• 2 months ago
बुलढाणा जिल्ह्यातील शेगाव तालुक्यातील काही गावात अचानक केस गळती आणि टक्कल पडण्याच्या अनेक घटना समोर आल्या होत्या. त्यानंतर आरोग्य विभागाने पाण्याचे नमुने तपासणीसाठी पाठवले होते.


00:00After the initial examination, there is already a bit of redness.
00:06So, we felt that the skin specialist should examine whether there is more nitrates, arsenic and lead in it.
00:14So, we sent the water sample to the lab in Khamgaon.
00:17In that, the nitrates should normally be within 10,
00:21but the sample we sent contained more than 54 mg per litre of nitrates.
00:26And there is also a problem with that.
00:29The lead and arsenic tests are not carried out in Bhundani.
00:31We have sent the sample to Pune.
00:33In about 8 days, the results of the sample will also be available.
00:36But due to so much chemical pollution, many health problems are created in that area.
00:42Is that why the case was closed?
00:44We can't say exactly.
00:46Because we have clinically diagnosed it as a fungal infection.
00:50Now, we are investigating why the fungal infection is happening in Tharavik area.
00:54After the epidemiological survey, we came to know why the fungal infection is more in this area.
01:00Sir, how many patients have come now?
01:03Until yesterday, there were 51 patients.
01:05Today's update will come by afternoon.
01:08But the number of patients is still decreasing.
01:10It is not increasing.
01:11And the people whose cases have gone, their cases have also started to increase again.
01:15What is the response?
01:17There is no need to worry about our response.
01:19When I went yesterday, I saw a situation
01:21where there was a lot of fear among women.
01:24That if this continues, how will they live their lives?
01:27But we have told them clearly that it is due to fungal infection.
01:30As your infection decreases, your cases will also start to increase again.
01:34And yesterday, we also started anti-fungal treatment.
01:36After the report comes, we will get a perfect treatment.
01:40But today, on the basis of clinical diagnosis, we have started treatment for them.
01:44Should we use water or not?
01:46Now, this is a vital issue.
01:50Water should be taken only after the treatment.
01:52Because drinking so much hard water will again be problematic for the kidney.
01:56If the nitrates are at such a high level, then hemoglobin problems also occur.
02:00So definitely, I have a report that drinking this water is suitable.
