• 2 months ago
HC of BC Bill O'Brien joins! #NCAA Big deal Maye not being at the Vrabel press conference?
00:00Billy in the car. Good morning
00:03Morning guys, how we doing doing great?
00:07Honestly legit honest smile on the face of Mike Rabel when you called in the other day, so I'm glad you did that and I
00:16You've you've talked a lot about your relationship, so I don't want to ask you about that
00:20But I do want to ask you about the the analytics
00:24nerds who had their
00:27They had their shells in a bunch
00:30over Mike Rabel on our show talking about how it
00:35Doesn't necessarily make sense to throw the ball
00:40over 50 times in a football game because
00:44you end up losing 22% of the time and
00:48The the interweb the interwebs flew into a panic and said this guy is only we got Drake May
00:55And he's only gonna run the football and it's gonna be a disaster
00:59Can you enlighten us a little bit on that if you would?
01:03Absolutely, I actually enjoy talking about this
01:07So, you know, I would say probably about 10 to 15 years ago analytics started to come into play
01:14Like when I first got the Houston Texans job
01:17You know that was a time when if you remember like the Philadelphia Eagles used to go for it all the time on fourth
01:22Down in a certain area of the field and things like that. And and so I think that analytics are a guide, right?
01:29You you study analytics to to try to look for trends and statistics
01:34But then in the game in the in the actual game, you have to have a feel for the game
01:40What is going on in this game, you know in this game?
01:43we're having a very difficult time running the football or you know, it's it's a game where
01:50You know, our defense is really struggling or you know, so we have to control the ball
01:55We have to figure out how to run the ball, you know, so analytics is a guide going into the game
01:59but once the game begins, you know, you've got to have a real good feel for the game and I think that's you know,
02:05something that
02:07The best guys have a feel for games
02:09well, the one thing I think that makes Vrabel such a
02:14really good coach and a great decision by the Patriots and you know better than anybody is
02:19His personality as a player is the same as a coach where you know, he knows the ins and outs of the game
02:25But to me the biggest thing is the respect that he gets
02:30From when I was playing his peers and now it seems like as a coach the respect that he gets from his players
02:39Yeah, without a doubt without a doubt wig I think that you know, look, you know this like when a guy plays
02:45You know 14 years. I mean, it's hard to play three years, right like, you know to play 14 years to do
02:53All the things that he did as a player relative to the positions
02:57He played you know
02:58The teammate that he was the intelligence that he brought to the team and then transitioning into coaching
03:04You know, I think when he when he walks into the room, especially in professional football
03:09he has instant, you know cache a right like he can walk in there and and
03:15Understand what it means to be a player and put these guys in the best positions to win
03:20so I think that you know plus the fact, you know, like you have to have a level of intelligence because
03:26You have to be able to coach all three phases in pro football
03:29I have a strong belief in that like you can't just be an offensive guy a defensive guy
03:33And I think that's what he can do. He played special teams
03:38He coat he helped coach special teams for me in Houston with Larry Izzo when Larry Izzo was there
03:44He you know, obviously coached defense. He coached offense this past year in Cleveland. So I think he'll do a hell of a job
03:51Bill some people mostly media upset that Drake May wasn't there for variables
03:57introductory press conference as a head coach
04:00Do they care if their quarterback isn't there seem on vacation getting engaged, you know
04:05It has a life outside of football, but people are making a bigger deal out of this than I think is necessary
04:12Yeah, the head coaches. I mean, I guess I just speak for myself. I could care less right? It's about
04:18It's about when you know when the when the offseason program starts you you want the guy in the front row ready to go, right?
04:25It's not about press conferences
04:27You know press conferences are great
04:29But somebody told me one time Courtney that it's all great at the press conference and everything's downhill from there
04:37So like the the press conferences are great, but like who cares was at the press conference
04:43It's about when the offseason program starts
04:45That you have a hundred percent attendance that everybody's there ready to go because you only have nine weeks
04:50I think in the offseason at least when I was a head coach and might be more now or less
04:55You only have nine weeks so you only have nine weeks to be around your team in college football
05:00We can be around our team every day, but not not in pro football. So everybody's got to be there
05:06I'm sure Drake will be front row ready to go with his notebook out ready to to lead the team Billy
05:12Why don't I just want to ask if the last name of the person who told you that was Belichick?
05:18What what tell me what press conferences?
05:21It wasn't a fan of the press conference. No, I'll tell you a funny story about Belichick though Greg
05:27When I got the Penn State job, I came back, you know after spring practice my first spring practice
05:32I came back in to watch OTAs at the Patriots 2012 and
05:38You know after practice he's like, hey, how's it going? And you know stuff like that and I said it's going all right
05:43He's like, how's your staff and all that and I said, you know, it's good. I like the staff because he goes
05:48Your first staffs always your worst
06:07They're both family members, so what's going on with the North Carolina coaching staff I
06:14Think he was joking
06:17Billy have you thought about maybe Patricia's a free agent bring him in to help the offense with the Eagles this fall
06:24Now we got our staffs pretty set, you know, we have a limited budget here so right, you know
06:29We can't we can't hire everybody. Who do you who do you like Monday night? I
06:35Look I'm telling you I know Ohio State's favorite and I'm I'm a big fan of Ryan day obviously
06:40But I just I think it's gonna be held again. I think Notre Dame on defense is very very good
06:45and so I'm gonna I'm gonna go with Notre Dame right now and
06:49You know, I think
06:51You know that the way that their defense is playing and the way out golden has that defense going
06:56I think it's going to be a hell of a game
06:58But I think Notre Dame is doing a good job on defense
07:01What a crazy story too for Marcus Freeman coming in the way that he came in
07:04How impressed have you been with such a young guy leading this team?
07:09Yeah, he's very impressive he
07:12So I was I got to know him a little bit he's actually friends with Mike he
07:17from the Ohio State connection and he would he came down to Houston a couple times and
07:22Visited us when he was at I forget where he was at. I think Ohio State but he
07:27You know very impressive guy very smart and he's done a hell of a job with that team. That team is playing very well
07:32They're tough. They're resilient and you know, it's gonna be a great game on Monday night
07:38Are you so I know kind of where you stand we all know kind of where you stand on NIL
07:43But are you surprised that Quinn Ewers has declared for the draft, which means he will turn down
07:49Somewhere around six million dollars to stay in college football
07:55Yeah, I mean I haven't read too much about that, but I I would say, you know, look Quinn Ewers is a really good player
08:02I I I've known Quinn Ewers since he was in high school
08:05He's a you know, he's a really when I went to Alabama when he was thinking about transferring from Ohio State
08:11You know, he was a guy that we were looking at at Alabama and you know, really good guy
08:15Yeah, I mean maybe he's got information that says that you know, he's he's got a chance to be drafted in the first round
08:21That's the only thing I can think of because you're turning down a lot of money if you're turning that type of money down
08:28Bill one thing that is kind of interesting, you know, Greg and I we always have this discussion about you know
08:35New coaches or coaches getting high and how much experience of being a prior head coach like Vrabel before will make it
08:42I know it's a little bit different because you know, you've been a head coach twice at the college level once at the NFL level
08:49But if you were hypothetically and I know you're not we're gonna coach in the NFL again as a head coach
08:54How much experience and knowledge and things would you have learned from your first go-around that would make you?
09:02And you might and even better coach and you second go-around
09:06Without a doubt you're going to be better wig. I mean, I think if you look at the history of that league
09:12Some of the greatest coaching stories, you know are guys that got their second chance, right?
09:18So Tom Coughlin at the New York Giants and you know
09:22Bill Belichick at the Patriots or you know, Andy Reid and they had success at their other places
09:27But they learned a lot from their first jobs
09:30You know Andy Reid at the Eagles and now obviously at the Chiefs, I think you've learned so much about yourself
09:36You learn about you know working with people listening better
09:41you know, maybe having a different thought on schedules and how to
09:46You know treat the team meetings or talk to the team and things like that or deal with an individual player
09:51So I think you learn a lot about yourself on that first go-around and if you if you're lucky enough to get a second shot
09:57I have a you know a belief that you're going to be a lot better
10:02Be down on Josh McDaniels as the next OC here
10:07And I don't know if it's because they think it's reliving history or whatever
10:10But is he a good choice in your mind for Mike Rabel to make?
10:15Josh McDaniels is one of the best coaches. I I'm very biased Greg because when I went to the Patriots I
10:23You know was quality control and I worked for Josh and Dante
10:27For a full season, so I was very involved with like, you know, obviously film breakdowns and things like that
10:33But I was lucky enough to be in the offensive line meetings the quarterback means I learned so much about football from Josh
10:39and he's just a
10:41Josh a brilliant offensive coach
10:44very very smart guy
10:46You know a guy that just understands the the position the the offensive system the scheme
10:54I think at the end of the day
10:55They just you know, look if that's the decision that Mike does that Mike goes with that's you know
10:59Mike and Josh have gotten together and and they've worked it out and and they're gonna work really well together
11:04If that's the route that they go, but you know, I just think that Josh is a great football coach
11:10Bill you I
11:12noticed one of your coaches tweet out how you're gonna be hosting a bunch of camps over the
11:18Summer months here for young athletes. I was curious if there's any chance you're gonna be hosting any camps for you know
11:24young nerdy
11:26football enthusiasts who want to be coaches
11:31Sean we have we have a clinic
11:35So I'm not sure the date of the clinic, but we'll have a we'll have a football coaching clinic. So
11:42Yeah, you can be a guest speaker
11:47We have got to get shine to that clinic, yeah, we can we get him
11:51Can we get him there for that bill and let me get the date. Yeah. Absolutely. Let's film it. Let's
12:02Well, cuz I've seen on YouTube bill you break down like Haas why juke at a quarter
12:14There's there's certain plays in football that I tell these guys are magical plays
12:19Magical and Haas why juke is a magical play a
12:24Magical play so I enjoy talking about that play love that play if you're a tight end
12:28Why juke all day long to are you see your simpatico you two? It's really weird. Yeah
12:34Yeah, we will get shy over there as always
12:39Billy from Andover or Arlington or wherever I we appreciate you taking the time. We'll talk to you again next week
12:44Is that cool I think so guys yep, thank you you're the best that's Bill O'Brien
