• 2 months ago
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Video Information: 24.08.2021, Shastra Kaumudi, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

~ What is spiritual love?
~ What is consciousness?
~ What is free will?
~ What is that which really chooses?
~ Do we really have the right to choose?
~ Is your life your choice?
~ What is a choice?
~ How liberation depends on you?
~ How to get rid of the fear of making the wrong choice?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00The problem usually comes at the idea when one says that to attain a higher pleasure
00:17you have to go through higher suffering.
00:20For a common mind there is his suffering, common suffering and then there is pleasure
00:28out of which lower pleasure.
00:31Now come Vedanta or the Upanishads and then they say you have to go through higher suffering.
00:37Higher pleasure is there but for that you have to go through higher suffering.
00:41There is a way out.
00:44In your current level of existence which you might call as a lower level, you have a certain
00:52capacity, certain appetite to take suffering.
00:56That is not beyond you, not a higher suffering but a lower suffering, a suffering at your
01:02current level which you may call a lower level.
01:06Thing is if you exercise even that level of suffering, it will bring to you a disproportionately
01:17higher pleasure.
01:19Once you taste that pleasure, then you realize that a formula has opened up and then your
01:29willingness to take more discipline upon yourself increases because now you have tested the
01:40Are you getting it?
01:43At a particular level you did the little you could but the little you could do, the little
01:51you did do was the maximum you could do at your particular level.
01:59The good news is that at any level the maximum you do is sufficient.
02:09You are not demanded to do something beyond yourself, just do the maximum that is within
02:16your capacity.
02:17Are you getting it?
02:19Good news is you don't have to exceed your capacity.
02:23The challenge is you have to do the maximum that is possible within your capacity.
02:30Maximum that is possible within your capacity.
02:34Once you do the maximum within your capacity, you get results and once you taste the results,
02:42I said your willingness to impose more discipline upon yourself increases, now you know that
02:50a formula has opened up.
02:52The more I exert myself, the better the results will be.
02:58Now, you have been convinced with a proof.
03:04What is the proof?
03:05The results.
03:06The results have arrived.
03:07Now, I know.
03:08Now, I am unstoppable.
03:09Now, I will go further and further and the complete distance.
03:15Are you getting it?
03:18But the trick is at your current level you have to do at least as much as is needed to
03:28show some results to you, otherwise you will be disappointed.
03:35The worst situation is of those who work, but do not work hard enough even to get the
03:45minimum kinds of results possible.
03:49Are you getting it?
03:50So, you have worked, you have exerted yourself, you have taken some suffering upon yourself
03:59and yet you have not done enough to get even some kinds of preliminary results.
04:06So, your scorecard stands at zero, neither do you get anything nor are you left with
04:16any motivation to do anything more.
04:20So, if you are doing something, I am saying do at least as much as is needed to get some
04:28basic results and those results will then egg you on.
04:33I repeat, the good news is each of us irrespective of how weak we are, has within his capacity
04:45to work as much as is needed to get the basic results and the basic results will bring some
04:58trust in you, some inspiration in you, they will help you experience something that is
05:08totally new to you and its taste will be so convincing that you will be inspired now
05:20to move ahead with deeper vigour.
05:33There is that initial period when you are working and there will be no results, that
05:41is when you require faith and patience.
05:45Once the results start arriving, the results will keep spurring you on and then as I said
05:55it's so formulaic, now the ball has been set rolling, it will keep gaining momentum.
06:17You don't have to take up a very high kind of suffering.
06:22Do only as much as you can, but please do as much as you can.
06:29On one hand I am saying do only as much as you can and in the same breath I am saying
06:35please do as much as you can.
06:37But in neither of these cases am I saying please do more than you can, that is not needed
06:46because that cannot happen, how can you do more than you can.
06:59That is the reason nobody else is to be blamed if we fail.
07:05Because you are not even required to go beyond your capacity, it was within your capacity
07:11to succeed.
07:12If you failed it was only because you didn't exercise your capacity.
07:18But if you scold someone on failing, he will say you know I did my best and still I am
07:22being scolded.
07:23Had you done your best, you would have obtained at least the basic results, at least the basic
07:37If your scorecard always stands at zero, it is clear proof that you are not doing even
07:44half of what you are capable of.
07:51That's why life punishes you.
