• 2 months ago
Salut les amis ! RÊVE rêve d'une aventure spéciale qu'il n'a jamais vécue auparavant - se promener sur une plage au clair de lune. Mais devinez quoi ? Même si Sammy n'y est pas encore allé, Sue est là pour donner un coup de baguette magique, ou plutôt de pinceau magique, et réaliser ce rêve en un clin d'œil. Vous devinez comment ? Nous nous apprêtons à peindre une scène époustouflante au clair de lune qui laissera tout le monde sous le charme ! Avant de nous lancer dans la réalisation de notre chef-d'œuvre, rassemblons tous les éléments nécessaires. Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV

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Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/

Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com

OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073

Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime 🎉 https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


00:00:00I'm sorry, I don't know how to translate this, so I'm just gonna try my best to translate it.
00:00:06I'm sorry, I don't know how to translate this, so I'm just gonna try my best to translate it.
00:00:14Oh, I remember this! We played a prank on Roger!
00:00:17And this time, we went on a safari! It was great!
00:00:22Ah, the trip to the ski! It was freezing cold over there.
00:00:25Then you fell sick, but we had amazing holidays together!
00:00:28That's true, but there's one thing I regret.
00:00:31I've never walked on a beach in the moonlight. Maybe one day I'll have the chance.
00:00:35Actually, I know how to fix it.
00:00:37What? Impossible!
00:00:38Yes, possible!
00:00:40Sam, are you ready?
00:00:42Of course, I'm ready for my vacation at the beach, yes! Let me see!
00:00:45Uh, what is it? No plane tickets?
00:00:48We're not really going on vacation, Sammy, but I'm going to paint you a painting.
00:00:53Let's start! We're going to have to do a lot of painting tasks like this one.
00:00:57Bloop, bloop!
00:01:03Wow, look at this beauty, my friends! The first step is done!
00:01:07Look, I'm dressed for the occasion!
00:01:09That's true!
00:01:23Wow, these colors are so pretty!
00:01:26They'll be even more beautiful as soon as we mix them!
00:01:35I could look at this all day, but what's the next step?
00:01:39What? You don't like this painting already?
00:01:42Wait, you mean we're already done? I was expecting better from you too!
00:01:46I was teasing you, Sammy! Of course we're not done yet!
00:01:49This is what we should do next.
00:01:52Well, it's Sammy the Slime who's making jokes here, and not you, the slime!
00:02:00I came back to tell you that you have a quarter of a stone!
00:02:02Hey, but I'm doing it for you, actually!
00:02:04I'm going to use yellow paint and a brush to draw elements of the landscape.
00:02:10Let's go!
00:02:22I know what I'm going to do! I'm going to create my own artwork, and you're going to love it!
00:02:53It's so hard to paint! I'm exhausted!
00:02:56Let's see...
00:02:58Hmm, that gave me an idea for my painting. Thank you, Sam!
00:03:13Now we should let the paint dry and then we can move on to the next step.
00:03:18Okay, I think we can continue.
00:03:20I'm going to put masking tape on the canvas.
00:03:23It will protect the rest of my painting from accidental brush strokes.
00:03:42These colors are incredible! I love the way they blend into each other!
00:03:47It looks great! Let's remove the masking tape now!
00:03:53Ah, that was satisfying!
00:03:55It's over, and I don't need this anymore!
00:03:58Sammy, catch!
00:04:00Ouch! What was that? You ruined my canvas!
00:04:03Oh, it wasn't that bad, actually!
00:04:05Sorry, Sammy, it was an accident. Let's move on to something else.
00:04:08It's time to add details, accents and nuances.
00:04:18I'm going to paint the water.
00:04:26At least someone is making art!
00:04:28My painting is apparently in the trash!
00:04:32Huh? I think it's a masterpiece! Who did this?
00:04:36You're a gallerist? Let's talk business!
00:04:39My friends, this is why I covered this part from the beginning!
00:04:44Sam wants a beach in the moonlight, and that's what he's going to get!
00:04:48I'm going to paint it to give it a bit of texture.
00:04:55A brushwork is breathtaking!
00:04:57The emotions, the light... I need some for my collection!
00:05:00How much do you want to sell it to me?
00:05:02Um, wait! Here, I wrote it, and I won't accept a dollar less!
00:05:06Deal, my friend!
00:05:09Hahaha! I thought you were an artist, Sammy!
00:05:12But I guess your mind of a real businessman never sleeps!
00:05:19Oh, it looks amazing!
00:05:22Wow! This moon looks so real here! It makes me scream like a wolf!
00:05:28But there's still something missing, Mr. Half wolf, half slime!
00:05:31My painting needs a tree!
00:05:34I'll decide it in no time! I promise!
00:05:39I have a special tool for the rest, the mascara brush!
00:05:43You look well-dressed! You're not wearing any makeup!
00:05:46Get down, Sammy! Look at me!
00:05:52Wow! You're like an old master of painting! How did you manage to do that?
00:05:56Thank you very much for the compliment, Sammy! I practice a lot!
00:06:01In this way, we can also work on the trunks of the palm trees!
00:06:06And even the grass! The mascara brush is a versatile artistic tool!
00:06:10You would have thought it!
00:06:14Wow! It looks so real here!
00:06:17But there's still something missing, Mr. Half wolf, half slime!
00:06:21You look well-dressed! You're not wearing any makeup!
00:06:24Get down, Sammy! Look at me!
00:06:28You would have thought it!
00:06:30Well, let's continue like this! I'm going to paint another masterpiece and sell it for a billion...
00:06:34No! For a billion dollars!
00:06:41Yes! You used a sponge brush, a makeup brush...
00:06:44Which is the next step? The toilet brush!
00:06:47I can find you one!
00:06:49Very funny! I'll pass this one, if you don't mind!
00:06:51Tell me if something else is missing!
00:06:53If you want to hear the opinion of a really talented artist,
00:06:55your picture needs flowers!
00:06:57But of course! Thank you, Sammy!
00:06:59This last nail will certainly make a difference and it will bring color!
00:07:04You have to do it like this!
00:07:06Sam, what are you painting?
00:07:09No, don't look! It's top secret! Take care of your own painting!
00:07:12Are you serious?
00:07:21Oh yes! Can you stop moving so much? It bothers me!
00:07:25Huh? That's a funny question!
00:07:27Sorry, I didn't think I was bothering you!
00:07:29I understand! I'm the one you're painting, Sammy!
00:07:32You're right! Look at this masterpiece! Do you like it?
00:07:36Yes, of course! The resemblance is disturbing!
00:07:39I've never been someone's muse before!
00:07:41Anyway, I only have one thing to do!
00:07:55That's it! Our moon light beach painting is finished!
00:07:58What do you think, my friends?
00:08:26Well, Sammy, what do you think? Do you like it?
00:08:28Of course! Now I can walk around in the moonlight whenever I want!
00:08:31It's great!
00:08:32Wait, where's my portrait?
00:08:34Oh, that's right! It doesn't even reach the ankle of your painting!
00:08:37Still, I want to hang them both on the wall!
00:08:43If you liked our two masterpieces, my friends,
00:08:45leave a like and subscribe!
00:08:47See you next time! Goodbye!
00:09:19Huh? Plastic goblets?
00:09:21What's this weird thing you've built here?
00:09:24Oh, I know! Where did I put it?
00:09:27Here it is! My basketball!
00:09:31It's time to show my super-precision!
00:09:34Aim and shoot! Yippee!
00:09:37Sammy, what are you doing?
00:09:40I'm demolishing the tower!
00:09:42Isn't that what it's for?
00:09:44No! I took this axe to do experiments with paint!
00:09:47Painting experiments?
00:09:49Oh, I'll help you!
00:09:50Okay, protection first!
00:09:53So, we need this axe to mix the paint.
00:09:55Wow! Let's mix the pink one first, please!
00:09:58Okay, we need red and water.
00:10:00Oh, so that's what it is!
00:10:02I was wondering what we were going to do with this pool.
00:10:05It's too shallow to dive in.
00:10:08Let's pour this water in our pots.
00:10:11Okay, let's go.
00:10:13And one...
00:10:15and two...
00:10:18and three!
00:10:21Wow! Look at all these bubbles!
00:10:23What's that on my face?
00:10:25I look so funny!
00:10:27I love it!
00:10:29Okay, enough joking around, Sammy.
00:10:32Let's start our super-experiment.
00:10:34Here's the first color.
00:10:40Yellow or blue?
00:10:42What color do we need next?
00:10:44Oh, excellent choice, Sue!
00:10:46Let's add a lot of yellow paint to make the water really bright.
00:10:49It's such a bright color!
00:10:51What color are we going to choose for this axe?
00:10:53What do you think?
00:10:55Let's take the blue one.
00:10:57It's almost like the ocean water.
00:10:59And then we'll take white.
00:11:01We'll need it to light up other colors.
00:11:04Oh, we've already mixed a lot of colors.
00:11:07Oh, here's our last one.
00:11:09It's black.
00:11:13I don't like black.
00:11:15It's so dark and dull, and it makes me sad.
00:11:17Oh, Sammy, you'll soon see for yourself
00:11:19that black is a very useful and necessary color.
00:11:24Sue, we have a problem.
00:11:26I found this pop-it, but it's so dull and boring.
00:11:29Yuck, it looks like a hospital.
00:11:31Here, look for yourself.
00:11:33Hmm, you're right, it's a funny pop-it.
00:11:36But look at this, it's not a pop-it, it's a palette.
00:11:39It doesn't look like a palette to me, but okay.
00:11:42That's because we haven't filled it with our colors yet.
00:11:45Let's start with red, because it's so bright.
00:11:55And now it's yellow's turn.
00:11:57The color of joy.
00:11:59It's so sunny and happy.
00:12:01Blue is the color of the sky and the water,
00:12:03like summer holidays.
00:12:05And we shouldn't forget white and black.
00:12:07And now the fun part begins.
00:12:09We're going to mix our paints.
00:12:11Hurry, Sue, put more water here.
00:12:14Now it's better.
00:12:16I still look funny.
00:12:18And funny.
00:12:20The other test tubes must also be filled.
00:12:22So what's the first color we're going to mix?
00:12:25Maybe pink? Let's do pink, please.
00:12:28You'll see.
00:12:30First, let's add our happy yellow color.
00:12:33Just a few drops.
00:12:35And now the blue.
00:12:37It's like the sun in the sky now.
00:12:39Let's mix well.
00:12:42And we have green.
00:12:46So blue and yellow make green.
00:12:48Wow, I didn't know that.
00:12:50It's so cool. Let's continue.
00:12:52Now let's use our green color to mix another one.
00:12:55I wonder what the final result will be.
00:13:02I'm going to add yellow to it.
00:13:04And I'm going to mix it well.
00:13:07Oh, it's so beautiful.
00:13:11Wow, we got a light green color.
00:13:13So pretty.
00:13:15What would happen if we mixed yellow and red?
00:13:18Well, let's try.
00:13:20Here's some yellow.
00:13:24And now a few drops of red.
00:13:27Let's go.
00:13:34I'm mixing again and again.
00:13:36Oh, Tammy, look at that.
00:13:38We got the orange color.
00:13:40Hey, I have an idea.
00:13:42Let's take some white.
00:13:44And now we add blue to it.
00:13:46We get this light blue color.
00:13:49It's so cute and pretty.
00:13:53It looks so great.
00:13:55Now it's time to fill our palette with new colors.
00:13:58And we have a lot of them.
00:14:05Look at this, my friends.
00:14:07So pretty.
00:14:11Let's go to the palette.
00:14:13We have a dark red here.
00:14:15It's very pretty.
00:14:17And what color do you like, my friends?
00:14:19I like both red and blue.
00:14:21But I think my favorite is purple.
00:14:23And speaking of purple,
00:14:25let's use this red color to mix it.
00:14:28Red and blue, nothing better.
00:14:31Hey, it rhymes.
00:14:35Look what a beautiful purple we got.
00:14:37Now let's take the white
00:14:39and mix it with our purple.
00:14:41We have a beautiful purple color.
00:14:43We need more.
00:14:45A lot more experience.
00:14:47Let's take the white color.
00:14:49A lot of white.
00:14:51And let's mix it with black.
00:14:53Do you know what color we'll get?
00:14:55Of course, it's gray.
00:14:59Psy, why haven't we done the pink yet?
00:15:01You promised me.
00:15:03I know.
00:15:05Let's do it right now.
00:15:07I'll start with a little white paint.
00:15:11Now the smallest drop of green.
00:15:13Wait, it doesn't look like pink.
00:15:15It's up to you.
00:15:17Pink is my thing.
00:15:19I'll do it myself.
00:15:21Okay, let's see.
00:15:23Just mix it well here.
00:15:25You're right, Psy.
00:15:27It doesn't look like pink at all.
00:15:29What are we going to do?
00:15:31Don't worry about that.
00:15:33Look at all these colors.
00:15:35Now we're going to mix three more.
00:15:37Okay, but this time
00:15:39we're mixing the colors I chose.
00:15:41So I want green, blue and white.
00:15:43Yeah, it's decided.
00:15:45White, green and blue.
00:15:47This time it has to be pink.
00:15:49I feel it.
00:15:51Come on, pink, pink.
00:15:57Sorry to disappoint you,
00:15:59but we got the turquoise color.
00:16:01It can't go on like this.
00:16:03I have to take things in hand.
00:16:05I have to use science in the lab.
00:16:07According to my calculations,
00:16:09we should mix purple, yellow and red.
00:16:11It was much easier
00:16:13than I thought.
00:16:15I'm a genius, aren't I?
00:16:17Yes, I know what color we need.
00:16:19It's not blue.
00:16:21Put it away.
00:16:23We should start with red.
00:16:25Well, let's try.
00:16:31Now a few drops of yellow.
00:16:39Yes, yes, yes,
00:16:41it's going to work this time.
00:16:43I'm pretty sure of it.
00:16:45What? It's not pink at all.
00:16:47It's red or something like that.
00:16:49How could I be so wrong?
00:16:51Don't worry, Sammy.
00:16:53We're experimenting here.
00:16:55Let's keep trying.
00:16:57This time, let's try my way.
00:16:59Red mixed with white
00:17:01is supposed to give pink.
00:17:03Let's see.
00:17:05It's better.
00:17:07How do you know the formula
00:17:09for pink?
00:17:11They taught us that in art class
00:17:13last week at school.
00:17:15Don't you remember?
00:17:17No, I don't remember anything.
00:17:19Anyway, we still have to create
00:17:21the perfect shade of pink.
00:17:23Come on, don't hesitate.
00:17:25Okay, let's continue our experiments.
00:17:27This is difficult.
00:17:29To get the perfect pink,
00:17:31we'll have to do our best.
00:17:33And it's not that easy.
00:17:35Don't give up.
00:17:37I believe in you.
00:17:39We're going to make it.
00:17:41Come on, we need pink like me.
00:17:43I like your enthusiasm.
00:17:45But you know what?
00:17:47Why not keep pink for the end?
00:17:49And now we can mix other colors.
00:17:51Okay, but I choose the colors for the mix.
00:17:53I'll take red, of course.
00:17:55And I think we're going to need
00:17:57a lot of white.
00:18:01I'm so excited.
00:18:03I hope the color will be beautiful.
00:18:05I'm like a real witch.
00:18:07I'm preparing magic potions in my room.
00:18:09I'd like to go to a magic school.
00:18:11I'll cut everyone's breath there.
00:18:13I can't believe it.
00:18:15It's almost pink.
00:18:17Am I really a witch?
00:18:19Yes, look!
00:18:21What a beautiful color!
00:18:23You're so close, Sammy.
00:18:25I've always wondered
00:18:27what would happen
00:18:29if we mixed black and red paint.
00:18:31Let's try it, okay?
00:18:33These painting experiments
00:18:35are so relaxing.
00:18:37I could do it all the time.
00:18:39I'm so excited.
00:18:41I could do it all the time.
00:18:43And the best thing is
00:18:45that it's fun.
00:18:47What do we have here?
00:18:49We got brown.
00:18:51Just like chocolate.
00:18:55I love chocolate.
00:18:57That means there's only one color left
00:18:59before we find the perfect pink.
00:19:01I think you can't wait
00:19:03to find the perfect pink, can you, Sammy?
00:19:05Okay, now I'm going to experiment
00:19:07with these three colors.
00:19:13That was unexpected.
00:19:17It's pink time!
00:19:21I wonder which color we'll have to mix.
00:19:23Let's go, Stu.
00:19:25Oh, you decided to start with red?
00:19:27That's an excellent choice.
00:19:29That's also where I'll start.
00:19:31Friends, like this video to show your support.
00:19:33And to add a fresher color,
00:19:35I'll add a little blue here.
00:19:37And what other color should we add
00:19:39to make it look good?
00:19:41I have a good feeling this time.
00:19:43Look, Sammy, I think it's working.
00:19:45I just have to mix better and harder.
00:19:49No way!
00:19:51We did it!
00:19:53It's the perfect pink!
00:19:55Oh, I'm so happy!
00:19:57We created an entire palette
00:19:59with only five colors.
00:20:01It was so much fun, friends!
00:20:03Make sure to try this experiment yourself
00:20:05and subscribe to our channel
00:20:09Today, Sam and I are organizing
00:20:11a painting workshop.
00:20:13But where is it?
00:20:15I'll call it.
00:20:19Ah, there you are.
00:20:21You're unbearable!
00:20:23I'm doing something here.
00:20:25Hey, it's my painting!
00:20:27Well, this canvas isn't good for the workshop.
00:20:29Then use cardboard.
00:20:31It's great too.
00:20:33Look, isn't it cool?
00:20:35I have a great idea.
00:20:37I'll draw the first character
00:20:39for, say, a coloring book.
00:20:47I can't see anything.
00:20:49I have to get closer.
00:20:51It's my turn.
00:20:53I'll color it right away.
00:20:55Not yet, Sammy.
00:20:57Wait a minute.
00:20:59I'll draw a few more
00:21:01and then you can color
00:21:03the rest.
00:21:15It's now or never!
00:21:17Let me in!
00:21:19Please be patient.
00:21:21There's only one picture left.
00:21:23What a shame!
00:21:33Okay, so now in our zone
00:21:35we have a turtle, an insect and...
00:21:37Oh! A unicorn!
00:21:47Help! I'm a little...
00:21:49stuck in there!
00:21:51It's always the same story
00:21:53between Sammy and the adhesive tape.
00:21:55There you go!
00:21:57You can color as much as you want.
00:21:59Come on, Sammy!
00:22:01You can start now!
00:22:03Okay, I'll make sure it looks so beautiful!
00:22:07Oh, look at that!
00:22:09It's so beautiful!
00:22:11Go faster!
00:22:13That's it!
00:22:23Our masterpiece is ready!
00:22:25What does it look like?
00:22:27You know, it's a multi-use coloring book.
00:22:29You can easily erase everything
00:22:31and color it again.
00:22:33Great! I want more!
00:22:35More coloring!
00:22:37And while Sammy is busy,
00:22:39I can draw on paper.
00:22:41I'll create our favorite slime.
00:22:49Oh, I'm so sorry!
00:22:51It's okay, I'll draw on you.
00:22:55I won't let you push my mustache!
00:22:57Now you can draw as much as you want.
00:23:01What can we do with this now?
00:23:03Oh, I have an idea!
00:23:05What do you think of a new trick, friends?
00:23:07Any drawing mistake can be turned into a masterpiece!
00:23:15Oh no! You messed up again!
00:23:17Let me clean it up!
00:23:19Sammy, wait!
00:23:21It's not a mess, it's a flower!
00:23:25It's a beautiful petal!
00:23:29Should we draw some stems too?
00:23:31I'm ready to do it!
00:23:47Don't forget the pretty little leaves!
00:23:51Oh no!
00:23:53Hurry up!
00:23:55Let's continue to paint!
00:23:57First, let's prepare the canvas.
00:24:01There you go!
00:24:03Now you can draw whatever you want!
00:24:05Hey, it's my turn!
00:24:07Yay! For the cooking show!
00:24:09Wait, wait!
00:24:11We're filming here!
00:24:13It's my turn!
00:24:15I'll fix the house!
00:24:17So, excuse me.
00:24:19Chip, go get the tools before he steals them!
00:24:23Who's going to fix my house now?
00:24:25Sorry, Ken, but we really need them
00:24:27to spread the colors of the background.
00:24:35What? What is it?
00:24:37Where do I have to find it?
00:24:39When am I going to find it?
00:24:41It's here!
00:24:43It's a treasure!
00:24:45Hurry up and get it while I keep an eye on it!
00:24:47Oh, you found yellow paint!
00:24:49That's exactly what we need!
00:24:51Thank you very much!
00:24:55By the way, Sammy, can you guess
00:24:57what I'm drawing here?
00:24:59Come on!
00:25:01Do you have an idea?
00:25:03Wait, there are so many
00:25:05yellow objects in the world!
00:25:07I'd better do some research.
00:25:09Oh, yeah.
00:25:11But you might need a clue.
00:25:13Look at this.
00:25:15I did a dissertation on colors,
00:25:17but I still don't understand.
00:25:19I should take a look at the field.
00:25:21Sammy, wait!
00:25:23I'm almost done.
00:25:25Can you help our slime guess?
00:25:31I got it!
00:25:33It's the sun wearing a hat!
00:25:35Are you sure?
00:25:37Look closer.
00:25:43I was kidding.
00:25:45I know it's a pineapple.
00:25:51Are you okay?
00:25:53Where did this soap come from?
00:25:55I forgot it after cleaning.
00:25:57Since we have a sponge,
00:25:59let's do a little trick with it.
00:26:03I'm going to participate too.
00:26:09Now, almost all the colors are on the palette.
00:26:11And the pink?
00:26:13Where is the pink?
00:26:17That's right.
00:26:19It also makes us pink paint.
00:26:21Ouch! It tickles!
00:26:25Let's start painting
00:26:27or are we going to keep playing?
00:26:29Let's start!
00:26:31What do we do for the sun?
00:26:33Where is the sun?
00:26:35Here it is.
00:26:37It's almost perfect.
00:26:39Add the reflection of the sun in the water.
00:26:43I got it, boss.
00:26:49It's done.
00:26:51It's very pretty.
00:26:53I'm going to hang this painting
00:26:55on top of my bed.
00:26:57Where is it?
00:26:59All the papers are still on the floor.
00:27:01I'm going to hang it on the wall.
00:27:03I'm going to hang it on the wall.
00:27:05Where is it?
00:27:07All the papers are still on the floor.
00:27:09Now, show me your model walk.
00:27:11Yes, that's it.
00:27:13We should go to the Fashion Week in Paris.
00:27:15Samy, what is it?
00:27:17Did you use all the papers?
00:27:19Yes, I used them to make costumes.
00:27:21It's beautiful.
00:27:25Thank you all.
00:27:27I'm very excited too.
00:27:29I'm waiting for your congratulations.
00:27:31Can you draw on this?
00:27:35Toilet paper?
00:27:37I'm not going to draw on it.
00:27:39You have no sense of humor, Suzy.
00:27:41What do you think of that?
00:27:43It looks like it's my only option.
00:27:45Okay, let's try to draw on plastic.
00:27:47What are we going to do?
00:27:49I'm sorry, but I also need this marker.
00:27:51I think it's time
00:27:53to use my secret trick.
00:27:55We need a lot of paint.
00:27:59I'm going to take the second plastic sheet.
00:28:01This picture is going to be great.
00:28:13I can do it too.
00:28:15Hop, I'm jumping!
00:28:19But we're far from done.
00:28:21I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.
00:28:31You can draw so many different patterns
00:28:33this way.
00:28:37Now we don't need paint anymore.
00:28:41I have an idea.
00:28:43Thank you for your help, Sammy.
00:28:47Our stocks are full now.
00:28:51I'm going to show you
00:28:53how to paint a rose flame
00:28:55using the palm of your hand.
00:28:57I'm going to show you
00:28:59how to paint a rose flame
00:29:01using the palm of your hand.
00:29:09This is a trick
00:29:11that Sammy learned
00:29:13when he accidentally started painting.
00:29:19I'm going to be your rose flame model.
00:29:23Okay, the model landed
00:29:25on the wrong foot.
00:29:27Do you want to try again?
00:29:29Okay, stop.
00:29:31Where's my brush?
00:29:37Now give me the paper.
00:29:39Sam, you were hiding it from me.
00:29:41We're going to draw a clear outline
00:29:43using this marker.
00:29:45Yes, look at me!
00:29:47Guess which part you forgot to draw.
00:29:49Not at all.
00:29:51I finished it while you were changing.
00:29:53Our flame is ready.
00:29:55Let's go!
00:30:01We need backup!
00:30:03Sammy, what's wrong?
00:30:05It's time to say goodbye, that's all.
00:30:07You tricked me!
00:30:09Come here, you asked for it!
00:30:11If you draw a random figure,
00:30:13turn on the lights.
00:30:15Make sure the shadow
00:30:17is reflected on the table
00:30:19and make your marker work.
00:30:21No line will remain hidden.
00:30:23Now we can draw
00:30:25whatever we want.
00:30:27We have a pretty little goat
00:30:29on a mountain.
00:30:31Now it's time to color it.
00:30:37These colors are so bright!
00:30:43The important thing
00:30:45is to color everything well.
00:30:47And we're done!
00:30:49For this new trick,
00:30:51let's make a triangle
00:30:53with adhesive tape.
00:30:55Be creative
00:30:57and forget the brush!
00:31:01Let's add green spots
00:31:03just below the blue ones.
00:31:05These colors go well together.
00:31:07Add a few touches of yellow
00:31:09to brighten it up.
00:31:13Now take a brush
00:31:15and start painting the canvas.
00:31:17Yes, that's what I said!
00:31:19Look at this beautiful zigzag!
00:31:21But that's not all!
00:31:23We're going to add
00:31:25orange spots to our palette.
00:31:31Let's move on to the red line.
00:31:37Take the brush again.
00:31:41For the very last row,
00:31:43we used purple.
00:31:47let's get rid of the adhesive tape.
00:31:49Remove it carefully.
00:31:51Don't stain the drawing.
00:31:55I like the edges
00:31:57to be perfectly even.
00:31:59If you have two feathers,
00:32:01why not mix them?
00:32:03They will exchange their colors.
00:32:07Wow! Now we have
00:32:09a multicolor marker!
00:32:11Let's try it on this unicorn!
00:32:15Look at how the colors
00:32:17have changed!
00:32:19Adding colors
00:32:21and different shades
00:32:23is so magical!
00:32:25The unicorn is also
00:32:27happy to participate
00:32:29in this project.
00:32:35We're almost done
00:32:37with this smiling face.
00:32:39It's so cute!
00:32:41Let's do some more
00:32:43with adhesive tape
00:32:45and markers.
00:32:47Just place them in a row
00:32:49and wrap them tightly.
00:32:55Here's the fun part!
00:32:57We draw
00:32:59with all the markers
00:33:01at the same time.
00:33:03It's a perfect rainbow!
00:33:05For the last trick,
00:33:07let's stick a sheet of paper
00:33:09and a pencil on top.
00:33:13Let's use
00:33:15different colors.
00:33:17Now we stamp
00:33:19with our finger.
00:33:21Then we draw
00:33:23the second part of the image
00:33:25in the same way.
00:33:31And again,
00:33:33we use our magic finger.
00:33:35This trick
00:33:37allows us to create
00:33:39incredible patterns.
00:33:45It's so cool!
00:33:47A real aurora
00:33:49above the mountains!
00:33:51But something is missing.
00:33:53Let's draw a moon!
00:33:55This time we only need
00:33:57two white particles.
00:33:59Let's also add
00:34:01some particles on the opposite side.
00:34:03Let's stamp again.
00:34:05And it's ready!
00:34:29Thanks for coming
00:34:31to my new exhibition.
00:34:33I'm so happy to see
00:34:35so many friendly faces
00:34:37celebrating my genius!
00:34:39Sorry, Sam,
00:34:41I'm a big fan of your work.
00:34:43Let me guess,
00:34:45you want my autograph?
00:34:47No problem!
00:34:49No, I need new artwork
00:34:51for my castle
00:34:53and I'm ready to pay you.
00:34:55I can do that,
00:34:57but I'll be right back.
00:34:59I have a problem.
00:35:01Don't worry, Sam,
00:35:03I can help you.
00:35:05Every masterpiece starts here,
00:35:07with a blank canvas.
00:35:09Does that mean I don't need
00:35:11to connect the printer?
00:35:13Not this time, Sam.
00:35:15We'll create a masterpiece
00:35:17from nothing.
00:35:21I guess the printer
00:35:23needs some rest.
00:35:25It's been working a lot lately.
00:35:27Let's start with Elsa's silhouette.
00:35:29She'll add a personal touch.
00:35:31What do you think, Sam?
00:35:33It's a good start, isn't it?
00:35:35Something's missing here,
00:35:37but I'll take care of it.
00:35:41There we go!
00:35:43Wow, that's perfect!
00:35:45Well done!
00:35:47Now we can start painting.
00:35:59Let's start with Elsa's silhouette.
00:36:01She'll add a personal touch.
00:36:03What do you think, Sam?
00:36:05It's a good start, isn't it?
00:36:07Yes, you know pink is the best option.
00:36:09It's the best color there is.
00:36:11Wait, I'm inspired!
00:36:13Oh, that looks interesting.
00:36:15I'm going to make Elsa
00:36:17one of my signature pieces.
00:36:19Critics say it's better than the joconde.
00:36:21Oh, I can't wait to see that.
00:36:23I'm sure Elsa will love it too.
00:36:25I think Elsa will love it more than this.
00:36:27We have to impress her.
00:36:29I'll add some silver paint to the star.
00:36:31Hmm, let's make it bigger.
00:36:33Let's mix it all up.
00:36:35That's the fun part.
00:36:37It's like having a happy meeting.
00:36:39Let's go!
00:36:45If you want a mess,
00:36:47you just have to ask.
00:36:49I'm a master of the matter.
00:36:51I know, I saw your room.
00:36:53I know, I saw your room.
00:37:05You know,
00:37:07I find it quite relaxing.
00:37:09Maybe I should paint more often.
00:37:23Now I need my hair dryer.
00:37:25It's my secret art trick.
00:37:29We should talk about it.
00:37:31You have to use a brush
00:37:33to dry my hair.
00:37:35I know, Sam.
00:37:37It's to help dry the paint.
00:37:39It speeds things up.
00:37:43That's a good idea.
00:37:45I have to try it.
00:37:47Be careful.
00:37:49It's a pretty fast hair dryer.
00:37:51Don't get carried away.
00:37:53I think I know how to use a hair dryer.
00:37:55Let's go.
00:37:57This adhesive tape will be used
00:37:59as a handkerchief.
00:38:01I don't want the white paint
00:38:03to go elsewhere on the canvas.
00:38:05And this sponge
00:38:07will give me a uniform layer.
00:38:13How's it going on your side, Sam?
00:38:15Everything's fine.
00:38:25Wow, yes, everything is under control.
00:38:33It's really starting to take shape!
00:38:35This will be a masterpiece
00:38:37in Elsa's castle.
00:38:39I want to superimpose the colors
00:38:41and layers.
00:38:43It gives a wonderful effect.
00:38:45I have something to tell you, Sue. The good news is that my paint is dry.
00:38:51The bad news is that the hair dryer made a hole in it.
00:38:54Look! Who would have thought it was possible?
00:38:58Oh, what a shame! You worked so hard on it. I'm really sorry.
00:39:03I'm sure it was going to be beautiful, Sammy.
00:39:08I guess we'll never know, Sue. It's good for the trash now.
00:39:12It doesn't matter. We still have this painting.
00:39:15Let's drop the brushes and try something different.
00:39:21The aluminum foil will add more texture.
00:39:26I want it to look like the moon.
00:39:28A few more touches…
00:39:33And that's it!
00:39:35Now let's remove this with great care.
00:39:39So, what do you think?
00:39:43Wow! It looks so pretty!
00:39:45But something is missing.
00:39:48Yes, we absolutely need to add something.
00:39:52The stars!
00:39:53You're right. But none of this will do.
00:39:57I need something like a toothbrush.
00:40:03Ask and you shall receive, Susan.
00:40:05Yes, that will be perfect. Thank you, Sammy.
00:40:09Wait, where did you find it?
00:40:11I borrowed it from Roger.
00:40:13But that's another little secret, OK?
00:40:16We should probably go to the supermarket after this and buy a new toothbrush for Roger.
00:40:21That should do it.
00:40:23Yeah, yeah. Look at me.
00:40:25Oops, sorry about that, Sammy. I'll help you.
00:40:29I'm sure it never happened to him, Picasso.
00:40:33Wait, I can borrow this aluminum foil, Sue.
00:40:37I think I'm going to be a sculptor now.
00:40:40Go ahead, Sammy. I think it's a great idea.
00:40:58Aluminum foil is the perfect support. It will be a modern work of art.
00:41:02You seem ambitious. If anyone can do it, it's you.
00:41:05I'm thinking of creating a statue of Sam.
00:41:08Are you sure Elsa will like it?
00:41:10Of course. Who wouldn't?
00:41:14I can think of a lot of people.
00:41:23I'm having so much fun. It's so stressful.
00:41:26I have to try it. I'm going to add a silhouette to the painting. It will look exactly like Elsa.
00:41:31It takes a lot of effort, but it will be worth it.
00:41:36Look at this.
00:41:37I'm a genius, right?
00:41:39My statue is great, isn't it?
00:41:41Yes, it looks like your twin brother.
00:41:46I should do something cool with this.
00:41:50I'm always scared when he's inspired like that.
00:41:55I'm a mummy. A chic and stylish mummy.
00:41:58You're great. I've never seen such an elegant mummy.
00:42:02I have another idea. I'm going to scare Roger.
00:42:05Poor Roger. It always ends up on him.
00:42:09I'm going to add some color here. It will break the monotony of black and add a touch of color.
00:42:14Then I'll put some purple paint on the silhouette, like this.
00:42:20I'm going to add a little bit of blue.
00:42:22I'm going to add a little bit of green.
00:42:24I'm going to add a little bit of red.
00:42:27Let's also add a little bit of blue.
00:42:35It looks like Elsa is on a cliff, doesn't it?
00:42:37I'm pretty happy with the result.
00:42:40It didn't go as planned. He's always mad for the toothbrush.
00:42:45I tried to warn you.
00:42:46I think you should just apologize to Roger.
00:42:52In the meantime, I'm going to draw some trees.
00:42:56I have a better idea, and I'm going to need some flowers.
00:43:00You're not going to dig the garden like that.
00:43:02It reminds me of memories.
00:43:04Bad memories.
00:43:07It happened once.
00:43:08I was looking for a treasure.
00:43:10I'm going to make him flowers.
00:43:12It will be the theme of my next exhibition.
00:43:14It looks good. I'm sure Roger will love it.
00:43:18Don't pay attention to me.
00:43:20I'm just passing by.
00:43:23Don't pay attention to me.
00:43:25I'm just passing by.
00:43:27Sam, get out of there.
00:43:30What a beautiful day for a walk.
00:43:34He never listens to me.
00:43:50And that's it. My masterpiece is finished.
00:43:52Roger can't stay mad at me after that.
00:43:55Wow, I'm speechless.
00:43:57Sam, it's beautiful.
00:44:00I can't wait to show it to him.
00:44:01Wish me luck.
00:44:04I'm sure he'll be impressed.
00:44:05You put your heart into it.
00:44:07And while Sam does his reconciliation gesture,
00:44:10I'll finish Elsa's painting.
00:44:16Now I can remove the adhesive tape from the canvas.
00:44:33And here's the result.
00:44:34Do you like it, my friends?
00:44:37Wow! You've already finished the painting?
00:44:39It's amazing! Catch!
00:44:41Oh, it's so cute. And it's beautiful.
00:44:45That's my way of saying thank you for helping me with the painting.
00:45:04I'm so proud of you.
00:45:06I'm so proud of you.
00:45:08I'm so proud of you.
00:45:10I'm so proud of you.
00:45:12I'm so proud of you.
00:45:14I'm so proud of you.
00:45:19What a beautiful day!
00:45:20Elsa loved the painting, but I'm putting away my brushes.
00:45:23Sam, I have great news. You're in high demand.
00:45:26What? What do you mean?
00:45:28Everyone wants one of your paintings.
00:45:30Barbie, Princess Peach, even Roger.
00:45:32Are you serious? Do you know what that means?
00:45:34We'll need a lot of paintings.
00:45:36No, the printing holidays are over.
00:45:39Take the paper, Sue. It's going to be a long night.
00:45:43We'd better start seeing everyone again.
00:45:46See you next time, friends.
00:45:50Oh no! I told you not to go in there.
00:45:53Oh, it's boring.
00:45:55Impossible! It was my favorite character.
00:45:57Oh, she's red!
00:45:58Hey, Sansa, let's play a game.
00:46:01Not now, Sammy. It's just become interesting.
00:46:04You leave me no choice.
00:46:06I haven't read any news from Tibidab in a while.
00:46:09I'm sure you'll find them interesting too.
00:46:11Here. My cousin Slime has set the world record for accelerated painting.
00:46:15Uh-huh. So?
00:46:17I bet you won't be able to beat it.
00:46:19What? I'm going to beat this record in no time.
00:46:21It's been a long time since you took a brush.
00:46:23You know what? Challenge accepted.
00:46:25Hey, let me go!
00:46:28That was a little too much.
00:46:29Oh, I'm really sorry, Sammy. Are you okay?
00:46:31I'm going to get out of here.
00:46:33And my little trick worked.
00:46:35You won't make it. It's been a long time since you took a brush.
00:46:38I'll show you. What am I going to draw?
00:46:41Skibidi-pom-pom! Oh yeah! Skibidi-yeah! That was fun!
00:46:45Now I know exactly what I'm going to draw.
00:47:00Phew! I like that.
00:47:03Now it's time to add color.
00:47:05Outlines first.
00:47:07Let's go!
00:47:30Good! The picture is more visible now.
00:47:33But I have to erase the sketch under the pencil.
00:47:35Your friend Sam will help you do it.
00:47:37I know.
00:47:38Orange, stop it!
00:47:40Thank you, Sammy.
00:47:42And I'll keep going.
00:47:48Great! This bright red is incredible.
00:48:00Hey, Samson! Orange decided to beat your record!
00:48:03Wait, look at this!
00:48:05Wait, Sam! What are you doing? It's not ready yet!
00:48:07Oh, he's so shy!
00:48:09Be patient, Sammy. Give me a few more seconds.
00:48:12You know I don't like to show an unfinished masterpiece.
00:48:59I'm gonna get out of here!
00:49:20I'm getting out of here, Roche!
00:49:22Spikerman looks very real!
00:49:24Oops, sorry, I forgot, I'm leaving!
00:49:30Phew! I think I'm finally done!
00:49:33What do you say, Sam?
00:49:34Am I worth the world record?
00:49:35Wow! It looks great!
00:49:37Let's draw another one!
00:49:42Ok, but I need a new sheet of paper!
00:49:45And I'll help you!
00:49:48Great job, Sammy!
00:49:49I see it's now the cameraman's turn!
00:49:51Well, yes!
00:49:52We need the whole team to beat this record, you know!
00:49:59Sam, I still need your help to erase the useless lines!
00:50:21No, no, you won't lie to me this time!
00:50:23Get a hold of yourself, buddy!
00:50:25Ok, I guess I'll have to take care of it myself!
00:50:28Oh, it's not working!
00:50:29How did Sam do that to me?
00:50:31Maybe I can use this!
00:50:33Are you serious? You're ridiculous!
00:50:36I can at least try!
00:50:38Oh my God, what do I do?
00:50:40Oh wait, I know!
00:50:43It looks perfect!
00:50:46Ok, I'm done with the paper!
00:50:48Let's get back to coloring!
00:51:13Oh, it's so detailed!
00:52:37Friends, let us know that you like what we do here!
00:52:40Like this video and subscribe to our channel!
00:52:43Don't forget that we love each and every one of you!
00:53:20Hey Roger!
00:53:21Tibidaba tout en tiers t'encourage!
00:53:23Oh, thank you! I really appreciate it!
00:53:25Oh, tu t'en sors très bien, mon chéri!
00:53:27Continue comme ça!
00:53:29Yo, Roge, super bling!
00:53:31On se voit un de ces quatre, hein?
00:53:33Ça a l'air génial, mais je dois me mettre au travail!
00:53:36Wow, Roge, j'aime beaucoup ton oeuvre!
00:53:38Tu l'as terminé, n'est-ce pas?
00:53:40Je suppose!
00:53:41Alors appelons ces gars des records du monde!
00:53:43Ok, ok!
00:53:44Mais même si je ne suis pas qualifié, j'aime quand même ces dessins!
00:53:46Bien sûr! Et qu'il y a eu l'idée de les dessiner!
00:53:48À bientôt tout le monde!
00:53:50Vous nous moquez déjà!
00:53:52Au revoir, les amis!
00:53:54Nom nom nom!
00:53:56C'est délicieux!
00:53:58J'adore manger du popcorn en regardant mon émission préférée!
00:54:05Salut Sam, tu veux venir faire quelques paniers?
00:54:09Oh, je suis désolée!
00:54:11Je pensais que tu allais l'attraper!
00:54:13C'est rien, ça va!
00:54:15C'est le moment que je préfère!
00:54:17Allez Sam, avec moi!
00:54:19Ne vois-tu pas à quel point tu me manques?
00:54:21Oh, s'il te plaît!
00:54:23Tu ne vois pas que je suis déjà occupée?
00:54:25Ça va, j'ai compris, tu es stressée!
00:54:27Mais je sais ce qui pourrait t'aider à te détendre!
00:54:29Regarde ça!
00:54:31Très bien, continue à m'ignorer, tu l'auras voulu!
00:54:33Peut-être que tu feras plus attention à mercredi!
00:54:37Nom d'une vache, on se croirait dans la série!
00:54:39Tu veux bien me suivre maintenant?
00:54:41Sans aucun doute!
00:54:45Si! Où est-ce que tu es?
00:54:47Je suis là, Sam,
00:54:49et j'ai quelque chose d'intéressant pour toi!
00:54:51Voici un portrait de ton personnage préféré!
00:54:53Mais pourquoi il est comme ça?
00:54:55On dirait qu'il y a deux portraits en un!
00:54:57Comment on va les colorier?
00:54:59Non, pas ça!
00:55:01Voilà ce qu'on va faire!
00:55:03On va procéder étape par étape!
00:55:05Tu m'as fait peur!
00:55:07Bon, par quelle moitié on commence alors?
00:55:09Allez, choisis!
00:55:11Je vais prendre celui-ci!
00:55:13Très bien, allons-y!
00:55:15Il me faut des feutres,
00:55:17et je vais prendre celui-là!
00:55:29C'est pas mal,
00:55:31mais on dirait qu'il manque quelque chose!
00:55:33Et si on demandait l'avis d'un expert?
00:55:35Salut, Sam!
00:55:37Salut, Elide!
00:55:39Tu es en train de dessiner mercredi!
00:55:41Un dessin de mercredi?
00:55:43Oui! Tu veux bien nous aider?
00:55:45C'est pas très réaliste!
00:55:47On va ajouter des nuances!
00:55:49Oh non!
00:55:51Je ne contrôle plus mes mains!
00:55:53Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe?
00:55:55Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe?
00:56:09Tu n'oublies pas quelque chose?
00:56:11Tu as bien fait des ombres partout!
00:56:13Arrête de faire le chef, Sam!
00:56:15Je n'ai pas encore terminé!
00:56:17Je vais faire les yeux maintenant!
00:56:19Oh oui! Elle a des yeux marrons perçants!
00:56:21Alors, voyons voir!
00:56:23Je vais vous pénétrer, mon homme!
00:56:27Oh, Sam!
00:56:29On va utiliser une autre couleur
00:56:31pour que tu n'en aies plus peur!
00:56:33Tu pourrais aussi ajouter un peu de blanc
00:56:35pour les éclaircir?
00:56:37Très bien!
00:56:39D'ailleurs, ça te dérange si je m'en occupe?
00:56:41Merci! Bien, bien, bien!
00:56:43Encore un tout petit peu!
00:56:45J'ai une idée!
00:56:47C'est tout toi, ça!
00:56:49Tu t'en vas en laissant le travail à moitié terminé!
00:56:51Je ne suis pas partie pour rien!
00:56:53Tu n'as rien remarqué?
00:56:55Oh, wow! Ouais, ça pourrait le faire!
00:56:57Laisse-moi regarder!
00:56:59Je vois que tu n'as pas oublié les sourcils!
00:57:01C'est un cyclope!
00:57:05Sam, rien t'effraye!
00:57:07C'est juste qu'il n'est pas encore terminé!
00:57:09Les amis, vous aimez ce semi-portrait de mercredi?
00:57:11Dans ce cas, mettez-nous un j'aime!
00:57:13Psst! Viens voir si
00:57:15j'ai apporté des feutres de couleurs!
00:57:17Ça nous sera peut-être utile!
00:57:19Je vais lui colorer les cheveux!
00:57:21Bonne idée! Laisse-moi d'abord consulter mon experte!
00:57:23Quoi? Non, non, non!
00:57:25Ces couleurs sont beaucoup trop voyantes!
00:57:27Oh non!
00:57:29Ça ne va pas recommencer!
00:57:31Tu t'aurais pu simplement dire non!
00:57:37Un feutre blanc?
00:57:39Ça, ça devrait le faire!
00:57:41C'est vrai que c'est mieux!
00:57:43Tant mieux! Mais la prochaine fois,
00:57:45évite de me jeter tes feutres à la figure!
00:57:47Je vais enfin pouvoir colorer ses cheveux!
00:57:51Sam, ne fais pas n'importe quoi!
00:57:53Mercredi a les cheveux bruns!
00:57:55Et pourquoi c'est toujours de ma faute?
00:57:57Je n'ai rien fait d'abord!
00:57:59Je voulais juste donner un coup de main!
00:58:01Je vais commencer et toi, tu vas me guider, d'accord?
00:58:03Encore un peu par ici!
00:58:05Alors, qu'est-ce que tu en dis, Sam?
00:58:07Pourquoi est-ce que ses cheveux ne brillent pas?
00:58:09Où est le coiffeur quand on a besoin de lui?
00:58:11Non, comme ça, ça ne va pas!
00:58:13Attends une minute!
00:58:15Je vais arranger ça tout de suite!
00:58:19Ma chère, il faut mettre un peu d'éclat dans ce dessin!
00:58:21Soit, on va faire le fond de cette couleur dans ce cas!
00:58:23Oui, pourquoi pas!
00:58:31Si, j'ai entendu dire qu'en ce moment,
00:58:33l'école noire était super tendance!
00:58:35Ah oui?
00:58:37On peut toujours essayer!
00:58:39Merci pour l'info!
00:58:41Il n'y a pas de quoi!
00:58:43On va faire les contours!
00:58:45Ensuite, on colorie l'intérieur!
00:58:47Mais de quelle couleur on va faire la robe?
00:58:49Je sais comment on va décider!
00:58:51On va la jouer à pierre, feuille, ciseaux!
00:58:53C'est parti!
00:58:55Mercredi et Sam vont s'affronter pour savoir
00:58:57qui choisira la couleur du prochain feutre!
00:58:59Après un match particulièrement serré,
00:59:01le gagnant est... Mercredi!
00:59:03Quoi? Ah non! J'ai pas dit mon dernier mot!
00:59:05Prends ça!
00:59:07Ça chatouille! Arrête, je t'en supplie!
00:59:09Alors, c'est qui le gagnant maintenant?
00:59:11Arrête Sam! J'ai gagné à la loyale
00:59:13et je choisis le feutre marron!
00:59:23Maintenant, j'ai besoin du feutre noir.
00:59:25Hein? Mais où est-ce qu'il est passé?
00:59:27C'est moi qui l'ai!
00:59:29Je l'ai pris pour faire mon portrait! Regarde!
00:59:31Il y a un petit air en effet!
00:59:41Bon, je vais devoir attendre encore longtemps!
00:59:43Moi aussi, j'ai envie de colorier!
00:59:45Qu'est-ce qui te rend si grognon, Sam?
00:59:47Tu n'as qu'à prendre un feutre et le faire toi-même!
00:59:49Hein? Pourquoi je n'y ai pas pensé plus tôt?
00:59:51Mercredi, je veux dire!
00:59:53Si! Ça te dérange si je crée un jeu
00:59:55d'ombre et de lumière ça et là?
00:59:57Je t'en prie!
00:59:59Encore quelques touches par ici et par là aussi!
01:00:01Encore un peu là! Et voilà!
01:00:03J'ai terminé!
01:00:05C'est pas mal!
01:00:07Je crois qu'on a fini!
01:00:11Oh, comme elle est belle!
01:00:13Je crois que la version cartoon
01:00:15de mercredi a été un succès!
01:00:17Qu'est-ce que t'en dis?
01:00:19Moi, je dis qu'on devrait l'envoyer à Nevermore pour voir!
01:00:23Enid! Enid, t'es où?
01:00:25Je t'ai apporté notre dessin!
01:00:31Il est à moi maintenant!
01:00:33C'est pas mal!
01:00:35Mais pourquoi il n'y a qu'une seule moitié de fait?
01:00:37C'est qu'on est un peu à court d'idées!
01:00:39C'est ça avec la chef!
01:00:41Moi, je vais garder le dessin en attendant!
01:00:43Comment il a fait pour être là si vite?
01:00:47Vous n'avez qu'à faire la deuxième partie plus réaliste!
01:00:49Je vais vous aider!
01:00:51Merci, Enid!
01:00:53Je vais faire de mon mieux.
01:00:55Pour avoir la bonne couleur de peau,
01:00:57on va mélanger plusieurs couleurs.
01:00:59D'abord, on va prendre celle-ci, la plus claire.
01:01:01Et ensuite,
01:01:03on va en prendre une un peu plus foncée,
01:01:05comme ça.
01:01:11Si on fait un dessin de style réaliste,
01:01:13il faut qu'on mette du vrai maquillage!
01:01:15Du coup, j'ai tout amené!
01:01:17Super! Voyons un peu ce qu'on a!
01:01:19Tiens, du rouge à lèvres!
01:01:21J'ai un feutre de la même couleur!
01:01:23C'est parti!
01:01:31Hey, j'ai trouvé quelque chose d'autre!
01:01:35On va s'en servir pour les yeux!
01:01:45Quoi? T'as bien dit les yeux?
01:01:47Dans ce cas, tu devrais plutôt prendre...
01:01:49quelque chose comme ça!
01:01:51Regarde-moi cette palette!
01:01:53C'est super!
01:01:55C'est super!
01:01:57C'est super!
01:01:59Quelque chose comme ça!
01:02:01Regarde-moi cette palette!
01:02:03T'as raison! Il y a plein de couleurs!
01:02:05On va prendre...
01:02:09Alors, c'est comment?
01:02:13Laisse-moi regarder!
01:02:15Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas!
01:02:17Attends, je n'ai pas encore terminé!
01:02:19Il faut qu'on peaufine un peu ici et là.
01:02:23Ça va permettre de compléter son look!
01:02:31Cette fois, elle est magnifique!
01:02:33Je n'ai même pas peur!
01:02:35Doucement Sam, ne t'emballe pas!
01:02:37Quant à vous les amis, cliquez sur j'aime
01:02:39et abonnez-vous à notre chaîne!
01:02:41Elle se débrouille super bien!
01:02:45Oh non!
01:02:47Je suis coincée!
01:02:51Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
01:02:55Je me suis un peu remportée!
01:02:59Enfin, c'est terminé!
01:03:01Mais qu'est-ce que tu fabriques?
01:03:03Ce n'est pas l'heure de la pause!
01:03:05Tu vas colorier le reste!
01:03:07Je vais le faire!
01:03:15Les cheveux de mercredi sont terminés,
01:03:17mais les miens sont tous en mêlée!
01:03:19Je vais arranger ça!
01:03:23C'est mieux!
01:03:27Et si on lui faisait des cheveux soyeux à elle aussi?
01:03:33Si! Pourquoi tu as sorti ce crayon?
01:03:35La couleur de mercredi, c'est le noir,
01:03:37pas le bleu!
01:03:39Quelle violence!
01:03:45Encore quelques coups de crayon
01:03:47et on aura fini avec le fond!
01:03:49Et voilà!
01:03:51Bien joué!
01:03:53Et mon col?
01:03:55Tu vas me servir de modèle!
01:03:57Tiens, un peu comme
01:03:59une mini version de mercredi!
01:04:05Sa magnifique robe
01:04:07va contraster avec son col noir.
01:04:09Vous allez voir, ça va être superbe!
01:04:21Appelez le magazine Nevermore!
01:04:23Dites-leur que mercredi est en train de dessiner
01:04:27Et alors? C'est vrai qu'elle me ressemble un peu
01:04:29et je la trouve splendide!
01:04:31Maintenant, on va faire les volants de sa robe.
01:04:43On avait dit que ce serait réaliste!
01:04:45Ton dessin ne ressemble pas du tout à la photo!
01:04:47Ah bon?
01:04:49Et si je te fais des chatouilles,
01:04:51monsieur le critique artistique?
01:04:53D'accord, d'accord!
01:04:55Il est très bien!
01:04:57Je préfère!
01:04:59Il ne reste plus qu'à peaufiner quelques détails.
01:05:05Ses lèvres sont vraiment magnifiques!
01:05:07Et la couleur, lui, va super bien!
01:05:09Alors maintenant, tu es aussi un expert
01:05:11en maquillage, à ce que je vois!
01:05:13Très bien, Sam!
01:05:15Un bon bricoleur se doit d'avoir
01:05:17plusieurs cordes à son arc!
01:05:21Bon, c'est encore long?
01:05:23J'ai trop hâte de voir le résultat!
01:05:25Encore quelques secondes, Sam!
01:05:31Ou bien, voyons ce que ça donne!
01:05:33Il y a quelques traits de crayon
01:05:35qui me chagrinent un peu.
01:05:37Et c'est marrant parce que
01:05:39j'ai justement une gomme!
01:05:41D'accord, j'ai compris!
01:05:45Maintenant, on va tous pouvoir
01:05:47admirer notre portrait!
01:06:07On a enfin réussi à le terminer!
01:06:09Et le résultat est magnifique!
01:06:11Et si on l'envoyait à Eileen?
01:06:13Je ne crois pas, non!
01:06:15On va juste lui envoyer des photos!
01:06:17Vous avez aimé dessiner avec nous?
01:06:19Alors mettez-nous dans les commentaires!
01:06:21Et n'oubliez pas de vous abonner
01:06:23pour ne rien rater!
01:06:25Et n'oubliez pas d'abonner
01:06:27pour ne rien rater!
01:06:29Et n'oubliez pas d'abonner
01:06:31pour ne rien rater!
01:06:33Et n'oubliez pas d'abonner
01:06:35Vous avez aimé dessiner avec nous?
01:06:37Alors mettez-nous un j'aime et n'oubliez pas
01:06:39de vous abonner à notre chaîne!
01:06:41À bientôt!
01:06:43Les mouchoirs peuvent servir de chapeau, donc!
01:06:45Il faut que je note ça!
01:06:47Oh, c'est quoi?
01:06:49Hum, voyons voir...
01:06:51Génial! Un mouchoir français!
01:06:53Que se passe-t-il?
01:06:55Pourquoi est-ce que tu jettes
01:06:57tous ces mouchoirs?
01:06:59Hey, tu! Ne me déconcentre pas, s'il te plaît!
01:07:01Je suis très occupée!
01:07:03Je veux savoir ce que tu fais exactement.
01:07:05L'un de mes amis de Tibidabo m'a demandé
01:07:07de lui envoyer un objet inhabituel
01:07:09et d'en expliquer l'utilisation.
01:07:11D'accord, mais pourquoi des mouchoirs?
01:07:13Parce qu'il n'en a jamais vu!
01:07:15Mais ça m'embête de lui dire
01:07:17que ça ne sert qu'à se moucher!
01:07:19Voilà les autres façons de s'en servir
01:07:21que j'ai trouvées!
01:07:23Peut-être porter en chapeau.
01:07:25Peut servir de boule de neige.
01:07:27Hum hum, on peut aussi s'en servir
01:07:29pour dessiner, tu sais.
01:07:31C'est un beau tableau! Allez, suis-moi,
01:07:33je vais te montrer!
01:07:35Il faut que je vois ça!
01:07:37Coucou, les amis!
01:07:39Aujourd'hui, nous allons dessiner
01:07:41avec des mouchoirs en papier.
01:07:43Il faut juste qu'on choisisse notre support.
01:07:45Une feuille blanche?
01:07:47Non, trop fastoche!
01:07:49On l'a déjà fait plus d'une fois!
01:07:51Trouvons autre chose!
01:07:53Si, pas de touche à cette feuille de papier,
01:07:55d'accord? J'en ai besoin
01:07:57pour un autre bricolage!
01:07:59Si, je peux l'avoir!
01:08:01Je vais en faire un ballon pour jouer au foot!
01:08:03Tu sais quoi? Je vais même appeler Roger!
01:08:05Du tissu?
01:08:07On s'en servira certainement la prochaine fois.
01:08:09Si, tu as du mal
01:08:11à te décider aujourd'hui!
01:08:13Donne-moi ce bout de tissu,
01:08:15je n'aurai qu'à m'en faire un manteau!
01:08:17Voilà ce qu'il nous faut!
01:08:19Le matériau et la taille sont parfaits!
01:08:21Laisse-moi voir ça!
01:08:23Bien, bien, bien!
01:08:25Rien ne peut être fait sans mon accord.
01:08:27Pas mal!
01:08:29Pendant ce temps, je vais terminer la préparation.
01:08:31Il faut que je choisisse les couleurs.
01:08:33Mais il y a tellement de choix!
01:08:35Je vais m'en occuper moi-même.
01:08:37Après tout, on fait un tableau pour mon ami!
01:08:39Tu sais quoi? Tu as raison.
01:08:41On va avoir besoin de dix couleurs.
01:08:43Je te laisse choisir.
01:08:45En voilà une! Attends!
01:08:47Hé, doucement! Heureusement que je l'ai rattrapée!
01:08:49Mais ne jette plus la peinture!
01:08:53Ça y est! J'ai choisi toutes les couleurs que nous aimons le plus
01:08:55et je ne m'attendais pas à faire un entraînement de gardien de but aujourd'hui.
01:08:57Nom d'un pénalité!
01:08:59J'ai failli oublier!
01:09:01Il nous faut de la peinture dorée!
01:09:03Bien, maintenant que nous avons les couleurs, il faut préparer les pinceaux.
01:09:05On ne peut pas simplement froisser les mouchoirs
01:09:07et les passer bêtement sur notre support.
01:09:19Je ne sais pas trop comment on va les utiliser,
01:09:21mais je me suis fait une couronne.
01:09:23À partir de maintenant, je suis le roi Sam!
01:09:25Maintenant, nous devons préparer notre support.
01:09:27Un apprêt ordinaire ne suffira pas.
01:09:29Heureusement, j'ai la recette d'un apprêt spécial
01:09:31pour courir l'étoile.
01:09:33Si! Tu as oublié l'agitateur!
01:09:35Tu ne vas quand même pas remuer avec tes doigts?
01:09:37Bien sûr que non!
01:09:39Merci, Sam!
01:09:41Ce sera bien plus pratique avec un bâton.
01:09:43C'est parti!
01:09:45J'aurais bien aimé le faire moi-même.
01:09:47De quoi est-ce que tu parles?
01:09:49Je voudrais fabriquer un fils d'amour.
01:09:51Comme ça, tout le monde m'adorerait!
01:09:53Sam, tout le monde t'adore déjà!
01:09:55Les amis, levez les pouces pour Sam!
01:09:57Oh, qu'est-ce qu'on a là?
01:09:59Maintenant, nous allons recouvrir
01:10:01la toile avec le mélange.
01:10:09Tiens! Prends ce couteau à palette.
01:10:11Ce sera plus facile pour l'étaler.
01:10:13Tu es un vrai petit génie
01:10:15en ce qui concerne les outils artistiques!
01:10:21D'ordinaire, les couteaux à palette
01:10:23permettent d'appliquer de la peinture
01:10:25et d'en retirer le trop plein.
01:10:27En parlant de peinture, je crois qu'il est temps d'en ajouter!
01:10:29J'apporte les mouchoirs?
01:10:31Doucement! Il faut d'abord qu'on termine
01:10:33de préparer notre support.
01:10:35Génial! Ça veut dire que j'ai le temps
01:10:37de m'atteler à mon projet secret!
01:10:39Les amis, laissez sécher l'après un petit moment.
01:10:45Je pense que c'est bon!
01:10:47Il est temps de passer à la prochaine étape!
01:10:51On va enfin pouvoir commencer à dessiner!
01:10:53On était d'accord pour peindre
01:10:55avec des mouchoirs, pas des pinceaux!
01:10:57Tu avais promis, Sue!
01:10:59Sam, du calme! Je vais simplement
01:11:01montrer où nous allons dessiner la plume.
01:11:03Une plume? Quelle plume?
01:11:05Et quel oiseau? Je ne comprends pas!
01:11:07Tu vas voir!
01:11:09Arrête tes sims à gré et dis-moi tout!
01:11:11Nous allons peindre la plume magnifique
01:11:13d'un oiseau majestueux.
01:11:15Mais d'abord, on va s'amuser un peu.
01:11:17Regarde ce que j'ai préparé.
01:11:19C'est sûr de ton coup! Imagine que la peinture
01:11:21explose! Il va y en avoir partout!
01:11:23Ça ne va pas exploser!
01:11:25J'ajoute simplement un peu de silicone
01:11:27à la peinture.
01:11:29Sue, tu m'as fait peur!
01:11:31Les expériences, c'est mon truc d'habitude!
01:11:33La prochaine fois, tu feras le chimiste.
01:11:37Sue, quand est-ce qu'on va commencer à peindre?
01:11:39J'en ai marre d'attendre!
01:11:41On va définir la place de la plume sur la toile.
01:11:43C'est pas trop tôt!
01:11:45Tiens la première couleur!
01:11:47Voilà! On peut commencer à peindre!
01:11:53Sue, Sue! Je veux participer moi aussi!
01:11:55Donne-moi la peinture, s'il te plaît!
01:11:57Je serais enchantée que tu m'aides.
01:11:59Choisis une couleur et fais comme moi.
01:12:01Je prends le vert foncé!
01:12:03C'est parti!
01:12:07C'est un peu comme faire de la peinture
01:12:09avec de la résine époxy. Pas vrai?
01:12:11Ça va être génial!
01:12:15D'ailleurs, on a déjà utilisé de la résine!
01:12:17Allez voir les vidéos sur notre chaîne!
01:12:19On devrait remettre ça!
01:12:23Voilà la peinture rose!
01:12:25Et Sue!
01:12:27Regarde un peu ce que j'ai fait!
01:12:29Wow! Sam, cette couleur est magnifique!
01:12:35il ne nous en reste plus que deux!
01:12:37Voilà un peu de bleu!
01:12:45Regarde, Sue!
01:12:47C'était ça ma surprise!
01:12:49J'ai peint les mouchoirs en vert!
01:12:53On n'a plus qu'à les humidifier
01:12:55avec un peu d'eau.
01:12:57On va étaler la peinture tout doucement
01:12:59avec la délicatesse d'une plume.
01:13:03Doucement et avec précaution,
01:13:05sans se presser.
01:13:09Sue, tu devrais l'étaler dans les deux sens
01:13:11sinon on va avoir une moitié de plume!
01:13:25Et qu'est-ce qu'on fait de ce qui
01:13:27ont le bord cranté, Sue?
01:13:29On ne va pas s'en servir?
01:13:31Bien sûr que si!
01:13:33On va faire les extrémités avec!
01:13:37Maintenant, on va utiliser cela!
01:13:39J'aime trop le dessin que ça fait!
01:13:43Où est-ce que tu as appris ça?
01:13:45Je l'ai imaginé toute seule!
01:13:47Je plaisante!
01:13:49J'ai vu des gens utiliser cette technique.
01:13:51Ça faisait longtemps que j'avais envie
01:13:53de peindre de cette façon,
01:13:55mais je n'ai jamais eu le temps!
01:13:57Je voudrais voir notre tableau
01:13:59sous un autre angle!
01:14:01Ça doit être plus beau vu d'en haut!
01:14:03Sue, tu veux bien m'aider?
01:14:05Et si tu montais à la chaîne?
01:14:09On va s'en servir pour peindre
01:14:11le rachis de la plume.
01:14:13Regardez attentivement!
01:14:23C'est presque terminé!
01:14:25Il ne nous reste qu'une seule étape!
01:14:31La peinture est maintenant bien sèche.
01:14:33On va pouvoir continuer notre chef-d'oeuvre.
01:14:35On va juste ajouter quelques détails
01:14:37à l'aide d'un...
01:14:39Tu vois que tu n'as pas utilisé
01:14:41que des mouchoirs!
01:14:43D'accord, je l'admets,
01:14:45mais pour ma défense,
01:14:47je n'ai pas la plupart du tableau
01:14:49avec des mouchoirs.
01:14:51Je vais seulement me servir
01:14:53d'un pinceau pour mieux définir
01:14:55le rachis de la plume.
01:14:57Tu permets que je te donne
01:14:59mon avis d'expert?
01:15:01Il faudrait ajouter un peu
01:15:03de vernis comme ça.
01:15:05Parfait! Je vais aller rédiger une lettre
01:15:07à mon ami pour lui expliquer comment peindre
01:15:09avec des mouchoirs.
01:15:11Et moi, je vais terminer notre tableau.
01:15:13Tu veux l'offrir à ton ami, c'est bien ça?
01:15:15Dans ce cas, on va mettre un peu de vernis
01:15:17pour que les couleurs conservent leur éclat.
01:15:19Oh, ça, je peux le faire!
01:15:21Non, Sam, il faut faire très attention
01:15:23avec le vernis. En plus, il faut l'appliquer
01:15:27Tu ne trouveras pas plus rapide que moi.
01:15:29Mais si tu préfères le faire toi-même,
01:15:311, 2, 3...
01:15:43Le temps a découlé!
01:15:45Pose ton pinceau et ne touche plus à la plume.
01:15:49Je n'en avais pas l'intention.
01:15:51Il faut attendre que le vernis soit sec.
01:15:53Oh, je ne comprends pas pourquoi
01:15:55on doit mettre du vernis.
01:15:57D'après mes recherches, la peinture acrylique
01:15:59n'a pas besoin d'être recouverte de vernis.
01:16:01Alors, pourquoi est-ce qu'on la fait?
01:16:03Eh bien, on a recouvert la peinture de vernis
01:16:05pour la faire briller.
01:16:07Ah, je vois où vous voulez en venir, chers collègues.
01:16:09Oh, qu'est-ce que tu... C'est quoi la prochaine étape?
01:16:11Maintenant, il est temps de tout nettoyer.
01:16:13Il nous reste quelques mouchoirs.
01:16:15Oh, c'est avec les bords crantés?
01:16:17Donnez-moi, je vais les envoyer à mon pote.
01:16:19Oh, très bien.
01:16:23Merci, si tu es ma meilleure amie.
01:16:25Je n'y serais jamais arrivée sans toi.
01:16:27Voyons voir si notre vernis est sec.
01:16:29Hmm, c'est bon.
01:16:31Attends, je veux garder une trace de notre travail.
01:16:33Je reviens.
01:16:37Je crois que c'est un véritable succès.
01:16:39Son amie va être ravie de recevoir un tel cadeau.
01:16:41On a fait du beau travail.
01:16:43Non, ben je valais.
01:16:45J'avais raison, les mouchoirs,
01:16:47c'est un outil parfait pour dessiner.
01:17:20Tant mieux, il n'y a rien qui aille avec.
01:17:22Sam, j'ai besoin de ton aide.
01:17:24Si, j'ai changé d'avis
01:17:26I don't want to be separated from our painting!
01:17:28Okay, okay!
01:17:29You just have to keep it for yourself!
01:17:30But explain to your friend how to do it!
01:17:33I'm going to write to him right now!
01:17:34So take a tissue and cut it into small squares...
01:17:37And make rain!
01:17:40Hey! It's pretty funny actually!
01:17:43So friends, did you like painting as much as we did?
01:17:46In this case, give us a little thumbs up!
01:17:48And don't forget to subscribe!
01:17:49See you soon, friends!
01:17:50See you soon!
