• 2 months ago
दादरी के पिचौपा कलां माइनिंग क्षेत्र मिट्टी खिसकने से मलबे में एक वाहन दब गई. ग्रामीणों ने यहां अवैध माइनिंग का आरोप लगाया.


00:00Fifteen days ago, there was an incident where a dump truck and a pocket lander collided.
00:05An IWA operator's leg was cut.
00:12They showed a small incident and said that a dump truck collided with a crescent conveyor.
00:19He got down and started running.
00:21At that time, a stone hit him and his thumb broke.
00:24There is nothing like that.
00:25The mine manager here, Rakesh Beniwal's partner Sudhir,
00:33says that he gives the government a large amount of Rs. 8 crore.
00:37No one can do anything to us.
00:39You can do whatever you want.
00:41The minister came here after four days.
00:44The minister gave him a clear cut clearance that nothing happened here.
00:52Small incidents keep happening in the mines.
00:55Yesterday, at 4 o'clock, there was another incident.
00:59A pocket lander and an IWA operator were buried under the mine.
01:04The government came and got them all out.
01:07There was an incident here on January 1.
01:09Subhash, the son of Maharaja Tataji, runs a car here.
01:14He went to the mine at around 1.30 at night.
01:18Around three to four cars fell on the mine.
01:23The car was destroyed.
01:25His leg is badly injured.
01:27His arm is broken.
01:29They didn't give him any information.
01:31The government came and told him that it was a minor injury.
01:36But he is badly injured.
01:38His arm is broken.
01:40Yesterday evening, at around 5 o'clock, we got the news
01:44that the Maheswar Dada Dhoda Company, which is engaged in mining in Patiala,
01:49has dug a mountain.
01:51The cars were buried.
01:53People were buried.
01:55A lot of pocket landers were buried.
01:58As soon as we got the news, we reached the site with the staff.
02:04During the excavation, we saw that the road that was being built from the soil
02:10was completely covered in soil.
02:13Because of this, the car was buried there.
02:17No other life was found there.
