• 2 months ago
Bursa Karbon Indonesia atau IDXCarbon resmi melakukan transaksi internasional perdana pada Senin (20/1/2025. Dari total unit karbon berbentuk Sertifikat Pengurangan Emisi-Gas Rumah Kaca (SPE-GRK) yang ditawarkan IDXCarbon hari ini, terdapat entitas asing yang ikut berpartisipasi.

Adapun volume perdagangan mencapai 48.788 ton karbon dioksida ekuivalen (tCO2e). Dari sisi supply, saat ini terdapat 5 unit karbon SPE-GRK yang terkelompok dalam proyek Indonesia Technology Based Solution (IDTBS), dan Indonesia Tech Based Solution Renewable Energy (IDTBS-RE).


00:00Indonesia is still in the IDX Consensus Closing, and we will inform you about the topic of choice.
00:10Where Indonesia officially has international carbon.
00:13The launch was officiated by the Minister of the Environment, accompanied by the Chair of the Board, Commissioner OJK, and the Director of the Indonesian Stock Exchange.
00:20The Director-General of the Indonesian Stock Exchange, Imam Rahman, said last year the number of participants registered as carbon users reached 104 participants,
00:29significantly increasing since the launch in September 2023.
00:40Indonesia officially has an international carbon exchange.
00:43The Indonesian Carbon Exchange, or IDX Carbon, officially launched an international carbon exchange on Monday, January 20, 2025.
00:51The Director-General of the Indonesian Stock Exchange, Iman Rahman, stated,
00:55The launch of this international carbon exchange is Indonesia's effort to address climate change.
01:01The launch was officiated by the Minister of the Environment, Hanifai Sol, accompanied by the Chair of the Board, Commissioner OJK, Mahendra Sirigar, and the Director of the Indonesian Stock Exchange, Iman Rahman.
01:10Iman Rahman, in his speech, said,
01:12Today is a historic moment for Indonesia in an effort to address climate change.
01:18Iman added,
01:19The International Carbon Trade Initiative marks an important milestone that shows Indonesia's willingness and commitment to make significant contributions to achieving a global target.
01:29At the same opportunity, the Chair of the Board of Commissioners of the Ministry of Finance, Mahendra Sirigar, said,
01:34OJK has taken steps to regulate monitoring areas related to carbon exchange, one of which is for this international trade.
01:43In addition, the Minister of the Environment, Chair of the Board of Environmental Affairs, Hanifai Sol Nurofik, stated,
01:48This launch is to support real action to achieve Indonesia's climate target, which is included in the Nationality Determined Contribution or NDC document.
01:58With the overall evolution, it is expected that carbon trade in Indonesia can grow significantly,
02:03support the target of reducing national emissions, as well as supporting the creation of a more environmentally friendly economy.
