• 2 months ago
केस गळतीच्या आजाराचे निदान अद्याप झालेले नाही. त्यामुळे टक्कल व्हायरसच्या शोध लवकरात लवकर लावून गावकऱ्यांना या संकटातून मुक्त करावं, अशी मागणी गावकरी करीत आहेत.


00:00What is happening in your village?
00:02We have not been able to meet our daughter due to the plague.
00:04We have not been able to get married.
00:06What do you mean by not being able to get married?
00:08We are not able to get married because of the plague.
00:10How can we get married?
00:12What is your demand?
00:14My demand is to get married.
00:18If we don't get married, how can we get married?
00:22What should the government do?
00:24The government should take care of the plague.
00:26The government should take care of the plague.
00:28But what is happening?
00:30How is it happening?
00:32How long has it been?
00:34It has been 20 days.
00:36What are the people saying?
00:38The government is not taking care of the plague.
00:44We want the government to take care of the plague.
00:50We want the virus to be eradicated.
00:52If the government takes care of the plague,
00:54our village would be better off.
01:08My name is Praveen.
01:10I am from English.
01:12There is an investigation going on in Bhondgaon.
01:14We have been waiting for 15-20 days.
01:16The government should have taken a decision on this 15 days ago.
01:23Why did the case get closed?
01:25Did it get closed because of water?
01:27Why did it get closed?
01:29If the decision had been taken, the doctor would have come from Delhi.
01:31Then why didn't the decision get taken?
01:33We need to know this.
01:35They say the kids are not getting married.
01:37The kids are getting married.
01:39Now the case is getting closed.
01:41On the 10th, I got a call from 10 people.
01:43Why did it get closed?
01:45Why did the case get closed?
01:47Why did the case get closed?
01:49I have given the answer to this question.
01:51The government should decide why this happened.
01:53Why did the case get closed?
01:55Why did the case get closed?
01:57Why did the case get closed?
01:59Now the decision has been taken.
02:01How will they understand?
02:03The kids, the women, the case is getting closed.
02:05Why did this happen?
02:07The government has been running this for 15 days.
02:09It is running in the village.
02:11It will continue for a month.
02:13Now the decision has been taken.
02:15Listen to me carefully.
02:17What did the villagers say?
02:19They said, our kids are getting married.
02:21Don't come to us.
02:23The case is getting closed in your village.
