• 2 months ago
00:00Well, welcome to Art Strictly from Cause, first podcast.
00:06So, can you tell us your names and who you are?
00:09I'm Kelly Ellen McFarlane.
00:11And I'm Billy Young.
00:13And you're a duo?
00:15Yes, we're a double act.
00:19Tim Floods.
00:20Right, Bruce and Tooth and Thumb.
00:22How do you feel about that?
00:24Terrible. Terrible. We're gutted to be put together.
00:28So you've known each other before?
00:29We've actually known each other for...
00:31Just a few decades.
00:33Since I was about 18 when I met you.
00:3517, 18 when I met you.
00:37So I actually used to work with Kelly Ann's sister years ago.
00:41So I met Kelly Ann through her sister Elizabeth when I worked in Outfit.
00:45So he's my favourite.
00:47I'm Dad's partner.
00:51Well, that's quite a fate, really, isn't it?
00:53Because, I mean, like...
00:54I think...
00:55One thing, when we did Pairing Night, I know you weren't there, but...
00:59I thought they did really well in just how they sort of paired us up.
01:05And how they sort of found women between all the couples.
01:08And height.
01:09Yeah, that's the most important thing, isn't it?
01:11Especially when you're like us and you're tiny.
01:15We're like the tiny two.
01:17Yeah, I think you might have had trouble with that.
01:20Yeah, my body's a bit taller.
01:24What would you say to sign up for it?
01:26Well, me personally, it was all fine.
01:29I don't have anything in my family personally that I'm in love with,
01:33but I do have friends.
01:35And I just think it's an amazing cause.
01:37And also, just pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
01:39What better way to raise money for charity?
01:42And learning something new.
01:45Quite a lot of learning.
01:47Dancing, that's totally...
01:49I've not got any background in any type of ballroom dancing,
01:52so that's completely new.
01:54So we'll see how it goes.
01:58And I actually lost my mum in July last year, so quite recently.
02:04And she spent a little bit of time in the hospice
02:07in between that sort of end-of-life part.
02:09But we did manage to get her home, which was her wish.
02:12But the experience that we had at the hospice was like second to none.
02:18It was just amazing.
02:19When you're going through the hardest time of your life
02:21and we just had so much support,
02:23we were just like, this is absolutely...
02:26We were just blown away with how good it was.
02:28So I needed someone to keep myself busy because I'm very...
02:32If I didn't, I'd probably just crumble.
02:34So this is the right thing for me,
02:36and I know that I'm doing it for something really positive,
02:39and I can give back to the experience that I had, you know?
02:42So get me money.
02:46Well, that's a good point, actually.
02:49How's the fundraising going, more importantly?
03:15Yeah, we've got quite a lot.
03:17But I was saying before, we're quite...
03:20Especially me, very pernickety.
03:22So we've started branding things.
03:24So we've got a logo that we want.
03:26Yeah, we're both perfectionists.
03:28So we've created a logo which symbolises...
03:31Spreadsheets, yeah.
03:32We've got...
03:33It symbolises Kelly's mum and my mum,
03:35and that's going to be linked on all of our posters and our tickets
03:38so that when people are obviously part of...
03:40When they're doing the Strictly events,
03:42they'll know which ones belong to us just simply from that.
03:45We wanted to finalise that before then we started putting anything out
03:48because we didn't want it to be, like, half-hearted.
03:50So we do have things finalised.
03:52We've got quite a few events ready to go.
03:54Can you give us any hints or dates people should keep free?
03:58All the dates.
03:59The first major one, our first big one,
04:02we've got a few kind of smaller ones.
04:05I quite like the smaller ones
04:07because they're kind of less sort of organisation.
04:12I'm going to be doing a fundraiser event up at my sister's shop.
04:15She's actually my corporate sponsor up at City Barbers.
04:19My niece, who...
04:21I don't know, you might have heard her on her radio.
04:24She wrote her own song and we played it on the radio.
04:29So she's going to be actually there with her piano singing.
04:32I'll be shaking a bucket, so I'm not going to take it.
04:34So that's kind of the first one.
04:36And then I think we've got some quiz notes and things.
04:39Yeah, we've got all the generic little things,
04:41but we do have like...
04:43The 5th of March, we've got a media night booked.
04:48So we are going to start advertising that very soon,
04:51getting tickets on sale, but we are just waiting for a branding.
04:55A branding.
04:56I love that.
04:57So what made you guys do it?
04:59Because most couples, I think, are like,
05:01I'm going to do some of my own events.
05:03Alicia's going to go to her own events.
05:05So what made you both decide that?
05:07We're very light-minded.
05:11I think we thought that...
05:13We thought it'd be easier, basically.
05:15Yeah, and we can both put 100% into it.
05:18He's got his really good points and skills,
05:25and I've got my points and skills,
05:27and I think put together we can really...
05:29Make it work, yeah.
05:31And also, you don't want to be doing those events on your own as well.
05:34And then we might end up having two separate events as well.
05:38We are doing things that we're planning all together,
05:41but we might not be at every single event together.
05:43Together, that's good.
05:44So we're just making sure that we've got everything there,
05:47and we're contributing the same amount,
05:49because it's a full-time job.
05:51It's quite overwhelming, isn't it?
05:53It's like a big uphill climb, it looks like, right now.
05:56And it's only the beginning, I know.
05:58How are yous feeling about it?
06:00In terms of fundraisers, really, at this point,
06:02I've got lots of ideas, none of them have been executed yet,
06:06and lots of little dates kind of planned here and there, but...
06:10Well, because we're not... Obviously, I've got an issue, you've got...
06:13I've got Erin.
06:15Our problem is, because we've both signed up to win the company,
06:18we're sort of like, we're arguing over...
06:21We get our colleagues' money.
06:23Oh, absolutely.
06:25I'm already fighting about that.
06:28So we're going to...
06:29Actually, because we're on different teams,
06:31but we'll probably do a few together,
06:33so that our colleagues, who are only friends, can come.
06:37Just one event.
06:38And then you feel like you don't have to choose between us.
06:41Yeah, exactly.
06:43I'm feeling...
06:44I don't know, I feel like January was stressing me out a bit.
06:47You know, the fact that we couldn't really start fundraising
06:49until the 6th of January was making me nervous.
06:52I felt like I had to do something in January,
06:54so I'm organising a Burns night.
06:57Because I just thought that's a quick, easy thing to get done.
07:00But no-one's got any money in January, so that's the problem.
07:03That's making me nervous, because I might not have as many people as I'd like.
07:07I shouldn't complain about that, still, if they're coming.
07:09But you know what I mean?
07:10Yeah, it's just difficult.
07:12We're trying to do anything that's not got any overhead,
07:15because you just can't...
07:17You can't guess how many people are coming.
07:19So we're literally milking people dry,
07:21lifting them up by the feet and letting their coins drop.
07:24We're like, will you do this for free?
07:26And if not...
07:27I think for the London Overheads as well,
07:29there are a lot bigger events.
07:31So much organisation goes into it,
07:33and every time you pay all your events,
07:35you kind of think, well, is there anything going to be left?
07:38Yeah, that's it.
07:39That's a scheme.
07:40You've got 35 people probably also going into the same market.
07:43I mean, this isn't big.
07:45No, it's not.
07:46So I'm mostly targeting Elgin, don't know about you.
07:49I'm targeting Inverness, but I also have family up on the West Coast.
07:52Oh, nice.
07:53So my family's just going to target there a little,
07:55do something in their community halls.
07:56West Coast is brilliant as well,
07:57if you do stuff in community halls and things like that.
08:00They love it, don't they?
08:02If you do bingo night, you'll meet a fortune.
08:04That's a good idea, bingo night.
08:05And I'm planning to do a little yoga event here as well.
08:07Oh, nice.
08:08Something like that and do...
08:10Yeah, we've got a quiz hopefully at some point.
08:12Quiz is...
08:13I think we've got two quizzes.
08:14I'm doing...
08:15I've organised dance tutors to come to...
08:17I run a little village hall,
08:18so I'm making use of that as best I can.
08:21But I've got a dance workshop happening
08:23that are like a couple of months a month.
08:25And I think the idea is that all of my friends can go to that,
08:27and then that sort of gets them in the mood.
08:30We're going to get dancing with you.
08:32That's it.
08:33Talking of dancing.
08:35How many rehearsals have you had?
08:37We've only had the one,
08:38but there wasn't really that much dancing.
08:40We just had a lot of conversation.
08:42Around how we wanted things to go.
08:44Yeah, the choreography.
08:47Can't show too much.
08:48Yeah, but did you feel more intimidated or less intimidated?
08:53I was excited, actually.
08:54I was like, wait.
08:55I couldn't wait to get started.
08:58We're all doing showdance, aren't we?
09:00You're doing showdance on Thursday night,
09:01I'm doing showdance with Alicia on Friday night.
09:04I don't know.
09:05I felt like a lot of information just got thrown at us.
09:09I think it's going to be like that for the next three months.
09:12We're just going to get pummeled with information,
09:15and we're just going to have to process it.
09:17I'm literally...
09:18As long as you can dance at the end.
09:20But I'm literally like, honestly, I'm terrible, aren't I?
09:24It's all I'm thinking about.
09:25I've contacted schools and everything about doing fundraisers and things,
09:29dress down days.
09:30I'm literally trying to get as much money as possible.
09:33And you're on it.
09:34But it's because I hate losing.
09:36So if I need to win at something, so there's not the dancing,
09:39I'll need to win at the fundraisers.
09:41I need to win something.
09:43Because that's the thing, we're not just winning with the dancing.
09:46It's those funds that we're bringing in.
09:47You're winning by taking part.
09:48Oh, God.
09:49I know, but it's actually winning.
09:51She's picking herself up.
09:53She's trying to play nice.
09:54I mean, it's me and her together.
09:55She's like, we can do it.
09:57We had a lot of fancy nights.
09:58Here are my competitions, by the way.
10:00Yeah, on that site.
10:02So what's your other dance?
10:03The rumba.
10:04The rumba.
10:05And have you had a lesson yet?
10:06That's a lesson of Sunday.
10:09So you've got a double lesson.
10:10We've got the group.
10:12This is what our plan is.
10:14We've got our group at quarter to one to quarter to two.
10:17And then we've got our rumba at quarter to five to quarter to six.
10:21Well, quarter to six to quarter to seven.
10:23So we've got a four-hour period in between.
10:25So we're like, maybe we could just practice time in between.
10:29So that we're not using another day of our time to do...
10:32Well, Sundays are written off.
10:35Well, at the moment, I've got Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.
10:37It's a lot.
10:38It's a lot.
10:39I mean, I live in Elgin as well.
10:41So it's like, Monday, I don't finish until eight or nine.
10:44And then it's an hour back.
10:46And then I'm up for work.
10:47And it's just, it's so full on.
10:49This week, we've been nagging.
10:51It's getting all the times now.
10:53I think when everything's penciled in and finalised,
10:55it's going to be a little bit easier.
10:57But at this moment in time, I feel like everything's up in the air for us.
11:00And we're just like, ah, we're still trying to like, you know,
11:03dot like all the I's and cross all the T's.
11:06And then it might get a little bit easier.
11:08But because I'm naturally very competitive,
11:10I think it's going to be stressful the whole way.
11:13Are you just as competitive?
11:16I'm secretly quite competitive.
11:19She doesn't let it out.
11:21Can we throw marbles at it?
11:23It'll be like the last few weeks.
11:26But we've had lots of like funny bits as well.
11:28Like with Bobby the B.
11:30That's Bobby the B.
11:32So Bobby the B is the mascot for the Highland Hotspots.
11:36And so we went to the information night,
11:38and Harry was showing us, and she's like,
11:40Bobby the B could be available for hire.
11:43So I was like, well, that's great.
11:46He's like, well, I'll message Harry and say,
11:49Bobby the B is available for, you know,
11:51when I do my fundraising first.
11:54So I messaged him, I was like,
11:56did you hear back about Bobby the B?
11:58And he's like, yeah.
12:00So he sent me a screenshot of it, and she was like,
12:02you can pick Bobby the B.
12:04Bobby the B's fine.
12:05You can pick it up on Friday and drop it off on Monday.
12:08So I was just in absolute fit.
12:11I was like, it's a costume.
12:13I just thought this person was going to turn up in their bed,
12:17dressed up as Bobby the B.
12:19I was like, Bobby, this is a costume.
12:23Yeah, we've got the costume, and she's like,
12:25who's going to wear it?
12:27I was just like, what was I thinking?
12:29Like this dedicated person that works,
12:31and just dresses up as Bobby the B.
12:37Honestly, I was just like, he's like, what?
12:40She sent me a voice note, and I was literally in tears.
12:43I sent it to my friends, my family.
12:45I literally messaged everyone.
12:46We'd like to hear it, but there's too much speed.
12:48And I'm like, what?
12:50Is anyone out there that wants to dress up as Bobby the B for you?
12:53Yeah, let us know.
12:55He's like, you'll just have to wear it.
12:57I'm like, too big for me.
12:59So just so you know, Bobby the B is a character.
13:01I'm looking for a Bobby the B.
13:02And you have to wear it.
13:03That's what I felt.
13:06What are you most scared by, with everything that's going on?
13:12Not raising any money, and having no friends to come and watch me on the night.
13:17Three tables.
13:18Yeah, three tables at 12.
13:19I don't know that many people.
13:22You must find them.
13:24On the street, like, please, can you come watch me?
13:28You'll be able to sell the tickets like that.
13:29I know loads of people that are desperate for them.
13:32Do you know how many people who watch it?
13:34Like you said, it's like 500, 600.
13:36600 people.
13:38Which is a bit large.
13:41Apparently it's blinding on the night that you actually can't see anybody because the lights are so bright.
13:46Have any of you had a chance to go in and look at the last year's dances on YouTube?
13:51They're amazing, aren't they?
13:52Very good.
13:53We've got big steps.
13:55Are you more worried about one dance than the other?
13:58Because we've not done any of the other one either.
14:00Like, nah, we're not really.
14:02I wouldn't say I'm worried about it.
14:03I think I'll be more worried about it.
14:05When we've actually started doing it.
14:06Because we've not really started, like, getting into the nitty gritty of it.
14:09So just now we know what we're doing, but we've not seen it.
14:13So when we see it, we might be like, oh.
14:18Other than, like, raising money and learning to dance,
14:21is there anything that you're kind of really hoping to gain over the next few months?
14:25Whether that be confidence or.
14:27Personal growth.
14:31It's all in our logo.
14:34Have you got any of that?
14:36Yeah, we've got, like, all the things that.
14:38The spiritual meanings of the.
14:40Because, like, my mum loved Highland cows.
14:42So we've got, like, a Highland cow and Kelly Anne's mum loved butterflies.
14:47So we've used that as our logo.
14:49So it's, like, the butterfly and the Highland cow.
14:51And then the spiritual words for them are, like, resilience, rebirth, growth.
14:54And we've just put that round it.
14:56So that's, like, our strength.
14:58So that's, like, our logo.
14:59Like, our sort of thing.
15:00And when we're looking at it, we're, like, that is what we want to gain.
15:02It's almost.
15:03When you look at the words, it's like a timeline of.
15:07Let's hope we make it to the end.
15:09Maybe we'll be personal though.
15:12It's a really nice touch, actually.
15:15It's very personal to us.
15:17My mum passed away in 2016 of cancer.
15:20That's something else that we're.
15:23It's a full circle for us.
15:24Because, obviously, I've known Kelly Anne that long.
15:27So, obviously, life was there when she lost her mum.
15:30She's there when I've lost my mum.
15:31And then we've gone full circle to actually doing something to honour them.
15:34So it's actually quite exciting.
15:36But at the same time, it is, like.
15:38It's hard.
15:39So I think we needed something to keep our focus on it.
15:42And that's why we chose to do that sort of local thing with it as well.
15:45It's really beautiful.
15:46When you do it, when you, like, paint it like that.
15:48And then, you know, you go back to pairing it.
15:50It's interesting, then, that you also get paired together.
15:53In that sort of thing.
15:56I mean, I did ask.
15:58So it's nothing to do with fair.
16:00I know.
16:01To be honest, we were both meant to be coming to the pairing night.
16:05And I was absolutely floored completely.
16:07It's got to be the worst.
16:08Four months fully.
16:09I don't even know.
16:10I was also.
16:11I've had two times like this.
16:13Well, it was just.
16:14It floored me for about three weeks.
16:15And even on the night of the pairing, I phoned Kelly and I was like,
16:17I just don't feel well.
16:18I'm, like, hot and cold for a student.
16:19I was just completely, like, oh.
16:21I'm going for work from home.
16:23Because there's no way I'm going to be able to make it out of the office.
16:25And then he was ill as well.
16:26So none of us could make it that night.
16:28So I think it might have been through default.
16:31That we ended up getting paired.
16:33So hang on, I've gone on about how good pairing that was.
16:35None of us were there.
16:37I know.
16:38We were just like, yeah, yeah.
16:39Very brilliant.
16:40I was in my bed eating ice lollies.
16:43Like, that was my.
16:45That's not.
16:46I know.
16:47We were actually, we were on the phone to each other and we were like,
16:49like, do you know that where you're trying to gear each other up to get ready
16:52to go?
16:53And we were just like, I mean, if you don't go, I won't go.
16:56Because, like, you feel bad.
16:58I couldn't even, like, even just getting out of bed and moving.
17:02Like, I'd be pulling and my body would be sore.
17:05I've never had anything like that in my life.
17:06I'm pretty sure it was worse than the flu.
17:08The one thing I've really invested in about pairing that way, though,
17:11was, you know, how quickly they did get you dancing.
17:14Like, they taught you steps and I don't know.
17:16They loved everything about it.
17:17Well, we watched a video.
17:19Well, yeah.
17:21We haven't seen you yet.
17:22But, you know, when you saw how we started, like, an hour before and,
17:25you know.
17:27So, I don't know, I was impressed.
17:28It gives you hope.
17:29Gave me hope.
17:30What are yous like with them?
17:32Because obviously we're quite lucky because we do know each other,
17:34which has made the, like, pairing of each other quite easier because
17:39obviously we do know each other.
17:41It's probably going to be harder for us, though, the closer we get in,
17:44because we're going to be more likely to fall out with each other.
17:46That's true.
17:47So, what do yous, like, how are yous finding the pairing?
17:49So, I just met my pairing at the first rehearsal because my pair got
17:54switched on Monday.
17:56So, all we've done is dance together yet and we haven't actually got to
18:00know each other.
18:01So, I think it's going to be okay.
18:02Like, she seems quite relaxed, quite chilled.
18:04I need somebody that's, like, that same kind of vibe.
18:09So, yeah, I think it's going to be good.
18:11But, like you say, it's not like you can get mad at your colleagues or
18:16your family and your friends, can you?
18:18So, I'll be on my best behaviour.
18:20Yeah, we'll be fighting on a corner somewhere.
18:23I'll have to just keep it within.
18:25We won't.
18:28Honestly, I don't know if I get on really well with Alisha.
18:32I think, like, when we did the first show dance night and we were both
18:36writing each other's faces, that was awkward.
18:40Because we don't know each other and suddenly, like, I mean, it's
18:44It was awkward for us.
18:45We were a bit like, oh, we're touching too close.
18:47We're not touching.
18:48It's like it's my brother.
18:50And I think we shared a glance, but, like, we didn't really know where
18:55to look.
18:57It was just that awkward, like, oh, should we be looking at each
19:00I don't know if it was awkward or...
19:01Oh, Sam loved that awkwardness.
19:02So good.
19:03We're on a good wave, actually.
19:05She seems really, really nice.
19:07Which makes, like, it will make that sort of journey easier.
19:09But everybody that I've met seems really nice.
19:11Everybody does.
19:12Everybody seems like they're up for it, having a good time.
19:15And just doing the best we can.
19:17So, and it'll be nice when we all have our groups, actually.
19:21You should have us back, again, closer to the actual...
19:23We will.
19:24...the time of it and see what we're saying now.
19:27We'll be sitting at home saying...
19:28If we're still together.
19:30We've changed partners.
19:34We actually got rid of our logo.
19:35We've changed the words.
19:38It's split.
19:41So, our last question for you is, if the two of you were stuck on a desert island together,
19:47what three items would you each bring?
19:52We both would bring curry, wouldn't we?
19:55We couldn't live without it.
19:56Either curry or...
19:57What type of curry?
19:58We'd have to have naga.
20:00Oh, yeah.
20:03Or a thing of chillies, because you could put chillies on anything.
20:06We like spicy...
20:07We both really like spicy food.
20:09I've been looking forward to going for a Bombay bad boy many years.
20:10You want to have that the day before your birthday.
20:11But yeah, I definitely think, for me, curry would definitely be one of them.
20:12Chilli flakes for me.
20:13A really good looking man.
20:14I've had a few chilli flakes.
20:15Could I just take that?
20:16Could I just have a good looking man there?
20:17I can have whatever I like.
20:18You can.
20:19I'd have that.
20:20And water.
20:21Water, yeah.
20:23Like, not from the sea.
20:24Not true.
20:25You'd be good with all of that.
20:27I'd have a good looking man.
20:28I'd have a good looking man.
20:29I'd have a good looking man.
20:30I'd have a good looking man.
20:31I'd have a good looking man.
20:32I'd have a good looking man.
20:39I'd have a good looking man.
20:40I'd have a good looking man.
20:41I'd have a good looking man.
20:42I'd have a good looking man.
20:43I'd have a good looking man.
20:44I'd have a good looking man.
20:45I'd have a good looking man.
20:46I'd have a good looking man.
20:47I'd have a good looking man.
20:48I'd have a good looking man.
20:49I'd have a good looking man.
20:50I'd have a good looking man.
20:51I'd have a good looking man.
20:52I'd have a good looking man.
20:53I'd have a good looking man.
20:54I'd have a good looking man.
20:55I'd have a good looking man.
20:56I'd have a good looking man.
20:57I'd have a good looking man.
20:58I'd have a good looking man.
20:59I'd have a good looking man.
21:00I'd have a good looking man.
21:01I'd have a good looking man.
21:02I'd have a good looking man.
21:03I'd have a good looking man.
21:04I'd have a good looking man.
21:05I'd have a good looking man.
21:06I'd have a good looking man.
21:07I'd have a good looking man.
21:08I'd have a good looking man.
21:09I'd have a good looking man.
21:10I'd have a good looking man.
21:11I'd have a good looking man.
21:12I'd have a good looking man.
21:13I'd have a good looking man.
21:14I'd have a good looking man.
21:15I'd have a good looking man.
21:16I'd have a good looking man.
21:17I'd have a good looking man.
21:18I'd have a good looking man.
21:19I'd have a good looking man.
21:20I'd have a good looking man.
21:21I'd have a good looking man.
21:22I'd have a good looking man.
21:23I'd have a good looking man.
21:24I'd have a good looking man.
21:25I'd have a good looking man.
21:26I'd have a good looking man.
21:27I'd have a good looking man.
21:28I'd have a good looking man.
21:29I'd have a good looking man.
21:30I'd have a good looking man.
21:31I'd have a good looking man.
21:32I'd have a good looking man.
21:33I'd have a good looking man.
21:34I'd have a good looking man.
21:35I'd have a good looking man.
21:36I'd have a good looking man.
21:37I'd have a good looking man.
21:38I'd have a good looking man.
21:39I'd have a good looking man.
21:40I'd have a good looking man.
21:41I'd have a good looking man.
21:42I'd have a good looking man.
21:43I'd have a good looking man.
21:44I'd have a good looking man.
21:45Good luck, but I hope.
21:47Yeah, I'm like, good luck, love.
21:48I will see you on Sunday.
21:49Oh, yes.
21:50For a group session.
21:51For a group session, actually.
21:52I'm excited for that.
21:53I'm excited for that as well.
21:54I think that's the bit that I'm looking forward to most on Sunday, is the group one, because
21:55I'm excited to just meet everybody properly.
21:56Me too.
21:57It's been like, really, like the meetings have been a wee bit weird and everyone's like,
21:58really uncomfortable.
21:59And it's too big and busy.
22:01You're all sort of like, ooh.
22:03I don't know you, I don't want to speak to you.
22:04I like the theme, which.
22:06We won't reveal.
22:09I don't know if we can reveal the theme.
22:10Yeah, I don't think we should.
22:11No, no.
22:13But it's exciting.
22:14It's exciting.
22:15It's like, you know, we don't even know the music yet for Showtime, do we?
22:18Oh, shoot.