• 2 months ago
पौंग डैम क्षेत्र में पर्यटन को बढ़ावा देने के लिए सरकार हर संभव प्रयास करेगी. यह जानकारी सीएम सुक्खू ने दी.


00:00We have come to see from the point of view of Britain, and definitely wherever there will be scope, tourism activities will be increased.
00:10Sir, what do you have to say about the topic of heritage place?
00:14All these things will be considered and seen.
00:18It is a very beautiful place and when I was taking a ride through the boats, it was seen that this kind of tourism projects can come here, or heritage projects can come, or others can come.
00:35The government will think about it.
