• 2 months ago


00:00But the daily waste that we pick up is around 150 tonnes.
00:05For this, we have Bhiwani, a city where there is a door-to-door waste collection system.
00:14So our contract is 100% door-to-door collection.
00:20100% of the house that we have in Bhiwani, will come to them on a tip.
00:24There will be two compartments, one for wet waste and one for dry waste, so that they are segregated.
00:31But despite having 100% coverage, despite having so many tippers,
00:37we are noticing that in many places, the waste is kept open.
00:41There are many people who are either getting late or are used to it,
00:46that the places where their waste is kept open, they have decided that they will put it here.
00:52Many times, the people who work in the house leave before time.
00:57So we also understand all these things, that how someone is facing problems,
01:01so we are trying to help them where we can.
01:06For example, the markets are closed at night, so most of the garbage is put there at night.
01:12So we have also decided that the door-to-door vehicle will go to the market at night and put it separately.
01:18We are also planning that if there is an area where there is a lot of working class,
01:26and people leave early, then we are also planning to leave on time.
01:31Even then, there are around 40 garbage vulnerable points in our city,
01:36which are traditionally such points where people put garbage.
01:40So we need to close them.
01:44For this, we are also trying our best,
01:48and I would like to appeal to all the people of Bhiwani,
01:53that do not put garbage in the open.
01:55We are ensuring that there is 100% door-to-door coverage.
01:59If you have any complaints from the tipper that the garbage vehicle is not coming to your house,
02:04then you tell us.
02:05We will send the garbage vehicle to you, and if it does not come, we will fine it, a very heavy fine.
02:12And secondly, our agenda is to eliminate our 40 garbage vulnerable points.
02:19So we will also increase our strength in this.
02:22For this, we have also spoken to 4-5 NGOs who are ready to take us towards this cleanliness.
02:34So we will employ our manpower on our 40 GVP points.
02:41First of all, we will kindly explain to people that please do not put garbage here.
02:45And if you have any problem with garbage, then you tell us, we will try to solve it.
02:50But if we find it in that too, then we will make a heavy fine.
02:54Secondly, you must have seen that the single-use plastic bags are banned.
03:00But still, it is being used very vigorously.
03:02So we will also campaign for that.
03:04And the visible garbage is also the same. It also looks very dirty in the city.
03:09We will also conduct a check-in campaign on it and ban it wherever we find it.
03:16Then the excess garbage that comes, it comes from our vegetable market.
03:21You must have also seen that there is a lot of garbage outside it.
03:25So I have asked our concessionaire, the agency, to sit together.
03:33Make a memorandum of understanding that your garbage should be picked up by this company and the area should be clean.
03:40After this, we come to another big issue that in our city, people have run dairy in many places.
03:49Now what happens is that the dust from the dairy is put in the drain.
03:56Due to this, all the drains get clogged and the public health department also faces a lot of problems.
04:01And the cleaning system also deteriorates.
04:03So we will take that very strictly now.
04:05Because the problem of stray cattle also comes from there.
04:09You must be seeing how much dust there is.
04:11The chances of accidents also increase.
04:13So we will do a little strictness on dairy too.
04:17And at the end, I would like to tell you that there is a category of bulk waste generators.
04:24For example, if there is a big hotel or a restaurant that makes a lot of garbage per day.
04:30So our rule is that the bulk waste generator has to do a little composting of its own garbage.
04:40And we have also seen that most people have not done it here.
04:43We have also given notice to the hotel owners and the dairy owners.
04:50That you should improve your work.
04:52Otherwise, next week, we will make them follow all the rules.
04:59And if the garbage is burnt, then?
05:01If the garbage is burnt, then we will definitely file an FIR on it.
05:10We had also fired one of our employees who was an agency employee.
05:16He showed me burning garbage.
05:18We had also fired him from his job.
05:20So if someone burns garbage in so much pollution, then we will definitely file an FIR on him.
