• 2 months ago
আরজি কর কাণ্ডে সঞ্জয় রায়কে যাবজ্জীবন কারাদণ্ড দিয়েছে শিয়ালদা আদালত। কিন্তু আদালতের এই রায়ে বিভিন্ন মহলে একাধিক প্রশ্ন ঘুরপাক খাচ্ছে ৷


00:00Sanjay Rai was sentenced to life imprisonment in Nimno court.
00:04There were two options. One was hanged and the other was sentenced to life imprisonment.
00:08I have always been against hangings and sentenced to life imprisonment.
00:14There are two reasons for that.
00:16One is that hangings are becoming commonplace in all countries.
00:19In a collective way, people are being killed in the name of hangings.
00:25No one is doing that in all countries these days.
00:29We do not have that problem in our country.
00:31But I did not want to be hanged for a bigger reason than that.
00:34If Sanjay Rai is hanged, it will be convenient for those criminals who are not yet recognized.
00:40Those criminals who are still being harassed by the central and state governments.
00:45They will not face the same situation in the future.
00:49But there will not be a single government in the future.
00:52If the central and state governments are still in power,
00:56and if they are willing to reveal the truth,
01:00then Sanjay Rai will be in jail.
01:03Sanjay Rai is young. He will be in jail for a long time.
01:06Hopefully, he will recover.
01:08Then the truth will be revealed.
01:10The names of the real criminals will be revealed.
01:12That is why I wanted him to be hanged.
01:15But why was Sanjay Rai hanged?
01:18If you look at Sanjay Rai's copy, you can see that there is no direct evidence.
01:23He has only provided circumstantial evidence.
01:30If there is only circumstantial evidence, then he will be hanged in the Supreme Court.
01:37Sanjay Rai is the only criminal in the case.
01:43The Supreme Court has said this.
01:45There is no evidence against other criminals.
01:48I hope that if there is evidence against Sanjay Rai,
01:53then the fight between the Supreme Court and the High Court will be improved.
02:02If you get Sanjay Rai's entire copy, you can verify the rest.
