• 2 months ago
Kyle Porter talks to Media Isle of Man about his new take-away in Douglas - Porters Kitchen
00:00Well, this is Porter's Kitchen in the Isle of Man.
00:04This is our first of hopefully a few that we're going to scatter throughout the Isle of Man.
00:09The idea with this was to build off from the Logic Glen Helen.
00:13We created a product there.
00:16The idea of this was to just expand. This was the expansion project.
00:20Unfortunately, we had to close the Logic Glen Helen.
00:23We've put all of the rest of our resources into Porter's Kitchen in Douglas to start.
00:28And this is it. We are at the beginning phases of phase one.
00:37Well, the same thing, just in takeaway format.
00:40We spent a lot of time and effort to figure out how we are going to present the food in takeaway
00:46so that the quality stays as good as possible to the point where it reaches your house.
00:50So yeah, we put a lot of time and effort into thinking about how we're going to package this product.
00:54It is the same product. It is just now under my wife's name and my name, Porter's.
00:58We are Kyle and Fleur Porter.
01:00Yeah, that's it. This is us. We're ready to go.
01:07So phase one, we're on the corner of Broadway and Victoria where I'm standing now.
01:10This is the burger joint, milkshake joint, ribs and wings.
01:13Phase two is right next door to us on Victoria Street.
01:17It is going to be a coffee shop. We take coffee seriously.
01:20We've partnered with the guys from Deluxe Coffee Works who I've grown up working with.
01:27We use them at the lodge as well.
01:29So yeah, phase two, we will open the coffee shop, grab and go.
01:34It's still linked to this building and that will be open mornings to afternoons.
01:37This is open afternoons till evening.
01:45Those boards are from a really good friend of mine, Wandele.
01:48If he hears this, Wandele.
01:49That's from South Africa. It's from a skateboard company called Funisu.
01:53Wandele is a long time friend of mine and those boards have come with us since 2011, 2012.
02:01They've been in our cafe in Vietnam, our cafe in South Africa, our cafe at the Lodge at Glen Helen
02:07and now they are here on the corner of Broadway and Victoria.
02:10So yeah, that's Funisu. Stays with us wherever we go.
02:19Please come next week.
02:21Yeah, just look forward to seeing you guys.
02:23My wife and I, we love to serve people.
02:25We love what we do and we love meeting new people.
02:28So come, say hello, make yourself known.
02:30Come and meet me, Kyle. Meet my wife, Fleur.
02:32Fleur, come.
02:34Come say hello.
02:35This is my wife, Fleur and we can't wait to see you guys.
02:38And thanks for your support. Thanks for welcoming us and I hope you enjoy your meal.
