• 2 months ago
खूंटी में अफीम की खेती को लेकर डीजीपी ने सख्त संदेश दिया. साथ ही लोगों से नशे की खेती को छोड़कर अच्छा खेती करने की अपील की.


00:00This is a joint effort by the government and the people
00:04in which we have taken an oath
00:07that we will not allow the cultivation of opium in our country, in our state, in our city, in our district.
00:14I still remember about 22 years ago,
00:18the first time when I was in Ranchi, I got the opportunity to come here.
00:24And I was very impressed by the beauty, the jungle, the rivers, the mountains here.
00:31I felt that there is a heaven in Ranchi, which is called Kuti.
00:36Then I got a chance to go to the birthplace of Lord Vishwamitra.
00:44And I was very impressed that the hardworking farmers here,
00:50who produce fruits and vegetables, I felt very good.
01:00There are mainly three problems in Kuti district.
01:07As a police officer, I got a chance to see it for the last 20-22 years.
01:14The first is the cultivation of opium, which we are discussing now.
01:18The second is the cultivation of opium.
01:20And the third is the human trafficking.
01:23I have seen these three problems in Kuti district.
01:27We will not talk about human trafficking today.
01:33We will not talk about opium.
01:35But I would like to say a few words about it.
01:39We have taken an oath in the administration of the state police
01:44that if any girl or boy from Jharkhand is a victim of trafficking in any part of the country,
01:52then the Jharkhand police and the Jharkhand administration will not help them.
01:57So I request all of you, as a devotee said, to educate your children.
02:06Improve your generation.
02:08Stop drinking.
02:10And give your children good knowledge so that they can move forward and go to a good place.
02:16And the government has given a lot of such facilities to other districts of Kuti district,
02:22so that you can educate your children.
02:25And if you do not pay attention to your children,
02:28if you let your children be a victim of trafficking,
02:31then your generations will not move forward and you will not be successful.
02:36I am very happy that Kuti district is almost free of trafficking.
02:43But I would like to appeal to all our young people who have lost their way,
02:50that the Jharkhand government has made a very beautiful surrender policy.
02:58If there is a young person who has lost his land for any reason,
03:05or if he has been affected in any way,
03:09if there is a young person who wants to come to the main stream,
03:13then please come to the nearest police station or SP, or to our office and tell us.
03:19And we will try to put him in the main stream.
03:22So this is my small interview regarding Naxalwad or PLFI or whatever you call it.
03:30Because we are seeing that many of our young people,
03:34who have no business, who have no job, who have no profession,
03:39or who do not want to do farming,
03:42they come under the influence of these people and take the path of trafficking,
03:48which is very harmful to their country, their family, their society, their name.
03:53Now we will talk about Afeen's farming.
03:57I remember about 22-23 years ago, when I was in Hazaribagh,
04:03the first time Afeen's farming started in Jharkhand in Chhatra district.
04:08I remember it very well.
04:10And then when the action started on the people of Chhatra,
04:13they thought, the people of Chhatra told me,
04:17that why don't we go to such an area and start it,
04:21where the people are innocent, where the people are straight.
04:24And they themselves came and in Kuti,
04:27inspired the farmers here to do this bad work,
04:33which started behind Afeen and is increasing year by year.
04:38And people think that there is a lot of money in it,
04:42there is a lot of profit in it, so they can earn a lot of money day and night.
04:47Now I remember a very good conversation with a farmer,
04:52who was telling his practical experience,
04:54that how much profit can be made by doing agriculture.
04:57And I believe that if scientific techniques of agriculture are used,
05:04if agriculture is done at the right time,
05:06when people are growing potatoes, you are growing tomatoes,
05:09when people are growing cucumbers, you are growing watermelons,
05:12then you should take some such path,
05:14so that you can get the right price of agriculture in the market.
05:19And along with this, you do something,
05:22like keeping goats, cows, chickens, fish,
05:26do pay attention to all this.
05:29In our Kuti district, there are many such rivers and ponds,
05:32where cage culture, fish culture, etc. can be done.
05:36You should pay attention to all this.
05:38You have to see it, DC sir has to see it,
05:40the machinery of the government is definitely looking at it.
05:44But I want to talk about the agriculture of Afeen.
05:47In that, I want to say one thing,
05:49that we have taken a decision,
05:51that we will explain, convince, request, request you,
05:57join hands that you do not do agriculture of Afeen.
06:00But after our request, after our request,
06:04after joining our hands,
06:06if any farmer does agriculture of Afeen,
06:09then legal action will be taken against him,
06:12and we will send him to jail.
06:14And because of that one farmer,
06:17we do not want to waste our entire youth generation.
06:21That is why I request all of you,
06:24please do not do agriculture of Afeen.
06:27I am saddened by this,
06:29when we had to come to this earth of Bhagwan Vrishabhananda,
06:32to do this work,
06:34to leave Afeen and come here.
06:38Because all of you are known by the name of Koti Vrishabhananda ji.
06:45As a people of this place, you feel proud.
06:50Those who must have read Vrishabhananda ji,
06:52his mission was to make a major part of the society drug-free.
06:58The main content of agriculture was that,
07:01people should go for drug-free life,
07:03people should go out of their addiction.
07:06Today, we had to come to this place to leave drug-free life.
07:10This is our failure.
07:12We need to understand this.
07:15Many devotees have been told about drug-free life.
07:18This is not only a person's crime.
07:21In a family, when a person becomes addicted to drugs,
07:25whether he is bald or bald,
07:28it is not only that person's crime.
07:31That family is broken.
07:33The society, the village is broken because of them.
07:36They are against the country.
07:38That person is not only against that person,
07:40he is against the country.
07:42So, many activities of agriculture are going on in the state.
07:46If you think about it, there are many such activities.
07:49In agriculture with very advanced techniques,
07:52as I told you, there is an income of 2 lakh, 2.5 lakh, 3 lakh rupees.
07:56You need to be aware of this.
07:59Our district administration, agricultural officials,
08:02horticulture officials,
08:04should be in touch with everyone.
08:06Many schemes are being run by the government.
08:08Our state is very famous for horticulture and vegetables.
08:12So, in horticulture, a lot of support is being given by the government.
08:16From 15% to many types of subsidies are given for advanced agriculture.
08:21Similarly, as I told you, drip irrigation.
08:26In BDMC scheme, 80% of the cost of 1.5 lakh rupees
08:32is spent on your farm,
08:34which is sprinkler or drip irrigation.
08:38In that, only 10% of the cost of 1.5 lakh rupees is given by the government.
08:43The remaining 90% is subsidized.
08:46I am from Bhute district.
08:48My cousin studies in the village.
08:52When my aunt used to teach in BDMC,
08:56I used to come and go to Bhute many times.
08:59So, when I opened my school,
09:01my sister used to teach there,
09:03I used to come there in my childhood.
09:06So, I have a lot of beautiful memories from different parts of the district.
09:13But when we read those names in the official reports today,
09:19that in Bhute, in which places we have Afib farming,
09:22we have Murang Hada, Saitoka, Murhoka, Rivika.
09:26When we see the names of these places,
09:29it is really very saddening.
09:33And I understand that today,
09:35all of us who are present here,
09:37the people of this district are present here,
09:39the people who are connected to the land here are present here.
09:44Why are we present here?
09:46If we think about it with honesty,
09:51and if we take the oath we are going to take in the end with honesty,
09:59then there is no reason for us to see this problem arising from the roots within a year.
10:06Kunti ji is a witness of many campaigns.
10:11These things were also discussed.
10:13And today, in front of all of us, this is a big challenge.
10:16When we look at this place,
10:18how it came out of Naxalism,
10:20then today in front of all of us,
10:22this is a big challenge that our generation,
10:25our future generation,
10:27we should not let it get mixed up in Naxalism.
10:30We should not destroy the entire district
10:32with the cultivation of waste.
10:34From the statistics, we are getting to know that
10:37in 2020-21, 900 acres were harvested.
10:41In 2023-2024, around 1,800 acres were harvested.
10:46But we do not get the right picture from the statistics.
10:50The real reality,
10:52how many acres are being cultivated,
10:54in which districts, panchayats or villages people are doing it,
11:00and which people in their own villages are also involved in this.
11:04It is possible that some of the people present here,
11:07some of you are also involved in this.
11:11If you are not involved in this,
11:13then until now, you have been blinded by this.
11:17And today, the purpose and aim of all of us coming here
11:21is that we are determined that
11:25the cultivation of waste is an illegal act,
11:28an illegal act, a wrong act,
11:31which not only affects the economy of our country,
11:35our development, our youth,
11:38and the health of our generation.
11:41It has such a negative impact,
11:44and this problem is taking such a negative form.
11:48So, we are taking a zero-tolerance approach to this.
11:53Is there a strict prohibition on this?
11:57Mr. BJP has explained it in detail.
12:01And recently, we have been sitting here,
12:04where the police officers have been given strict instructions
12:08that our work is not only to do research,
12:11we are not running a research scheme,
12:14where we find that agriculture is taking place,
12:17there is going to be an arrest,
12:20there is going to be a named FIR,
12:23there is going to be a strict investigation,
12:26so that people know that they are involved in a wrong act.
12:29And in this act, all of you,
12:31like the people I have spoken to,
12:33they have also clearly said that
12:35the entire society needs to come forward.
12:38Last week, I have also written a letter
12:41to the Prime Minister of the Panchayat,
12:44to request the Chiefs of the Panchayat,
12:47to make them aware of this,
12:50that they have to try their level best
12:53to stop the agriculture in their area.
12:56And if they do not succeed in their efforts,
12:59and at the same time, if they do not inform the police,
13:02then we will also think about the aspects of the investigation.
