• 2 months ago
00:00This is not your this is not your father's Jordan pool conversation
00:04I I don't want to get into all of that drama the back-and-forth the punch all of that stuff
00:11I would much rather
00:12Kind of look at this through the lens
00:15That that that you brought up and and I think that you do hear a lot more in recent days
00:21From the Warriors bringing up where's fans I should say bringing up his name
00:26Because of the idea of well, they're having a hard time scoring down the stretch Steph needs a number two
00:32Hahaha, you should have kept Jordan pool. So how do you answer your own question? Do you wish Jordan pool was on this team?
00:38No, I don't but at times I'll be honest when I watch the
00:43stepless Warriors and you know, buddy healed is shot hunting and shot missing and Dennis Schroeder is
00:50Confused and then you look at the rest of the guys on the court and it's GP to can't score Kavon Looney not a threat
00:58slow mo
01:00Not really a score either there are times when I do think about Jordan pool at his best and even at his
01:07His normal where Jordan pool can get you a bucket. He can create his own. He can shoot the three ball
01:13He can look to score now. I guess I'm kind of a little bit
01:18Jaded or a little bit colored by what I remember from Jordan pool. I don't remember only the good times
01:24I do remember a lot of you know
01:25Dribble dribble dribble fall down and dribble dribble dribble chuck it up and dribble dribble throw it to no one
01:32So I don't think that he would be the answer
01:35But I do at times look at an offense that really struggles and think yeah
01:40Jordan pools a guy who can at least get a bucket. Yeah, I get that I get that and I and I do think
01:46It's very difficult it's difficult in our day and age
01:50With the way that a lot of us debate and talk about sports and share thoughts
01:54It's very difficult to sort of straddle offense and present two things at the same time
02:00I acknowledge all the things and I did this on the crossover
02:04I acknowledge all the things that you just said the first thing I want to point to is
02:08Jordan pool was a late first round draft pick who worked his way
02:13Through the G League and and by all accounts he did it by being the first one to show up in the last one to leave
02:19And at period end of story. How do you not love that in any human being?
02:25So I very very much appreciate that part of his story
02:30secondarily in
02:33Professional sports when a player is drafted by a team and has a key role on any level than winning a championship
02:40That is also
02:41Something that carries a lot of weight for people and both of those things are very true for Jordan pool
02:47But for me after that it gets really complicated
02:50It really does and what I hear from a lot of people is when you point to two seasons ago
02:57When all of those things you're talking about started to really take over poor decision-making
03:03Forcing things flying around under the hoop throwing stuff up looking at refs
03:08Horrific defense a lot of people go but it was after the punch
03:16Period end of story
03:18free pass for anything that happened after the punch and
03:22I just can't do that. I
03:25Have compassion. I think I have compassion with the best of them. I probably have too much in my life. I
03:32Like that was awful. That was awful
03:35however in
03:38on earth
03:39You're gonna go through some things. I've seen some people go through worse things than a
03:45organization giving you
03:48120 something million dollars 40 and a punch in the face. Yep. I get it. It's in a public realm. That sucks
03:55It's humiliating it
03:57It's debilitating in terms of team chemistry and all of that stuff
04:01But what are we really saying about Jordan pool if if the final analysis is well he got punched
04:09So that's the end of that
04:11you can't
04:12like you're not accountable for anything anymore and
04:16That's all it is. It's never been personal. I
04:19Just to me it comes down to two things and it's a he's just not my kind of
04:27Basketball player the Warriors have been built for years on not just Steph's talent clay shooting
04:35Ability the dog and Draymond. They're super smart, man
04:38I know they turn the ball over a lot, but they have a process a
04:44Defensive rotation on offensive ball movement the Steve Kerr system. It's smart
04:49it's smart and it calls for players to understand it and make really good decisions and Jordan stopped doing that and
04:56Whether it was because he got punched because he got paid
04:59because he wanted to be a one because he wanted to start I have no idea, but he stopped doing that and
05:06And and then there's the financial aspect of it
05:09And I really do firmly believe if Jordan pool was was still on this team
05:12We the Jonathan coming a conversation would be a non-starter. It would be tougher
05:16Yeah, and I do think that when you look at you know, what Jordan pool is making and this year
05:21He's making twenty nine point six and then it goes to thirty one point eight and thirty four flat as you look at those
05:27numbers and
05:29What Steph is making and Draymond and Wiggins and you start to add it up?
05:33Well, you're starting to run out of room for another player. Let alone Jonathan Kaminga who might be eventually getting 35 or 40
05:41We don't know what that would be. But yeah, it becomes tougher to then, you know
05:44Give Kaminga an extension let alone this year
05:47like if you want to add up what Jordan pool makes versus slo-mo and buddy healed and
05:55Dennis Schroeder that those three make about the same amount as Jordan pool
06:00So where would your depth be it probably wouldn't be there and it's interesting what you say about the punch year
06:06And I'm looking at just the numbers right now and the year after he got punched his last year here
06:11He shot from the floor. It was
06:1543% from the floor better than last year in Washington and he shot
06:2133% from three better than last year in Washington and the average 20 a night
06:27Better than last year in Washington. So even though the year he had which was a little sideways, by the way
06:34He did play in all 82. We definitely durable tip the cap for playing in 82
06:39He wasn't you know, he's one of only a small handful of guys who played in every game
06:43But his numbers in his last year, which was sideways
06:47Last year in Washington was worse. He shot it as often. He shot it worse
06:52He scored less and he turned it over almost as often
06:56So yeah, Jordan pulls year post punch was not good. But his first year in Washington was was categorically worse
07:03Yeah, yeah, and this year's been better much better. This year's been better
07:06but I again and this is what you know, Stein and goo were kind of
07:11Criticizing me for which is you know, it's hard to say
07:14He's not a winning player when he's on Washington little chicken-or-the-egg conversation
07:19There is is Jordan the reason Washington's bad is Washington being bad the reason that Jordan is inefficient
07:25I mean look there's probably some of both of those things
07:29but for me
07:32The bottom line is that it is that like Jordan started to embark on
07:39And a basketball process that for me
07:44Felt like it was more harm than good
07:49It doesn't win games. It is too
07:53self-centric it is
07:56Too wild it is too thoughtless. It is all of those things and
08:01That's exactly what Washington is and you know
08:05Like you'd hope that a player like Jordan pool would come out of the warrior system and and immediately be like guys
08:14That's working really well for a decade
08:17Let me share some things with you about how to go about it and actually winning the NBA
08:23I don't see that. I don't see that. I I see someone who's after numbers
08:29To an extent and I also think that a lot of it is the way he plays and how he is comfortable playing and
08:36I was looking at the numbers the other day about
08:38usage which is the percentages of plays that you either score or you're involved with as the primary passer and
08:45The rest of that and he has a higher usage rate than Steph Curry. He he needs to be a part of the play
08:52He needs to have the ball in his hands and this team doesn't really operate that way
08:56It's a pass and cut and move kind of an offense and I do think that Jordan pool
09:01Thrives in a system that is much more him with the ball getting a screen and making a choice
09:08And usually that choice is him shooting
09:11He's shooting at 16 times a game this year
09:13And if he was on the Warriors, you wouldn't want him to shoot it that often
