• 2 months ago
इंदौर के कमला नेहरू प्राणी संग्रहालय में मोर और भेड़िए को डाक विभाग ने गोद लिया है. अब डाक विभाग उनका पालन-पोषण करेगा.


00:00This programme is run by the Postal Department and they have taken a very good step
00:05by working with the government and other departments to bring their schemes to the public.
00:11The Postal Department has adopted two animals, Sukanya Samradhi Yojana and Postal Veema Yojana.
00:17Along with the adaptation, their aim was to bring our schemes,
00:21the government schemes of the Postmaster General Madam, to the last person of the society.
00:28Because Juhu is a place where the population is increasing,
00:31and every person comes here.
00:33So they should also get the benefit of the schemes.
00:36And like the Postal Department, our other animals, Pariyawar,
00:40for their protection, they have tried to give a good message to the society.
00:45They have adopted two animals, White Peacock and our Indian Wolf.
00:51Sir, what is the process of adoption, so that we can also join it?
00:56It is a very simple process.
00:58In this, any person, on any occasion, can be adopted.
01:02Whether it is a marriage anniversary, or someone's birthday,
01:05or someone loving, or our animals, can be adopted.
01:13Adopting means that the cost of feeding, whether it is medication or feeding,
01:20they have to pay for the whole time.
01:23Adoption can be done from one day to one month, or from one month to a lifetime.
01:29It just depends on how much they want to donate.
01:31Sir, is there a paper process for this?
01:33Yes, there is a paper process.
01:35We fill a form.
01:37Along with filling the form, the person who adopts,
01:39we display all the detailed information on the enclosure of that particular animal,
01:43so that people also get the message that there is such a scheme,
01:46and it can be done in this way, and can be connected to Juhu.
01:51The main objective is how to connect the public with wildlife and the environment.
