटर में घायल यूपी एसटीएफ के इंस्पेक्टर को करनाल से गुरुग्राम के मेदांता अस्तपाल में रेफर किया है.


00:00We got to know last night that UP police and goons had a fight near Shyamli
00:06One of the inspectors, Sunil, who was an STF Inspector, was shot
00:10He was brought to Amritdara Hospital for treatment
00:14At the same time, Mr. Adhikshak, Mr. Rajeev, Mr. Manoj Kumar and I were there
00:22He was referred to Medanta Hospital in Gurgaon after initial treatment
00:28Did you get any information about the number of shots fired?
00:32No, we did not get any information about the number of shots fired
00:36But considering the situation, Mr. Adhikshak, Mr. Rajeev, Mr. Manoj Kumar and I were sent to Medanta Hospital for treatment
00:49Did you get any information about the situation?
00:52Yes, I spoke to my DSP Mr. Rajeev in the morning
00:57He is being operated on right now
01:00Both the DSPs are still in Gurgaon, Medanta
