• 2 months ago


00:00to the Sun to get to that Sun line and all right back up we go Audrey Hebert
00:05winning the Challenger Series in North America Region 2 riding out of Banff 18
00:11years in Banff, she's done a couple of seasons on the Freeride World Tour before in 2017 and 18 and then was enjoying really
00:18enjoying the qualifiers she's definitely a leader in the Freeride community in
00:23North America and you can see why such board control using that heel side edge
00:29we saw Victor De La Rue do the same thing to slow down you have to slow down
00:33on this upper section of the face yeah she said she's really coming back on
00:38this on the tour new season feeling much more prepared in a much better head
00:44space feeling like she understands the sport yeah she had it kind of a rapid
00:49rise from qualifiers through the Freeride World Tour in her first go
00:53around and she said it kind of took her by surprise there's a lot going on at
00:56this level and more mature and a lot more comfortable Audrey getting herself
01:01above a serious chunk of terrain and once again using that heel side edge to
01:07slow down great controlled riding there she really knows how to put the brakes
01:16on and that's key in this venue if you want to make it in this top third
01:19section where it's so steep and mistakes are really high consequence yeah they've
01:24been punished harshly so far today Audrey getting another little feature
01:28before coming into the long apron section here moving on the heel side
01:33edge across the face a lot of riders you see crossing from riders right to
01:37riders left on this face a lot more of the features on the riders left side at
01:41the bottom are riding a little bit better snow conditions are a little bit
01:44easier to manage so Audrey now just trying to get through this section that
01:49we've seen kind of gobble up a few other snowboarders through the day exactly at
01:53this point the Sun's been on the side of the mountain for a long time it's
01:56changing the textures it's getting a little bit more grabby but Audrey showing
02:00that it's no problem for her as she makes her way to that next feature yeah
02:04safe and sound through that field of broken dreams that has taken down a few
02:09great runs before and Audrey now into the steep part of the couloir it ramps
02:13back up again quickly the intensity popping off of that feature slowing down
02:17powder cloud there a little face shot impressive when you can find the good
02:23snow as one of the last riders of the day yeah Audrey the pow hunter now coming
02:28into this wind lip this thing's got some kick with the method and holding on
02:32again the balance cat-like reflexes to stay upright on her board Audrey Hebert
02:38now there's not she's not done yet as there's more features down below she's
02:44gonna get right off the nose of that one reconnecting again perfectly finding
02:47transition is so critical because some of these landings the tide goes out fast
02:51and it gets super flat very quickly oh what a great Audrey great run by Audrey
02:57you know she said she Shannon Yates who's a long long time free ride
03:01dominator is one of her heroes and you can see the influence in her riding yeah
03:06strong technique she was saying she's pretty comfortable riding hard snow
03:09sometimes in Banff it's not powder so looking back here at the replay the top
03:15of Audrey's run so steep she really knows how to use that heel side edge to
03:22shut it down to get control again yeah and then this section she's just right
03:28in the heart of the beast popping fall line putting the board on edge heel side
03:33making sure that she has control before she moves into the couloir we lost sight
03:38of her in a run there but really solid riding from Audrey really great and it
03:43doesn't stop she really took advantage got a little face shot even at the end
03:47and she lined and stacked features throughout her entire run didn't let a
03:52single cliff go by that she wasn't gonna hit yeah and she was saying she you
03:56know she felt a lot more comfortable coming in this year the method that is
04:00this skiers favorite snowboard trick I love love love that and one more feature
04:06there fall line connecting in between the rocks we saw that rock cause a
04:10little bit of trouble to Susanna Vitek earlier but Audrey seemed to know exactly
04:15where it was yeah she said earlier she feels comfortable with visual inspection
04:18she's had her time on the tour before so Audrey Hibbert the Canadian
04:22rider there the score coming up 68-67 so slotting in just behind Anna Martinez
