• 2 months ago


00:00Science strives for answers, but it doesn't yet have all the answers. It's a fact of life that
00:05there are some parts of life that still… just don't make sense. In some cases, though,
00:11what remains unknown is more than a little unsettling. This is Unveiled,
00:16and today we're taking a closer look at six creepy discoveries that science still can't explain.
00:30Thanks to the modern-day push for UAP disclosure, and thanks to its inclusion in the Lu Xishen
00:38novels adapted for the Netflix show, Three-Body Problem, the Wow! signal is perhaps more widely
00:43known now than it's perhaps ever been before. That doesn't mean science has an answer for it,
00:48though. Ohio State University is home to the Big Ear Radio Telescope, which in 1977 detected a
00:55peculiar signal from the stars. It was the astronomer Jerry Ehman who discovered it.
01:00A strong, narrowband radio transmission which seemed to originate from the Sagittarius
01:05constellation, the signal, a seeming anomaly, lasted for a whopping 72 seconds. It was no
01:11mere blip from the universe, but a sustained rumbling, and what some viewed as potentially
01:17a message of some kind. Famously, Ehman was so amazed by what he'd picked up that he circled
01:22the signal on a printout and wrote WOW in red ink next to it. Of course, there have been plenty
01:28of attempts since 1977 to find its origin… but we've not once detected it again. Various theories
01:35have therefore arisen, ranging from it being simply a natural, cosmic event, to it emitting
01:41from some far-off, alien-inhabited world. Arguably the most popular theory comes from some 2024
01:47research conducted by the Arecibo WOW Project, claiming that it could've been caused by a
01:53neutron star colliding with a hydrogen gas cloud… but no one yet knows for sure.
01:59But let's next get back down to Earth, and actually, into bed. Sleep paralysis is something
02:05that not all but some human beings experience, sometimes multiple times, and sometimes rarely,
02:11throughout life. As such, it's a fascinating topic… but it can also be completely terrifying.
02:17It's when an individual wakes up at night, but finds themselves temporarily incapable of
02:22speaking or moving, as though they're locked inside their bodies, without any workable link
02:27to the outside world. If it does happen to you, then it usually lasts for just a couple of minutes,
02:32maximum. But the problem is, no one really knows why it happens in the first place.
02:39Sleep paralysis is commonly accompanied by vivid and often nightmarish hallucinations.
02:44Dark figures are also frequently seen, which are known as sleep paralysis demons. There can
02:49be a suffocating sense of pressure on the chest. It can leave the one who's experiencing it with
02:54an overwhelming sense of dread. No matter how you cut it, sleep paralysis is unpleasant.
03:00It's believed that various factors may contribute to any one person's likelihood of having sleep
03:04paralysis, such as sleep deprivation, irregular waking patterns, and general stress and anxiety…
03:11but aside from that, science is still unsure. Which, unfortunately, means it could very well
03:16happen to you. And, perhaps, this very night. What's a little disturbing is that losing
03:21control of one's body is something of a theme over the history of humankind. And,
03:26if you were somehow to step back in time to the summer of 1518, in Strasbourg,
03:31then you'd stumble upon one of the most infamous cases of all.
03:34The Dancing Plague was, well, exactly as it sounds. The residents of Strasbourg,
03:39which was then part of the Holy Roman Empire, were bizarrely overcome by an apparently
03:44uncontrollable urge… to dance. One Frau Troffea was the plague's first victim, when,
03:50according to historical reports, she suddenly began to dance wildly in the street, without any
03:56music to accompany. A small number of witnesses copied her, and then a small number more, and
04:01then more… until, before long, multiple hundreds of people were uncontrollably gyrating. On the
04:08face of it, it all sounds quite strange, unusual, and funny. But, actually, it's thought that the
04:13Dancing Plague may have ultimately been deadly. Many participants danced for days on end,
04:18without stopping. Extreme exhaustion followed, and then some collapsed from fatigue. Although
04:23the records are not clear, it's believed that some may have even died while the seeming fever
04:28took hold. At the time, the craze was attributed to either a mass demonic possession, or a shared
04:33case of overheated blood. Modern attempts to explain include that the afflicted dancers may
04:38have been suffering from food poisoning, or perhaps from shared hallucinations triggered by
04:43the consumption of an unwise fungus or two. But, ultimately, even five centuries later,
04:49no one knows exactly what happened. Sometimes you really have to see something firsthand to
04:54believe it. But believe us when we say that animal reign is real. Flightless animals such as fish and
05:00frogs, as well as apparently incapacitated birds, have all been observed to fall from the sky,
05:06en masse, multiple times, and all over the world. In Yoro, Honduras, so-called fish reign is even
05:13said to happen every single year. Witnesses describe a vast quantity of small creatures
05:18plummeting from above, and they're usually still alive as they do so. It's clear that such an event
05:23could leave you feeling very disturbed. What's worse is that no one really knows how or why it
05:29happens. The most commonly accepted theory is that strong winds, waterspouts, or tornadoes are
05:35to blame, with certain weather events under very particular conditions being enough to extract
05:40and deposit the animals from one place to another. Which perhaps seems slightly plausible,
05:45but the only catch is that no one has ever witnessed or recorded this part of a phenomenon
05:50before. People have only ever seen the end result, with creatures falling to the ground.
05:55Of course, if it's unexplained phenomena that you're after, then looking to the sky in general
05:59is a good place to start. But every so often, something takes place that really doesn't and
06:04can't make sense. On August 16th, 1942, the L-8 Blimp, also known as the Ghost Blimp,
06:12drifted over San Francisco, eventually crashing on Bellevue Avenue in Daly City.
06:17It had been deployed on the morning of the same day, with two crewmen operating the vehicle.
06:22But when the Blimp was searched immediately after it came down,
06:26the would-be rescuers couldn't find a single trace of either of the crew. There hadn't been a prior
06:31distress signal, either, and all parachutes and life rafts were found aboard, untouched.
06:37The Ghost Blimp doesn't typically feature among the most well-known unexplained historical
06:42mysteries. It isn't discussed at length in the same way as, say, the disappearance of Amelia
06:46Earhart is. But the fact remains that, to this day, no one knows what took place.
06:52The Blimp had been on anti-submarine patrol since America was at war with Imperial Japan at the time,
06:58and so the incident led to serious concerns for a Japanese invasion of the west coast.
07:03That never materialized. But the Blimp had made more than a thousand trips before this one,
07:08with zero incidents. Some say the US pilots were either captured by or defected to Japan.
07:14Others claim that an alien abduction might have taken place. We've never found out for sure.
07:20Lastly, we travel to the warm desert plains of Peru, and to one of the most perplexing
07:25archaeological discoveries ever made. The Nazca Lines are huge geoglyphs carved
07:30across the desert's surface, depicting a wide variety of images, ranging from animals to
07:36plants and people. The iconic lines take up a total land area of roughly 19 square miles,
07:42running for over 800 miles in total combined length. From the sky, they make sense. On the
07:47ground, they're little more than a mass of curious trenches. It is believed that the lines were first
07:53made between 500 BCE and 500 AD, and most likely by their creators cutting through the desert floor
08:00to expose the different coloured dirt below. But why? As with many other ancient sites,
08:05the exact purpose of the Nazca Lines just isn't known. Some speculate that they have an astronomical
08:11function, with the lines pointing towards specific locations in the sky. Others believe that they are
08:17purely decorative works, pieces of art made for those in heaven and the afterlife to look down on
08:22and enjoy. Unsurprisingly, there have also been countless claims that aliens are behind it all.
08:28Scientifically speaking, it's said that the lines might have had some kind of use in farming.
08:34But then again, why, in that case, are the clear and varied shapes required?
08:39As with everything else in this video, they remain an enduring and intriguing, unsolved mystery.
08:46What do you think? Is there anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, check out these other
08:50clips from Unveiled, and make sure you subscribe and ring the bell for our latest content.
