• 2 months ago
ग्वालियर: मुरार थाना क्षेत्र में डीएसपी संतोष पटेल ने असामाजिक तत्वों और संदिग्ध वाहनों को लेकर चेकिंग चला रहे थे. इसी क्रम डीएसपी संतोष पटेल अपने अमले के साथ शुक्रवार की देर रात पैदल गश्त कर रहे थे. इस दौरान घना कोहरा था और कड़ाके की ठंड भी पड़ रही थी. उनकी नजर एक बुजुर्ग पर पड़ी, जो अलाव जलाकर बैठे थे. डीएसपी संतोष पटेल ने उनके पास जाकर उनका हालचाल जाना, उन्होंने बताया कि वे पिछले कई सालों से चौकीदारी का काम कर रहे हैं. 73 वर्षीय वीरेंद्र सविता ने बताया कि "बिहार राज्य के गया जिले के रहने वाले हैं. वे जेसी मिल के मुलाजिम थे, लेकिन 1992 में जेसी मिल बंद होने के बाद वह बेरोजगार हो गए. अपनी नातिन को पढ़ने के लिए चौकीदारी करते हैं. बुजुर्ग की बात सुनकर डीएसपी भावुक हो गए और आर्थिक मदद के साथ उन्होंने अपना टोपा उताकर बुजुर्ग को पहना दिया, जिसकी हर कोई सरहाना कर रहा है.


00:00in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
00:31He does a very good job, sir.
00:33And he helps the police.
00:35And if it gets too cold, he keeps the fire going.
00:40In 24 years, no soldier has misbehaved with me.
00:45I will be able to do it for another year at the most.
00:48How old are you?
00:50I am 73 years old, sir.
00:52What I am doing is...
00:55I have to dance.
00:58I have to study.
01:00Where are you studying?
01:01I am studying here.
01:02I am in the 9th grade.
01:03Which school are you studying in?
01:07It's a private KD school.
01:09How much do you charge for a year?
01:11800 rupees.
01:13How many months do you have left?
01:15I don't know.
01:17January, February, March...
01:18Three months?
01:19Yes, three months.
01:20If we pay the fees, will you take it?
01:23If we pay the fees, will you take it?
01:25Give it to me.
01:28Tell me.
01:29It's okay.
01:31It's okay.
01:32It's enough that you are being so kind.
01:37You were saying that you are working for Natin's education for 73 years, right?
01:40No, I am not.
01:42Tell him that Natin will study well.
01:45She will become famous.
01:48You are doing your duty of security.
01:50I think you should wear a police cap.
01:54Will you wear it?
01:56It's your kindness.
01:58No, I am not giving you my kindness.
02:00Wear it.
02:02Take it off.
02:04Wear it.
02:05You will recognize that it's a police cap.
02:08You go to Delhi, right?
02:11You are the best.
02:13You should scare these people.
02:15Our soldiers.
02:17I am also a police officer.
02:20Last night, it was cold in Gwalior.
02:23It was raining.
02:24When we were checking the vehicle at 2.30 in the night,
02:27we felt cold.
02:29At that time, a 73-year-old man was burnt in Sarafa Bazaar.
02:32We went there and burnt our hands.
02:35Then we came to know that
02:37Dada is a security guard at the age of 73
02:41for Natin's education and fees.
02:43He stays up all night.
02:44The police paid him a three-month fee
02:48and helped Dada.
02:50It was good to see Dada's dedication to security.
02:56People like him are still alive
02:58who dedicate their time
03:02for the security of the society and the country.
