• 2 months ago
धनबाद में एक ईंट भट्ठा में अवैध शराब का धंधा चल रहा था. उत्पाद विभाग ने इसका खुलासा किया है.


00:00On 18th January, Dhanbad received a secret notification that an illegal liquor business is being run in the village of Thana Rajganj, Bolayanthand.
00:14After this, the SDO, through Dhanbad, with the help of a magistrate and a police team, was ordered to raid the illegal liquor business.
00:29After this, with the help of the Rajganj police station, we raided the business.
00:35After this, in 215 boxes, we have obtained 1500 litres of Royal Stag and Imperial Blue.
00:45We have also obtained 300 litres of Spirit.
00:49We have also obtained all the necessities.
00:53Currently, the name of Murari Mahto, who is in Dhavachitamod, is coming forward.
01:01After the investigation, further proceedings will be carried out.
01:05Sir, about 5 lakh rupees worth of liquor has been confiscated.
01:09Sir, what is this?
01:10It has been coming forward, but we were busy with success.
01:16We were successful behind them.
01:18Today, we have succeeded.
01:20Looking at the current situation, it is clear that the main source of liquor was being made for Bihar.
01:27For the Bihar supply.
01:29It is not being sold in the local market.
