• 2 months ago


00:18While worrying about the health of the people of Allah, we have made an excellent hospital here.
00:31In which earlier the OPD was 300, now it is more than 3000.
00:37We have made a nationalized hospital.
00:42And all kinds of doctor facilities are available there.
00:45We have made a cancer hospital.
00:48But we have also made sure that people are not sick.
00:53We have made Subhash Park.
00:57And today we have made this cycle track.
01:01A lot of people want to exercise.
01:06Today a lot of emphasis is given on exercise.
01:12Cycling is a complete exercise for the whole body.
01:20And I will try to cycle every day when I get time.
01:27We have kept the cycles here.
01:33People have to come and take their cycle.
01:37And we will attach it to the app.
01:39He will do it in his app and the lock will open.
01:44And he will cycle as much as he wants.
01:47And the cycle will stand and go.
01:49So that others can ride.
01:51Now we have kept 10 cycles.
01:54But if needed, we will bring more cycles here.
02:02So that people can take advantage of their health in Subhash Park.
02:10In the same way, people can cycle here.
02:16Because it is not easy to cycle on any road.
02:19There is a crowd on all the roads.
02:21And this is the road where no one used to come.
02:27When we used to study, they used to tell us not to go on that road.
02:33There is a crowd there.
02:35Although there is no crowd.
02:38Now look at this road.
02:41We have made a night food street in one corner.
02:49Its interior is being done.
02:51And it will be completed soon.
02:52Food will be brought from different parts of India and served there.
02:59And people will be able to sit and enjoy the delicious food.
