• 2 months ago
उज्जैन में अखिल भारतीय ब्राह्मण संघ ने बैठक कर दशहरा पर रावण दहन प्रथा का विरोध किया. रावण दहन बंद करने की मांग की.


00:00Today, the Akhil Bharti Yuva Brahmin Samaj has come to an end.
00:06The Yuva Brahmin Samaj raised an issue in this city
00:11that Ravana's death should be banned from the whole country.
00:16Why? Because Ravana's death has caused a lot of insult to the Brahmins and their self-esteem.
00:23Because Ravana was from a Brahmin family.
00:27And because he was from a Brahmin family,
00:30even if he had an argument with God,
00:32he had an argument to make his family proud.
00:37There was no reason for him to be in a position of discrimination.
00:42But to insult the Brahmins in the country,
00:46Ravana's death should be banned again and again.
00:50And if Ravana's death is banned,
00:53if Ravana's death is banned because of his bad deeds,
00:56then the people who want to ban Ravana's death,
00:59they should first become like Ravana.
01:01And if Ravana has ideals and character,
01:04then they can ban Ravana's death.
01:06Because to kill Ravana,
01:09Ravana did penance for 14 years.
01:12They should do penance like this.
01:14We have taken a decision in yesterday's meeting
01:17that all the people who have Ravana's death in Ujjain Nagar,
01:21they should write a letter.
01:23A request should be made through a letter.
01:26If Ravana's death does not stop even after that,
01:29we also ask the government.
01:34We also ask the central government and the Indian government
01:37to make such a law and ban Ravana's death.
01:43And for this, the youth Brahmin society will always run a movement.
01:48Today, a meeting was held on the same subject,
01:52of the youth Brahmin society.
01:54And this decision was taken and a form line was prepared.
