• vor 2 Monaten
Gwen und James sind in ihren 30ern, erfolglos und chronisch pleite. Für die Babyparty von Gwens Schwester brauchen sie aber dringend Geld für ein anständiges Geschenk. In Sour Party versuchen sie verzweifelt so viel Geld wie nur irgend möglich aufzutreiben.


00:00You ready?
00:10Man, this is really bringing me back to my middle school magazine drive days.
00:16I did one of those.
00:17Oh yeah? How'd you do?
00:18Not good.
00:19Meet Gwen and James.
00:22They've got attitude.
00:23F*** you!
00:24They've got opinions.
00:26It looks like you f***ed yourself.
00:27And they're living the American dream.
00:29You want to do sex work now?
00:31What, like it's hard?
00:32But when life throws them a mild inconvenience...
00:35So I've been calling you to remind you about the baby shower tomorrow?
00:39You forgot, didn't you?
00:40They'll set out on the adventure of a lifetime.
00:43Is this really happening?
00:44Do you want me to get the crystals?
00:46I do not want you to get the crystals.
00:50You guys in like a kind of trouble or something?
00:52I'm in the middle of an emergency.
00:53What's the emergency?
00:54She needs a gift for her sister's baby shower.
00:56Do I really need to explain to you what an emergency is?
01:00It's a tale about friendship.
01:02James, please, I need you today.
01:05You don't get to judge me.
01:07No one expects anything of me.
01:08The only gift I need is for my sister to be there with clean hair.
01:13Somebody's got to like owe us money or something.
01:16I'm peeing! I'm peeing!
01:18Toxic masculinity.
01:19Climate change.
01:20White privilege.
01:21New age mysticism.
01:22Late stage capitalism.
01:23Artificial intelligence.
01:25Multi-level marketing.
01:26And succulents.
01:28You definitely have to get to the roots, but the rhizomes get destroyed when you pull them out of the ground.
01:32It looks like they were pulled out of the ground.
01:34You made me take my top off.
01:36I'm just trying to make sh** happen.
01:38Is it a joke?
01:40I get it.
01:41Gwen, stop it! It's mine!
01:43What a rush.
01:44Samantha Westervelt.
01:46I'm a horrible f***ing person. Is that what you want?
01:48Amanda Drexton.
01:49You wouldn't know that because you don't f***ing care about anyone except yourselves.
01:54In a new film from The Drextons.
01:57That is the appropriate usage.
01:59Sour Party.
02:02Maybe men just need to clean their hot tubs and their d***s.
02:05And then the world will be that much closer to equality.