• 2 months ago
00:04:19Hey, where can we get a bath?
00:04:20Barney Cashman's Russ House, across the street.
00:04:28Save a bath for me.
00:04:43Leave me alone.
00:04:44Keep away from me, Brocky.
00:04:46Don't make me shoot you.
00:04:48What's wrong, John?
00:04:51Since when did you start pulling a gun on a man's back?
00:04:54That you, Griff?
00:04:57You promised you'd wear glasses.
00:05:00Just goes to show if you pray long enough, something happens.
00:05:03Praying never gave a man the shakes.
00:05:05Who's picking on you, John?
00:05:07A boy, Griff.
00:05:08A wet nose.
00:05:09But mean.
00:05:11He was drunk.
00:05:12He made you skinned back, didn't he?
00:05:13He gave me an hour to get out of town.
00:05:15Then you'd better go.
00:05:17You gotta help me.
00:05:18I didn't come to town to spank a wet nose.
00:05:20If he throws down on me, I haven't got a chance.
00:05:23Your eyes have been getting worse, haven't they, John?
00:05:27I'm broke.
00:05:28I've got to hang on to my job.
00:05:30There's nothing else I can do.
00:05:32You and me only got one trade.
00:05:35Take it away from us.
00:05:37What do you got left?
00:05:38There's a good eye doctor in Prescott.
00:05:40Oh, I can't sneak out like that, Griff.
00:05:42You haven't got any choice, John.
00:05:44You must have a good reason for not wanting to help me.
00:05:47It's none of my business.
00:05:48Then why are you here?
00:05:50Start running, John.
00:05:51Run before your eyes give out all the way.
00:05:53What if the doctor can't make me see?
00:05:55Then you'll be blind instead of dead.
00:06:14She's a high-riding woman with a whip.
00:06:20She's a woman that all men desire.
00:06:28But there's no man can tame her.
00:06:32That's why they name her
00:06:35The High-Riding Woman with a Whip.
00:06:42She commands and men obey.
00:06:48They're just putty in her hands, so they say.
00:06:55When she rides and the wind is in her hair.
00:07:02She has eyes full of life, full of fire.
00:07:09But if someone could break her and take her whip away,
00:07:15Someone big, someone strong, someone tall.
00:07:22You may find that the woman with a whip
00:07:29Is only a woman after all.
00:07:35Put it back, Barney.
00:07:38Hi, Barney.
00:07:39Aren't you behind a shrubbery, Wes?
00:07:41Yep. How's Nosy Barney?
00:07:43Bank him a silver, boys. This camp's a bonanza.
00:07:46I told you, Griff.
00:07:47Our brother Chico, he's headed for California.
00:07:50California? With all the diggings here?
00:07:53Our folks are out there.
00:07:54I couldn't help reading the name on that warrant, Griff.
00:07:57You'll need more than a third gun to pick up Howard Swain.
00:08:00You know where I can find him?
00:08:01Out at the Dragoons.
00:08:02We passed nothing out there but a woman on a white stag and a regiment of riders.
00:08:06Then you've seen Jessica Drummond, the one I just sung about.
00:08:09The one I wrote the ballad about.
00:08:11Around the Dragoons is allowed to sing it.
00:08:13So that's Drummond?
00:08:14Yep. Boss of Cochise County.
00:08:17She and them 40 guns that ride with her.
00:08:19Beautiful woman, ain't she, Griff?
00:08:21Swain one of our 40 thieves?
00:08:23He sure is.
00:08:31Howdy, Marshal.
00:08:32Howdy, shotgun.
00:08:34Going someplace?
00:08:35Just off the road a piece.
00:08:36Hello, Marshal.
00:08:37Howdy, Miss Lavinia.
00:08:42She's up.
00:08:46Where are you going?
00:08:50You're running out, ain't you?
00:08:55Please, Brocky, please.
00:08:57Give me a coffee.
00:08:59Have some coffee, Marshal.
00:09:01Slap that leather, Marshal.
00:09:03Please, Brocky.
00:09:04You don't know what you're doing, son.
00:09:06You're no gunfighter, you're a mouthfighter.
00:09:09Now pull that plow handle.
00:09:11Please, Brocky.
00:09:13Isn't there a sensible man here that can stop this?
00:09:16I'm a man, Marshal.
00:09:17I'm a man.
00:09:18I'm a man.
00:09:19I'm a man.
00:09:20I'm a man.
00:09:21I'm a man.
00:09:22I'm a man.
00:09:23I'm a man.
00:09:24I'm a man.
00:09:25I'm a man.
00:09:26I'm a man.
00:09:27I'm a man.
00:09:28I'm a man.
00:09:29Isn't there a sensible man here that can stop this drunkard?
00:09:46Now that's a Marshal for you.
00:09:49Come on, Charlie, let's go have some fun.
00:10:34How was he, Doc?
00:10:35He'll be there, but he'll be stone blind.
00:10:39Why didn't you take my advice, John?
00:10:41I did.
00:10:42You need a gun, Griff?
00:10:43Mr. Spanger here.
00:10:44No, this is not my fight.
00:10:46I'll put a stop to this one.
00:10:48You can't tangle with him.
00:10:49Nobody's gonna wreck Marshal.
00:10:51He's a gunsmith, not a gunfighter.
00:11:00Mr. Gunsmith!
00:11:05Yes, Mr. Bunnell?
00:11:08All right, Wes.
00:11:09Where's your shot?
00:11:10I'll be glad to show you, Mr. Bunnell.
00:11:11Come on, come on.
00:11:13Let's break out of this door.
00:11:15Which one, Brocky?
00:11:18That one!
00:11:19There we have it, 44-46.
00:12:35Charlie Savage!
00:12:53Look what's coming.
00:12:58I'm getting out of here.
00:13:00Come on, Charlie, you're sick.
00:13:02There's only one man walks like that.
00:13:09What's the matter with you guys?
00:13:11We're all alone!
00:13:20Stand back, mister!
00:13:21I'm giving you a fair warning!
00:13:26Stand back, mister!
00:14:41Thanks, Mrs. Spanger.
00:14:43Oh, uh...
00:14:46That's for the bullet.
00:14:47Cost you six bits to clean the rifle.
00:14:52You know...
00:14:54That rifle can stand a little readjustment.
00:14:57I almost killed him.
00:15:06She even looks good in overalls.
00:15:10Built like a 40-40.
00:15:12I'd like to stay around long enough to clean a rifle.
00:15:16Let's go, let's go!
00:15:19Can you see me a farm dog?
00:15:21Me, I cut my teeth in a gun.
00:15:23They're still milk teeth.
00:15:25Remember what Pa says.
00:15:27They who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God.
00:15:30But I don't want to be a chosen people.
00:15:31I want to be Griff's third gun.
00:15:33If you'd only give me a chance, I wouldn't let you down.
00:15:35A man never knows what he'll do in a showdown.
00:15:37Were you ever scared?
00:15:39All the time.
00:15:40I got your ticket.
00:15:42See that you don't lose it.
00:15:44Read in the paper, been lots of stagecoach accidents.
00:15:46Hold-ups three and four a week.
00:15:47Desperados killed all the passengers.
00:15:49They never bother women or boys.
00:15:51If you were my size, I'd make you eat that.
00:15:53Excuse me, gentlemen.
00:15:54Which one is Griff Bonnell?
00:15:56What can I do for you?
00:15:57Well, I'm...
00:15:58I'm Ned Logan, Mr. Bonnell, the sheriff of Colchise County.
00:16:03Guess you must be Wes, huh?
00:16:05Now, I'm sorry a bunch of drunken rowdies had to be your welcoming party, Mr. Bonnell.
00:16:11Staying in town long?
00:16:12Long enough.
00:16:13That Brockie's a spoiled kid.
00:16:15That pistol weapon ought to sober him up.
00:16:17He's all yours.
00:16:19I don't want him.
00:16:20I just come to thank you for...
00:16:22Thank you for tossing him in jail.
00:16:24Too bad I wasn't around to give old Chisholm a hand.
00:16:26But you see, I...
00:16:27I had to ride to the border on business.
00:16:30With all your deputies?
00:16:32Well, being sheriff and tax assessor and collector all at the same time,
00:16:37a man needs plenty of help.
00:16:39Common have a way of lying about the herds.
00:16:45Yeah, it gets pretty tough sometimes dodging Apaches
00:16:48when you have to serve writs of attachment on outlying ranches and mines and sawmills.
00:16:55You here on official business?
00:16:56Yes, I guess you do have your hands full at that.
00:16:59Thinking of pounding the hills for a little silver?
00:17:01Right now, I'm thinking of pounding out a telegram.
00:17:03Oh, well.
00:17:05This is the place right here to do it.
00:17:07Tex will take care of it.
00:17:08Tex will take care of you.
00:17:10Tex, a friend of mine wants to send a message.
00:17:14Seen you make the walk, Mr. Bunnell.
00:17:16A little slower than that stroll you took in Dodge City.
00:17:19Would you say that, please?
00:17:21To Nicholas Bunnell.
00:17:23I was in the cavalry with Captain Nick Bunnell in 47 in Mexico.
00:17:29He got hit in the leg and was invalided home.
00:17:32That was 34 years ago.
00:17:34He's my father.
00:17:35Is the leg any better?
00:17:36It will be when he gets that telegram.
00:17:39Nicholas Bunnell, California.
00:17:41All in good health.
00:17:43Chico leaving Saturday.
00:17:46We'll write after we complete our business here.
00:17:49Signed, Griff N. West.
00:17:51Well, Mr. Bunnell, anything I can do for you, I'll be here.
00:17:54Thank you, Mr. Logan.
00:17:55Thank you, Mr. Logan.
00:18:26Just a bump on the head, Jessica.
00:18:31Where's the man who assaulted my brother?
00:18:33I barreled him.
00:18:34Why isn't he locked up?
00:18:35Well, there was no charges against him.
00:18:36Do you know who he is?
00:18:37I'm quite familiar with Mr. Bunnell's talents.
00:18:39A legal killer for hire.
00:18:40I'm surprised a man of his caliber would put his brand on a calf.
00:18:43A calf was old enough to put a .45 slug in a blind man's leg.
00:18:47That's right.
00:18:48Now then, what are the charges against Rocky Drummond?
00:18:50Disturbing the peace.
00:18:51Disturbing the peace?
00:18:52He shot a man who wouldn't draw on him.
00:18:53Did you see it?
00:18:54No, but everybody knows that there's...
00:18:56The Honorable District and Circuit Courts,
00:18:57county court cases now in session.
00:18:59Since no warrant was issued to marshal Chisholm
00:19:00for the arrest of the prisoner,
00:19:01the argument was a personal one.
00:19:03The prisoner produced a document with 19 signature
00:19:05of eyewitnesses swearing he shot in self-defense.
00:19:07Rocky Drummond, this court finds you guilty of disturbing the peace.
00:19:09$50 fine.
00:19:10Release the prisoner, his guns, and his horse.
00:19:12Court now stands adjourned.
00:19:49No wonder Marshal Chisholm never gave us any trouble.
00:19:51He couldn't see.
00:19:52Why did you shoot him?
00:19:53Was it over that half-breed?
00:19:55I don't know what you mean.
00:19:56I don't want an unbranded calf in my corral
00:19:58because of your carelessness,
00:19:59and I'm tired of paying for your mistakes.
00:20:01Did she go to you?
00:20:02Of course she did. They all do.
00:20:03At this rate, you'll wind up with a woman in every poseidon,
00:20:05a calf in every corral.
00:20:06Give me your guns.
00:20:08Sometimes a man's gotta blow off a little steam.
00:20:10If you can't handle a horse without spurs,
00:20:12you have no business riding.
00:20:13Come on, your guns.
00:20:59Why'd you run to my sister,
00:21:01cry on her shoulder like the rest?
00:21:03No, Brackey.
00:21:04I'm not like the rest.
00:21:06Run to her for help?
00:21:08That makes you no different.
00:21:11Who could I go to, Brackey?
00:21:13Who could I turn to?
00:21:15You know I'm all alone, and
00:21:17you won't see me anymore.
00:21:19I had to go to her.
00:21:24You know what you're gonna do?
00:21:28You're gonna go to my sister,
00:21:29and you're gonna tell her I never touched you.
00:21:31No, Brackey.
00:21:32I'm not going to lie to her.
00:21:34She was kind to me.
00:21:37She gave me money.
00:21:39She said she would help me, and...
00:21:42You're gonna tell her?
00:21:43That's a lie.
00:21:44No, Brackey.
00:21:51I ought to shove you right off this cliff.
00:21:53You doing your bread and butter goes with me.
00:21:55If Jessica weren't your sister...
00:21:56You'll never get her, Logan!
00:21:57You're too clumsy, too weak.
00:21:59You haven't got the stomach for her kind of woman.
00:22:01I've wanted to kill you lots of times for the trouble that you cause.
00:22:04Why don't you grow up and stop riding roughshod over these girls?
00:22:07Got a chance to amount to some other woman like Jessica behind you.
00:22:10We pay Chisholm $300 a month.
00:22:12We'd go to five to get you.
00:22:14Just the name Bunnell is worth the extra $200.
00:22:16Drop from line of Boer, 5-8th to 11-16th at Combe for low mounting.
00:22:195-8th to 11-16th.
00:22:21They're worth jobs in being city marshal.
00:22:23Drop at Heal between 1 and 1-5-8.
00:22:261 and 1-5-8.
00:22:29Time you settle down in one place, Wes.
00:22:32This is good wood for the stock.
00:22:34Fiddleback ring, you don't want that.
00:22:36Give me that new walnut that just came in, Dad.
00:22:38That, uh, all that flame grain.
00:22:40This what you mean?
00:22:45Looks pretty good.
00:22:48First time I ever been measured for a rifle.
00:22:51You've got a high cheekbone and a low shoulder.
00:22:55Gonna make trouble for you?
00:22:57Nothing I can't handle.
00:23:00How long it take to make this rifle for me?
00:23:03Long time.
00:23:04You'd have to come in every day for a fitting.
00:23:09I guess this time I settle down.
00:23:12This town looks like any other town.
00:23:15Stanger rifle looks like any other rifle.
00:23:18Unless you know good work from bad.
00:23:21This is pretty good work.
00:23:23Never saw any better.
00:23:26This kind of rifle is worth hanging around for.
00:23:34I never kissed a gunsmith before.
00:23:37Any recoil?
00:23:39Any recoil?
00:24:29I have a warrant for one of your men, Miss Drummond.
00:24:33Would you mind passing it down, please?
00:25:08Mr. Connolly, does the governor know about this?
00:25:10Didn't come through our office in Prescott.
00:25:13Judge Macy?
00:25:14It's not a local warrant.
00:25:16Is it in order?
00:25:17Yes, I think so.
00:25:19Should be. It came direct from the Attorney General's office in Washington.
00:25:23Mr. Logan, it's a reflection on you for one of your own deputies to be charged with robbing the mails.
00:25:28I'm sure he will surrender to the United States government without resistance.
00:25:32Won't you, Mr. Swain?
00:25:34What are you talking about?
00:25:36You, Chief Deputy Swain?
00:25:39That's right.
00:25:40And you're what I'm talking about. Let's go.
00:25:42You heard Mr. Bunnell.
00:25:44Go with him.
00:26:09One moment, please, Mr. Bunnell.
00:26:13Aren't you afraid of ambush?
00:26:15I'm always afraid of losing government property. Keeps me awake nights.
00:26:18That's hard to believe after what I've heard about you.
00:26:20Just as hard for me to swallow what I've heard about you.
00:26:25And just what did you hear?
00:26:35Would you gentlemen excuse us, please?
00:27:24The whiskey's in the sideboard.
00:27:38The reputation is going to suffer.
00:27:40A deputy charged with robbing the mails. It's hard to believe.
00:27:43And I once arrested a lieutenant governor. All Steve.
00:27:46Don't forget this.
00:27:48Got lots more of them.
00:27:49For my guests.
00:27:51Many more of them been robbing the mails.
00:27:54Now, what did you want?
00:27:57Logan wears the badge, but he's afraid of guns.
00:28:00The job pays well, percentage on commissions and so forth.
00:28:04And a man could get rich on the and so forth, is that it?
00:28:07Are you offering me the job?
00:28:08You wouldn't have any trouble getting elected.
00:28:10With your help?
00:28:11With or without my help.
00:28:12A popular killer like you.
00:28:15I don't figure the job is my size.
00:28:17Could be any size you want it to be.
00:28:20I'm not interested in you, Mr. Bernal.
00:28:22It's your trademark.
00:28:25May I feel it?
00:28:28Just curious.
00:28:30Might go off in your face.
00:28:32I'll take a chance.
00:28:40Could have broken my brother's skull.
00:28:42Yeah, I could have if I tried.
00:28:45I suppose I should be grateful you weren't hired to kill him.
00:28:49I don't kill for hire.
00:28:52I'm sure you don't kill for fun.
00:28:55I'm sure you're sure.
00:29:00May I ask for the whiskey?
00:29:08Good whiskey, Logan.
00:29:09You ought to try it.
00:29:46You check him in, Wes. I'll see you at the hotel.
00:30:01I dislike leaving Miss Drummond's peaceful dinner party, Mr. Bernal, but...
00:30:07As sheriff, I had to be back here in my official capacity.
00:30:10I appreciate that, Sheriff.
00:30:12Give the prisoner anything he wants, room and boards or Uncle Sam.
00:30:16Swain, I can't believe it.
00:30:18Honest to goodness.
00:30:20A man in your position.
00:30:23Here you are, you're drawing clean pay every month and you rob the mails.
00:30:27You ought to go to a head doctor.
00:30:30Excuse me.
00:30:32Come on.
00:30:37How long has this...
00:30:43This idiot got the board with us.
00:30:45A couple of days, Sheriff.
00:30:50Mr. Bernal.
00:30:59Why don't you save the government some money? Hang him right now.
00:31:02I wish I could, Sheriff, but it's out of our jurisdiction.
00:31:07Did, uh, did he do this all by himself?
00:31:10I know how miserable you feel, Sheriff.
00:31:12His kind puts a damper on all peace officers in the county.
00:31:15I know that.
00:31:18This is to bind him over to the Attorney General.
00:31:22Everything's got to be read and signed.
00:31:27All of them. Government regulations.
00:31:29Of course, yeah.
00:31:31I'll pick him up later. With the prisoner.
00:32:14Barney Cashman?
00:32:16Barney, come here.
00:32:21Yeah, what is it?
00:32:22Where's Chico?
00:32:23Last I saw him, he was headed for a drink.
00:32:25He never touched the stuff. I told you to keep an eye on him.
00:32:27Is Sheriff Bernal up there?
00:32:28Yeah, I'm here.
00:32:29We've got your brother Chico. Where do you want us to put the body?
00:32:38We're with the First Division, Mr. Bernal. We came down here to have some fun.
00:32:42But your brother here drank up half the whiskey.
00:32:44Yeah, and he wrecked the whole place doing it.
00:32:46Thank you, boys. Thanks, Corporal. Barney?
00:32:50Thanks. Thanks. Good night.
00:32:52Good night.
00:33:07I can figure a squirt like Rocky Drummond getting licked up.
00:33:09He was born that way, scared and loud.
00:33:11But you going off half-cocked like that, why, Chico?
00:33:13I'm old enough to drink.
00:33:15You're not old enough to hold it.
00:33:17Then I'll learn.
00:33:20That's my business.
00:33:25Chico, what's bothering you?
00:33:30Why do you think I came to Tombstone with you? For the ride?
00:33:34You pistol-whipped a man.
00:33:36You wouldn't let me be part of the play.
00:33:40What if something happened to Wes?
00:33:43You know you'd never make the walk without a second gun covering you.
00:33:48Rode out to the Dargoons and you wouldn't let me be on the arrest.
00:33:51I feel like a third leg.
00:33:54That hurt you, Chico?
00:33:59I got no taste for farming, Griff.
00:34:01I don't want any part of it.
00:34:07You'd learn me to handle a gun.
00:34:09You'd learn me too good.
00:34:13Chico, you know what happened at Chisholm.
00:34:16It could happen to you. It could happen to me.
00:34:20Chico, remember when I told you how those Roman fighters used to chop each other up in some big arena?
00:34:25You laughed and called them freaks.
00:34:28But it won't be long now before people will be laughing at men like me.
00:34:32The last few towns we rode through, they looked at my gun and I know they figured I was one of those freaks out of the past.
00:34:38There's a new era coming up, Chico.
00:34:40My kind of making a living is on the way out.
00:34:44For a gunfighter, you do an awful lot of talking.
00:34:45I'm a freak, Chico!
00:34:50I just don't want you to be one.
00:34:52Well, I'm tired of being wet-nosed.
00:34:55I'm no agricultural cowboy.
00:34:58I know.
00:35:13Brand-new .45 Colt Peacemaker.
00:35:18In ivory stock.
00:35:20For me?
00:35:22It's for killing rattlesnakes and wild animals. You'll find plenty of both of them on the farm.
00:35:26Well, you tell her this for me.
00:35:28She can't buy me off like the others.
00:35:30I'm not making a target out of myself for her or anyone else.
00:35:33That Griff Bonnell, do you think he cares anything about the border?
00:35:36He'd find me wherever I go, he and his brother.
00:35:39And if they didn't, someone else would.
00:35:41Swine, look, she's got influence. You know that, don't you?
00:35:44You know, she'll pull strings for you later on, George.
00:35:47Later's too late.
00:35:48She's getting me out of here right away and legally.
00:35:51Tomorrow I want to walk the street.
00:35:53Still chief deputy.
00:35:55If she can swing it, she's the boss.
00:35:57And if she doesn't, remember, there isn't anything about her I don't know.
00:36:06You want me to tell her that?
00:36:07You hear that?
00:36:17You're sure?
00:36:19You heard me.
00:36:38Who shot you, Swain?
00:36:40Who shot you? Did you see him at all?
00:36:42Did you? Who shot you in the back?
00:36:44Tell me if you saw him, because I'm your friend, you know that, don't you?
00:36:47And if you saw him, well, do something about it.
00:36:49Don't you know who shot you?
00:36:53Straighten out my legs.
00:36:55They are straight.
00:36:57I think his spine is busted, don't you?
00:36:59He's trying to say something.
00:37:01Did you see who shot you? Did you?
00:37:04You know, if you saw him, why don't you tell us?
00:37:07We'll find out who did it, won't we, Mr. Bunnell?
00:37:17Did he whisper to you at all?
00:37:19Did he tell you who did it?
00:37:21Did he, Mr. Bunnell?
00:37:23Cut the slug out, Wes. It's no good to us in a corpse.
00:37:32Excuse me, Sheriff.
00:37:56Did you ever see this slug before?
00:38:01Sure. Comes from a new high-powered rifle.
00:38:04Sharp sports shine makes it.
00:38:05Any around here?
00:38:07Only one man in the territory has one like it.
00:38:10Who's that?
00:38:11The late Howard Swain.
00:38:13That slug was just cut out of his spine.
00:38:16Well, then he must have been shot with his own gun.
00:38:20Who's the best shot in the territory?
00:38:23I didn't shoot him.
00:38:25Oh. After you, who's the best shot?
00:38:30Charlie Savage.
00:38:33You got in a panic.
00:38:35But I had to act fast.
00:38:37And Charlie Savage is your best shot.
00:38:39You made a decision for me?
00:38:41Well, sometimes, you know, a partner can't wait for...
00:38:43I'm your boss, not your partner.
00:38:45You want me to crawl? I didn't know you'd take it like this.
00:38:47How do you think Griff Bunnell will take it?
00:38:49But you're in the clear, Jessica. Everything's all been settled.
00:38:51We'd have never solved anything. It was your decision and it's your finish.
00:38:54You had Swain killed, not me.
00:38:56Yes, but I had no other choice.
00:38:58You just hanged yourself.
00:39:02Start running, Logan.
00:39:03Start running like a feist dog with your tail between your legs.
00:39:06Please, Jessica.
00:39:08Take your gun, Hawks, and run.
00:39:34You must feel naked without your army.
00:39:36The Dragoons is at your disposal.
00:39:38What name is on your warrant this time?
00:39:40One of your riders, Charlie Savage.
00:39:42Oh? What did he do?
00:39:44Oh, just damaged some federal property. You seen him around?
00:39:46I don't keep track of my men, Mr. Bunnell,
00:39:48and I'm not responsible for what they do away from here.
00:39:50Must be plenty of good hiding places on your land.
00:39:52I'd be glad to show them to you.
00:39:54Can you spare the time?
00:39:56I want to see if you find him on my land.
00:39:58You want to spank him?
00:40:00I just want to see if you can take him.
00:40:02There's a good hideout.
00:40:49I was bitten by a rattler in there when I was 15.
00:40:54Bet that rattler died.
00:40:56Yeah, I bet he did.
00:40:58You don't think much of me, do you?
00:40:59Oh, I think a lot of you.
00:41:01I think it's going to be rough on you
00:41:03if your brother's mixed up in this killing.
00:41:05Murder is not in his blood.
00:41:07With your brand on him, anything could be in his blood.
00:41:34What's the matter? You look upset.
00:41:36I was born upset.
00:44:57Until I was eight, I thought everything with four feet and horns was a cow.
00:45:03Everything with two feet and a gun was a man.
00:45:06At nine, I learned the difference.
00:45:09Not between beef and men, but between cold blood and breathing.
00:45:14At ten, I branded calves, peeled horses, rode the range and slept on the ground.
00:45:22My father was rounding up strays when Brockie was born.
00:45:26I was alone with my mother when I was twelve. I delivered him.
00:45:30He was born in the shack.
00:45:33My mother died giving birth.
00:45:36I buried her, went out, roped a cow, got milk for Brockie.
00:45:40He lived.
00:45:44When I was fifteen, a saddle tram tried to get rough with me in here.
00:45:48A rattler?
00:45:50My father was no hand with a gun.
00:45:54He was shot trying to keep me from getting bit.
00:46:02Did you step on the rattler?
00:46:07My father built this shack with his own hands.
00:46:11You've kept it as a shrine?
00:46:16Just a reminder not to let go of anything.
00:46:20When I was eighteen, I was boss of my own spread.
00:46:23I picked up Logan, a hundred-dollar-a-month sheriff, in the broken-down camp I put him on.
00:46:27I got interested in voting, taxes and silver.
00:46:30I spent money for the good of this territory.
00:46:34Sent lobbyists to the Prescott Council, financed mining camps, sawmills.
00:46:38You came a long way.
00:46:39So have you.
00:46:41My men talk a lot about you.
00:46:44They ever tell you I drove most of them out of different camps at one time or another?
00:46:48I suppose you didn't draw and told me.
00:46:51You shot your way across the map.
00:46:55This is the last stop, Griff.
00:46:58The frontier is finished.
00:47:01There'll be no more towns to break, no more men to break.
00:47:06It's time you started to break yourself.
00:47:11If a town has got to have peace, let somebody else build it on graves.
00:47:15You don't want the only evidence of your life's work to be bullet holes in men.
00:47:21I want you to run the dragoons for me.
00:47:24I want you to throw in with me.
00:47:27You still interested in my gun?
00:47:29Time you threw your gun away. You'll have to sooner or later.
00:47:32I'm giving you the chance.
00:47:34Why me?
00:47:36I need a strong man to carry out my orders.
00:47:39And a weak man to take them.
00:47:43My throat's dry. I'm talking too much.
00:47:58What do you want?
00:48:00You'd better not let her get you wearing those guns.
00:48:03You're not giving orders for her anymore.
00:48:05Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to watch Griff Bonnell blow your head off.
00:48:08But then she'd blame me for it.
00:48:09I want to be the one to kill him.
00:48:11Nobody wants to kill him, Brocky, but the pressure's got to come off her and off me too.
00:48:15Everything's going to be like it was. Now give me those guns.
00:48:17I only gave up these guns once to her. Nobody else is going to take them from me.
00:48:20Look, this is Charlie Savage's play and nobody else's.
00:48:22Don't you see if we're mixed up in it, she's mixed up in it too.
00:48:25Give me the guns, Brocky.
00:48:26All right.
00:48:27Then I want you to get across the street and wait for me over there.
00:48:30Who's going to face Griff Bonnell?
00:48:32Wiley. Come on, get out of here.
00:48:51Come on out here.
00:48:55I don't like it, Sheriff.
00:48:58Absolutely nothing to worry about.
00:49:00You see, Wes'll come in first, as he always does, with a rifle to look the situation over.
00:49:08Then he'll play it himself somewhere around here to cover Griff's back.
00:49:16Then you see Griff will come in.
00:49:19He'll stop right here.
00:49:21He's cautious.
00:49:24Wiley, you've got nothing to worry about at all because, you know, you're going to be...
00:49:29You're going to be right here, round the corner.
00:49:31Can't see you at all.
00:49:33Now, listen.
00:49:35Griff will call out.
00:49:37Charlie Savage.
00:49:38And you say, yeah.
00:49:40Then he'll call out.
00:49:41He's got a warrant for you.
00:49:43And you say, come and get me.
00:49:45And he'll say, all right.
00:49:49Now, look.
00:49:55Griff will take that one step.
00:49:58That's what I mean.
00:49:59That's when you'll see I'm not Charlie Savage.
00:50:02That's when he'll be dead.
00:50:13Any luck?
00:50:15No word on him in Phoenix or Prescott.
00:50:17What about Tucson?
00:50:19I think he may have slipped across the border.
00:50:25I've been looking all over for you.
00:50:26Charlie Savage is in town.
00:50:27He's over at the Undertaker's house.
00:50:28I've been looking all over for you.
00:50:29Charlie Savage is in town.
00:50:30He's over at the Undertaker's alley waiting for a showdown.
00:50:32Where's that?
00:50:33Across from the gunsmith's shop.
00:50:34Who told you he was in town waiting for me?
00:50:36Savage, Charlie.
00:50:37Savage did.
00:50:38You don't look scared.
00:50:39Thanks, Bonnie.
00:50:40Well, come on.
00:50:41It's all right, Bonnie.
00:50:42Can I help?
00:50:43You go back and run your bathhouse.
00:50:45I'll call you if I need you.
00:50:46All right, but don't forget.
00:50:51Well, let's take a walk.
00:50:55We'd better wait until we get Chico on that stage.
00:50:58Get him out of town.
00:51:00Here you are.
00:51:02Hey, Griff.
00:51:07Barney Cashman's been looking for you.
00:51:09What's up?
00:51:10Not a thing.
00:51:11In you go.
00:51:19Might take a couple of days to find out what Charlie Savage is holding up.
00:51:22Might even take you a week.
00:51:24Can I stick around while you run him down?
00:51:28Aw, come on, Griff.
00:51:29Say hello to the folks.
00:51:31Tell them we'll come home for a visit soon.
00:51:33Maybe in the next few weeks.
00:51:35Tell them I got a surprise for them.
00:51:43You know, he really would have made a good surgeon.
00:51:48What's this about a surprise?
00:51:50I'm getting married.
00:51:53Well, you won't find many wives who can make a gun.
00:51:56That's right.
00:51:58You, uh, gonna stick around here?
00:52:03I'm gonna be city marshal.
00:52:05Pay any good?
00:52:07Oh, better than a federal job.
00:52:10Anyway, they want the Bonnell name for the job.
00:52:15You know, after you pick up Charlie Savage, you'll need a new second gun.
00:52:18Yeah, that's right.
00:52:22Let's go.
00:52:52Let's go.
00:53:33Charlie Savage in there.
00:53:42Charlie Savage.
00:53:47Charlie Savage.
00:53:52This is Griff Bonnell. I've got a warrant for you.
00:53:55Get rid of your gun. Come out with your hands high and your fingers spread.
00:54:06Can you hear me?
00:54:11Come out.
00:54:12Come out.
00:54:24Get me.
00:54:29All right.
00:54:31So you didn't need a third gun.
00:54:33He had you right in his sights.
00:54:35Who is it?
00:54:38Charlie Savage.
00:54:47Barney Cashman told me he was here calling for a showdown.
00:54:49I jumped the stage as soon as I turned the corner.
00:54:52I don't know what you're talking about.
00:54:54I don't know what you're talking about.
00:54:56I don't know what you're talking about.
00:54:58I jumped the stage as soon as I turned the corner.
00:55:00I got him right through the head. One shot.
00:55:03And you wanted me to be a farmer.
00:55:09Now what did I do wrong?
00:55:11I killed him.
00:55:31He didn't die of old age.
00:55:32I'll find out who rigged this up.
00:55:35We're going to make this a personal fight, not so long as I made you my second gun.
00:55:40Yes, sir.
00:55:59I sure picked him up pretty in this cap.
00:56:07Last time I killed a man was ten years ago.
00:56:10A boy.
00:56:12He was no good, like your brother.
00:56:14But he was still a boy and I killed him.
00:56:17I could have made a crippling shot, but I didn't.
00:56:20Did you ever see a dead boy's eyes in the sky?
00:56:25Did you ever see a dead boy's eyes in the sky?
00:56:30Truest gun in the West.
00:56:35You know why I hate to get into fights?
00:56:37I can't miss.
00:56:38Am I talking too much?
00:56:42In my heart, I've always asked forgiveness before I kill,
00:56:44just like an Indian asking forgiveness from an animal before the slaughter.
00:56:49You can't ask after you kill, it's too late then.
00:56:54I didn't come here to talk about that, I came to talk about Brockie.
00:56:59He put Charlie Savage's corpse on public display in a store window.
00:57:04A boy who'd do a thing like that is dead, or nearly dead.
00:57:08But there's still time.
00:57:11You think he was mixed up in that ambush.
00:57:15I don't know what to think.
00:57:18My brother Wes is getting married, I'm pulling out right after the wedding.
00:57:22That's why I'm here, to talk about Brockie.
00:57:25I know how close you are to him.
00:57:28More like a son than a brother, I know.
00:57:30I've got a brother the same age.
00:57:33You can break yours before you have to bury mine.
00:57:42Sorry, Jessica, but I had to shoot him.
00:57:44There was no other possible way to...
00:57:52Why didn't you kill me?
00:57:54He thought you were my brother.
00:57:57Nobody wants to be associated with murder.
00:58:00Now, Swain is dead, Savage is dead,
00:58:03your agent on the Senate floor ran off, the governor turned his back on you,
00:58:07everybody's deserting the ship,
00:58:09the captain is drowning, the dragoons are breaking up,
00:58:14I don't know.
00:58:16I don't know.
00:58:18I don't know.
00:58:20And it's his fault, he's your enemy, he's out to crush you,
00:58:23that's why I tried to kill him.
00:58:25To get your job back? Have you gone crazy?
00:58:35Why do you think I lied for you,
00:58:37stole, bribed and cheated for my job, for money?
00:58:44Jessica, I'm a man.
00:58:46I have a man's feelings.
00:58:47You can't buy what I feel.
00:58:50A man can't keep this to himself forever.
00:58:53I kept telling myself,
00:58:55patience, hold on, hold fast,
00:58:58she'll understand, but...
00:59:00a man can only wait for so long.
00:59:04And a man has got to do something about
00:59:08what's in his heart, or it'll break.
00:59:13What do you want to do with him?
00:59:15What do you want to do with him?
00:59:30Jessica, don't do that to me.
00:59:32Please, Jessica, don't,
00:59:34don't pay me off like the others.
00:59:37Please, Jessica.
00:59:41don't do that.
00:59:54Jessica, please.
00:59:56I'm sorry, Ned.
01:00:15You know the real reason why he tried to kill you.
01:00:18He knows I'm in love with you.
01:00:22Everything he said is true,
01:00:24the Dragoons is crumbling,
01:00:26but I don't care anymore.
01:00:28I could save it, but I don't want to.
01:00:31I know how he feels.
01:00:34He feels about me the way I feel about you.
01:00:39But I don't care.
01:00:41I don't care.
01:00:43But we can forget him now,
01:00:45and everything else.
01:00:48The boy you killed, the life I've led,
01:00:50everything, nothing can hurt us now.
01:00:53You're not leaving here without me, Griff.
01:00:59What's happened to us is like war.
01:01:03Easy to start,
01:01:05hard to stop.
01:01:09I never knew how to like anybody
01:01:10until I knew how to love.
01:01:15And I like you, Griff.
01:01:30What's that?
01:01:32Nothing, nothing.
01:01:40We better take a look.
01:02:10I want those church bells ringing, Saxon.
01:02:12Don't you worry about them.
01:02:14They'll be ringing.
01:02:16And you, Mr. Floyd,
01:02:18you better make this your best job.
01:02:20The first time I had to borrow a bell,
01:02:22I didn't know how to use it.
01:02:24Now I know how to use it,
01:02:26and I'm going to use it.
01:02:28I'm going to use it,
01:02:30and I'm going to use it,
01:02:32and I'm going to use it,
01:02:34and I'm going to use it,
01:02:36and I'm going to use it,
01:02:38and I'm going to use it,
01:02:40and I'm going to use it,
01:02:43and I'm going to use it,
01:02:45Thank you so much for borrowing the race to take a wedding picture, Mr. Spanger.
01:02:47Have you gotten plenty of fries?
01:02:50Every bag in camp.
01:03:10Come on, let's go.
01:03:37Aren't you going to kiss the bride, Grif?
01:03:40I don't know.
01:03:42I don't know.
01:04:12Come on, let's go.
01:04:42Oh, blind me.
01:04:46I see a light that's kindly.
01:04:53God has his arms around me.
01:05:02I'm not afraid.
01:05:07Though worldly cares betide me,
01:05:13I have my faith to guide me.
01:05:18I know he's here beside me.
01:05:25He's made it known.
01:05:31I feel his love surround me.
01:05:39His tender touch has found me.
01:05:47God has his arms around me.
01:05:53I'm not alone.
01:06:02I'm not alone.
01:06:23I'm not alone.
01:06:53I'm not alone.
01:07:23You weren't fooling this cheap gun, this whole mess wouldn't have happened.
01:07:33You, you're lucky you kissed the bride or else my bullet would be in your head.
01:07:37I'll do everything I can to see him live.
01:07:54Well, the government's going to play fair.
01:07:57In view of your cooperation, they're going to drop the charges against you.
01:08:01But as your lawyer, I must tell you again, you didn't have to give them so much.
01:08:06They would have been satisfied with half.
01:08:09I tell you, the politicians were flabbergasted when they found out what you were going to do.
01:08:14You're going to have to give them half.
01:08:17I tell you, the politicians were flabbergasted when they found out what you were going to do.
01:08:22You, you could still be boss, you know, if you wanted to.
01:08:28Sure, sure, the government knows you kept back a lot of the tax money that Logan and his gunman collected.
01:08:34But Uncle Sam got twice as much that way than he did before you came along.
01:08:39Miss Drummond, you know what this means.
01:08:43They'll take away your land, your cattle, your house, everything you built up.
01:09:14Where have you been all this time? Holding hands with Jet Bonnell?
01:09:17Got any money left to fight for me?
01:09:19The fight's over, Brock.
01:09:21It's never over!
01:09:23You've been behind people all your life, you've got to get me out of this!
01:09:26I spent every dollar I could hang on to.
01:09:28The judge and jury couldn't be bought.
01:09:30Well, get an appeal, we can still win!
01:09:32We lost.
01:09:34We? It's my name!
01:09:36We lost.
01:09:38We lost.
01:09:40We lost.
01:09:41We, it's my neck!
01:09:43I know.
01:09:45But there's nothing more I can do for you.
01:09:47You killed a United States Marshal.
01:09:50There's a reward for his brother, you get me out of this right now.
01:09:54You've got to hang, Brocky.
01:10:05We got a rope, but the government won't let us hang, come on!
01:10:11You're right, Jet.
01:10:14You've been covering for me all my life.
01:10:17I'm sorry, I'll take my medicine.
01:10:20Oh, Brocky!
01:10:23Brocky, don't!
01:10:25Don't, Brocky!
01:10:27Throw your gun down!
01:10:29Brocky, don't!
01:10:31Brocky, don't!
01:10:38Brocky, put a bit of your gun with your hands high and your fingers spread.
01:10:46What are you afraid of, Griff?
01:10:51Come on out!
01:11:00What are you waiting for?
01:11:03Let's see you shoot her!
01:11:21I'm killed!
01:11:24I'm killed!
01:11:34Get a doctor.
01:11:35See you later.
01:11:38See you later.
01:12:09Miss Drummond!
01:12:11What are you doing out of bed?
01:12:12You know what Doc Hudson said.
01:12:13I'm all right, Mr. Cashman.
01:12:14Now, get back to your room right now, Miss Drummond.
01:12:16The doc said not to let you out of the hotel.
01:12:18Thank you very much, but I'll be all right.
01:12:20You're a lucky woman it was Griff Bunnell who done that shooting.
01:12:24He put that bullet in you right where he wanted it put.
01:12:27I know that, Mr. Spangler.
01:12:30There's nothing I can do.
01:12:32I'm sorry.
01:12:34I'm sorry.
01:12:36I'm sorry.
01:12:38I'm sorry.
01:12:40I'm sorry.
01:12:42I'm sorry.
01:12:44I'm sorry.
01:12:46I'm sorry.
01:12:48I'm sorry.
01:12:50There's nothing you can do or say or pray for that will bring him back to you.
01:12:58It's very hard to forget the man you love.
01:13:01I know.
01:13:05You have one thing in your favor, Mrs. Bunnell.
01:13:39She's a high-riding woman with a whip.
01:13:43She's a woman that all men desire.
01:13:51But there's no man can tame her.
01:13:55That's why they name her the high-riding woman with a whip.
01:14:05She commands and men obey.
01:14:11Why is that no harm by that? He just likes that song.
01:14:14If you wouldn't take my advice, Marshall, I'm going to take it myself.
01:14:18Where are you going?
01:14:21What about Jessica Drummond?
01:14:25I want to talk about her, Griff.
01:14:31You know, you did something for her that you wouldn't have done for Ma or Wes or me or anybody else.
01:14:37You lost your head.
01:14:40You didn't kill him like a peace officer. You blew up inside.
01:14:44You did everything you learned me not to do.
01:14:48You must have loved her an awful lot to kill Brockie the way you did.
01:14:51You don't talk like a wet nose anymore, Chico.
01:14:54Why don't you go to her?
01:14:55You think it's me?
01:14:56I want her. I'll never have her because she won't have me.
01:15:00Chico, if she'd have killed you, I never would have forgiven her.
01:15:03You know why?
01:15:04Because I'm not big enough.
01:15:07You've got to be big to forgive.
01:15:55Mr. Bonnell!
01:16:04Mr. Bonnell!
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