00:00I am a member of the Tikhak Mukti and Sapta Mukti Hangar Committee.
00:05I am a member of the Janata Hilpi, the Hangami Hutta, Jatiyadabadi Manor.
00:10I am a member of the Rajiv Bhatia Rebore committee.
00:14I am a member of the Sardhan Jalil Manasthan.
00:17I am a member of the Janata Hilpi.
00:20I have been in the government's presence for a long time.
00:28The government was against my work.
00:34I was a part of the Akhil Gopi Dangariya movement.
00:39Niala Gaya was a jailor.
00:42I was a part of the Akhil Gopi Dangariya movement.
00:48I was a member of the Janata Hilpi.
00:50I was a member of the Janata Hilpi.
00:52I was a hero.
00:54I request the government to take action to stop the spread of this disease.
01:01I request the government to take action to stop the spread of this disease.