• 2 months ago
नागपूर : "भारतीय परंपरेमध्ये उदातीकरण सर्व ठिकाणी दिसून येते. जर एखादं कुटुंब मांसाहार सेवन करत असेल तो त्याच्यासाठी आवडीचा विषय असू शकतो. त्यात काही चूक नाही, खाल्लं पाहिजे. पण अनियंत्रितरुपानं दररोज मांसाहार खानपान केल्यानं त्याचे दुष्परिणाम शरीरावर दिसतात. ज्या प्राण्याचे मांस भक्षण केलं जातं, त्या प्राण्यातील भाव त्या व्यक्तीच्या शरीरावर काही अंशी दिसतात", असं स्पष्ट मत कूडली श्रृंगेरी महासंस्थानचे 72 वे पिठाधीश शंकराचार्य अभिनव शंकर भारती महास्वामी यांनी व्यक्त केलंय. नागपूरमध्ये 'बनाये जीवन प्राणवान' या पुस्तकाच्या विमोचन प्रसंगी ते बोलत होते. यावेळी मुख्यमंत्री देवेंद्र फडणवीस हे देखील उपस्थित होते. पुढं बोलत असताना पिठाधीश म्हणाले की, "आपल्या संस्कृतीमध्ये एकाद्या प्राण्याची बळी दिली जाते, त्यानंतर मांस प्रसाद रुपात भक्षण करतात. आधी मांस भोगचा पदार्थ होता, पण आता मांस हा प्रसाद झालाय. त्यात भावचा अंतर आलाय. केवळ भोग पदार्थाला सोडून त्याला प्रसाद रुपात स्वीकार केल्यानं आहार पदार्थाचे गुण बदलतात असं संशोधन सांगतात."


00:00In the same way, Uddhati Karan is seen everywhere in the Indian tradition.
00:05There is a person or a family who eats meat.
00:10It is a matter of great interest for them.
00:13They like it a lot and eat it.
00:15There is no mistake in that.
00:17It should be eaten.
00:19But by eating it continuously,
00:22by eating it every day,
00:23the effects that are happening on them,
00:25due to health,
00:26in the form of health or in the form of emotions,
00:28because there is an emotion in the animal,
00:31that emotion is present in the whole body.
00:33When a person eats that body,
00:35that emotion also comes on that person,
00:38up to a certain extent.
00:40That is why,
00:41eating it continuously is harmful.
00:44So what does our culture do?
00:46You sacrifice it in front of the mother,
00:49eat it as a prasad.
00:51Two things happened here.
00:54You cannot eat it every day.
00:56You cannot eat it on Saturdays or Fridays.
00:59There is a regulation in that.
01:03earlier it was just an appetizer.
01:05It was for our taste,
01:06for our tongue.
01:09But now it has become a prasad.
01:11There is a difference in emotions.
01:14Due to the difference in emotions,
01:16what is the difference in food,
01:18this research is showing.
01:20Research has been done on this in Ohio University.
01:23Deepak Chopra speaks very well on this.
01:28By accepting food as a prasad,
01:34by changing its emotions,
01:36the qualities of the food also change.
01:39Not only our emotions,
01:41but the qualities of the food also change.
01:43There is a research that has been done,
01:45which researches by feeding rats,
01:47by killing animals.
01:49We will not go into that.
01:51What I want to say is that
01:53the small things in Indian culture,
01:57in Jeevan Vidhan,
01:59there is not only a sociological reason behind it.
02:03We have to understand this.
