• 2 months ago
'XO, Kitty' Season 2 stars Anna Cathcart, Minyeong Choi, Gia Kim, Sang Heon Lee, Anthony Keyvan and Regan Aliyah get real honest after they take Allure's truth serum! Have they ever used someone else's toothbrush? Are looks important when dating someone? What was the worst hairstyle on the show last season? Have they ever had an intimate fantasy about a friend's partner? Find out all of this and more as the cast members let their secrets loose!
00:00Feel like we're all gonna agree with this going to Anthony. What is the grossest thing you've ever done in the name of beauty?
00:14Hey, I'm Anna Cathcart, this is the cast of XO Kitty and this is truth serum
00:30It tastes like truth to me
00:36So I'm gonna question Anthony, okay, this is something I'm curious. What's the weirdest thing you do to relax?
00:50Sometimes I like bring a chair into the shower and I
01:00And I'll just like sit in there for like 30 minutes, I know
01:08And I just stare at the tile and I'm like
01:11Wait, is it is it like you're are you taking a shower? No, I just kind of like sit in the water
01:17It's relaxing to me. Okay, you ask
01:21Is it sure made of wood? Yeah
01:25It's a chair that won't disintegrate it's a chair that won't grow mold
01:30I've got my chair, my shower chair. Is it one of those like sauna plastic chairs? Yeah, it's like a foldable
01:38It's a camping chair. If it's a cold day and like I'm just feeling chilly and I want to like relax a little bit
01:45I will sit in the shower for 30 minutes. I'm kind of buying it. I want to try. I have a question for
01:53Jia, which castmate here in this room
01:58Smells the best. Oh
02:01Okay, this is unfair. Well, I think you're gonna have to smell us all today's been a long day
02:08Okay, I'm gonna say Anthony just because I feel like you would use deodorant, right? I I use deodorant
02:14Yeah, I'm deodorant down like I love my deodorant and you know what? It's true. I use salt-and-stone
02:21That is some good stuff. You look like you would smell good. Yeah
02:25Like you look like you smell this is true and if I got that question I would answer Anthony
02:30Someone Oh God. Have you ever?
02:33used another person's
02:37Toothbrush before
02:43Well, the answer is no, are you sure I'm truthful right now take another set
02:49I'm pretty sure though. I don't think I've ever. You've never used my toothbrush before? No. Why would I?
02:56I don't know. By accident. Who knows?
02:59No, no, there's always two toothbrushes. We're living together. Yeah, that's crazy because I've used yours
03:07It's a crazy time to find that out
03:10Minyoung, yes, no judgment. Yeah, our looks important to you when dating someone
03:19To be honest, I would say yes at the first place, of course
03:24But when like time passes and when they become closer, it's not like that important
03:40What was your first tattoo and where is it? Oh, I got three in the same session really it's like a thing
03:48To like get stick-and-poke tattoos. It's like your first tattoos, but I got these little a sad face and a happy face, right?
03:57And then right after that on the same session my leg it says you good with the question mark and now it's nice
04:03It's like a check-in with myself. I'm like if nobody's gonna ask you if you're good, you can ask yourself
04:11Okay, I
04:17Feel like we're all gonna agree with this going to Anthony. What is the grossest thing you've ever done in the name of beauty?
04:27You'll be doing things
04:32Yeah, I take care of myself. Okay, actually I would say the grossest
04:37Thing and it's it is pretty gross
04:40I did it in Korea actually and I'm gonna throw Josh under the bus cuz he did it too. So I got this
04:48injectable into my face and it's called
04:54And the serum that is injected into your face is derived from
05:00Salmon DNA
05:03Yes, I got salmon DNA injected all over my face
05:09Yeah, I'm not altering
05:18Okay, okay
05:25Okay, okay
05:28Minyoung, okay
05:31What is one beauty product or treatment you refuse to try
05:37Hmm Oh
05:40Beauty product I refuse to try or treatment. Okay. I
05:47Don't know much that's weird, but I do not mostly use wax on my hair
05:53But I did today. Oh
05:55So you didn't refuse to try it. I feel like just for today
05:59Mostly I only use hairsprays, but I don't use wax that much
06:05Because sometimes it makes it too like sticky. Do you feel like you're not yourself today because you have wax in your hair
06:13Yeah, I feel even better. So
06:17I'll try to use them more often. There's a new aura around him. You could just tell
06:30Serum wears off that fast. That's crazy
06:37This is so interesting, I want to say
06:42Have you ever?
06:44had an
06:59Unexpectedly in real life. If so, did you ever act on it?
07:08Act on it part is
07:11Wild and absolutely not but the first part let me think no, I don't think so
07:15And I'm very grateful for that. I think that would be like very terrifying
07:19there are times though where it's just someone that like is so random that like shows up in a dream that like
07:25You're like, how did you get in here?
07:28When were you around?
07:30Like someone from like you haven't seen them in ten years and they're just like yeah dreams are so funky
07:35I feel like you should know reverse that and answer it yourself
07:45All those in favor of you know reversing it on to Gia say I
07:52Intimate fantasy about another friend's partner. No, not friends partner. Definitely had a lot of intimate fantasies
08:00Oh, no, that's lovely to hear
08:06Reagan if you had to give one character on the show a makeover, who would it be? Oh,
08:12I think you because I would trust you with yeah. Oh, I think you guys all have great style
08:20Maybe I would say
08:22Q and the reason being is that Q's an athlete and I think they feel comfortable in this world of like
08:29And I'm like, oh we can take this up like
08:32You know what? I would receive that well because Q is
08:36sweatsuit down
08:38You know what we can we can elevate that and I would trust no one but you
08:44Maybe I'll ask you but I feel like you're I like everything so I don't know
08:48What was your favorite and least favorite hairstyle on the show last season?
08:55Something that really it stands out to me a lot
08:59That is kind of not answering the question because this is technically from the movies
09:04And I don't want to bring more attention to this
09:08So please do not look this up after I bring this up. There is a photo of me
09:13That my sister and I like to say I look like a thumb
09:16because no listen I
09:20like ten hair ties in
09:24One ponytail and that is the photo that is used on so many outlets as Anna Kavkar gets her spin-off series
09:35It was released I was many years later those hair ties are long gone and that photo lives on on so many
09:43Articles that photo. I'm like, there's so many photos of me that exists in the world
09:48Thank you, it's like a good
09:52This season actually, I I love my hair and
09:55There was like many many shots
09:57We were talking about this day a little bit that it looks super red
09:59Like there was a lot of scenes and I was like, whoa, I get why people think my hair is dyed
10:03I think specifically the cherry blossom ball. I
10:07Loved my hair for that. So your hair looked really good. They're really good makeup and hair. Yeah
10:12I love that whole look
10:26I feel like this question is great for you. Does your real skincare routine rival your character skincare routine?
10:33How much time does it take?
10:35Actually, yeah, it takes
10:38Way less than my actual character, there's only like
10:46Three steps, okay in real life. I would just wash my face and then use toner
10:53moisturizer and
10:56If I'm going out it would be sun cream. If not, then that's it less is more less is more
11:02That's what I've been saying. I feel like you guys are not telling the truth. I need more
11:10We're doing cheers every time very Korean style to cheers every time before
11:21Okay, it's my turn, okay
11:29Anna show us
11:33The last person you FaceTime
11:36Like not scary because like there's only so many choices last person I FaceTimed. Oh, it's like my childhood best friend
11:43Show us
11:47Her name and my phone is cushy my bean let me see all the other names that are beside it
11:53Maybe go on your FaceTime app
11:55Yeah, you can do that. I mean, it's literally like my sister my mom and you so I think it's pretty safe
12:02You didn't answer. No, she did
12:06The record show
12:09There's a red heart right there. Oh, she might be in guys
12:13He's gonna be really excited about this
12:16So I'm gonna ask this
12:21It's either one of you guys
12:26I'm gonna go with Reagan
12:30No, no cheating
12:32Show us your screen time
12:41The way that anyone can say any online reference and I know it should tell you there's a problem
12:48I fall asleep on tik-tok. Like it's bad. I wake up to a tiktok that I've been playing for eight hours
12:55Even then the views. I found out in my sleep
12:58I repost tik-toks you do and then I comment on them
13:02And so every time I wake up, I have to go to my history like and delete things
13:07Seven hours in two minutes. So since we're working it says down 52%
13:14Seven hours two minutes down from last week guys
13:29Mine is also seven hours and 11 minutes and that's because we're working and that's because we're working and you know, what it is
13:40So it's pretty pretty close
13:44Five hours and 38 minutes and it's 16% from last week
13:49My screen time thing was not on so I don't I can't see it
13:58I'm five hours in three minutes, but down 32% daily average is four hours and 30 minutes
14:10Feel like I learned a lot about you guys
14:19Not too much, thank you so much allure. Bye
