• 2 months ago
भरतपुर में रुक-रुक कर हो रही बूंदाबादी फसलों के लिए जीवनदायी साबित होगी. संयुक्त कृषि निदेशक ने इसे फायदेमंद बताया है.


00:00In the present, it has rained, as the Marwak says,
00:04so, all the crops of the Rabi, especially the uncultivated,
00:07mustard, chickpeas, lentils, will be beneficial.
00:11There will be a water saving in the crop.
00:13And this will increase the temperature in general,
00:17and this will not affect the crop, nor will it affect the crop.
00:21So, the rain that has happened in the present,
00:23is beneficial for the Rabi crops.
00:27In the Bharatpur Samdar,
00:29about 4,76,000 hectares of Rabi crops have been cultivated,
00:33which is about 2% more than the average.
00:38After the rain that has happened in the present,
00:41the farmers can do top dressing of urea,
00:45can use urea vinegar, can use nano-urea,
00:48can use nano-DAP.
00:50By mixing the crops of their cows,
00:54it will be possible to cultivate more.
