• 2 months ago
El gobierno porteño, liderado por Jorge Macri, anunció medidas para reducir el gasto estatal en 13.000 millones de pesos, prometiendo simplificar trámites para los ciudadanos. Además, se han eliminado impuestos y se han reducido tasas que beneficiarán a 500 mil porteños. En otro tema, Macri abordó la reincidencia delictiva y propuso medidas más estrictas para combatirla.



00:00Jorge Macri announced a series of reductions in different areas of the state.
00:08He said that this would allow 13 billion pesos of the budget,
00:14but above all, a curious detail, at least to those of us who were listening to the speech early in the morning,
00:19which said that this was going to simplify a number of procedures for the people who live in the city of Buenos Aires.
00:26So we have it on a mobile phone to the head of government, Jorge Macri Graña Le Habla.
00:31Good morning, how are you? Good afternoon, rather.
00:35Rolando, good afternoon, how are you? How are you?
00:37Well, I heard early today about the figures, but I would like to stop at the examples.
00:45What examples of simplifications of everyday life will there be in the city of Buenos Aires?
00:50There are many procedures. Procedures that we have eliminated, which are also taxes that we have eliminated.
00:58For example, taxes on stamps for leasing, for credit, for mortgage loans.
01:04We have put a lot of gross income activity for professionals at zero rate.
01:11I mean, once you're at zero rate, you don't just have to pay the tax, but the whole process simplifies.
01:19We are making refunds of gross income balance. This is part of what we announced last week.
01:26And today, Wednesday of this week, there are 20 companies that have received in their account the return of those gross income balance,
01:34which was typical to hear that people waited 6, 8 months, 10 months.
01:39The guide was needed to work and was retained in the state.
01:43In 96 hours, once they make the presentation, almost 95% of those who pay gross income are reached for this benefit and have automatic refund.
01:54Throughout last year, we made a reduction of the expense of 535 billion pesos per year.
02:05And how do we know if that, because the right word and the word reduction of expenses,
02:13at a time when there is no money, as President Milley says,
02:17well, how is this going to affect the quality of education services, hospitals?
02:25That's very important, what you just said, because what we do is reduce political spending without giving less services.
02:32This is very important. In fact, let me give you some data.
02:35Last year, 2,000 more police officers entered the city of Buenos Aires.
02:39Or, for example, we had 1,000 more surgeries in the hospitals of the city of Buenos Aires per month.
02:45That means, the middle class, which used to not attend the hospitals of the city of Buenos Aires,
02:51that today attends the hospitals and that also in a surgery.
02:54And I speak of a surgery not to talk about consulting, because surgery involves hospitalization, involves a high expense.
03:00We have had to serve more people, we have expanded the number of early childhood centers, of vacancies in kindergarten.
03:08We have given free English to more than 180,000 Portuguese people through the free platform we have.
03:15With which we have given more services, and that is real efficiency.
03:18So much is spent on politics.
03:20Because saving light, saving light, turning it off is easy.
03:23So much was spent on politics.
03:25No, it's not just politics, it's efficiency too.
03:28No, no, sometimes it is to spend better.
03:31And there are 13,000 million pesos.
03:33It is to open up to the competence of others.
03:38In these decisions that I communicated today, there are 13,000 million pesos of savings.
03:43In things that were done in a duplicated way, in things that were not priority, in reducing the number of directors in organizations.
03:52Yes, more money is spent than it should be.
03:55And we are very clear that we have a commitment, I assumed it in the campaign and I will continue to sustain it,
04:00which is to reduce the expense of politics without having less state.
04:05Because here is something that is important.
04:07We believe in the state when the state cures, when it heals, when it gives us security,
04:12when it has a presence of quality in the public space, when you have better lighting.
04:17We believe in the state.
04:18Now, we also believe in a state that affects less.
04:21And lowering taxes is also very important.
04:23And we have lowered many taxes.
04:25Last week we announced more than 300,000 million pesos of tax cuts that benefit 500,000 Portuguese.
04:33From the decrease in pension benefits to, as I told you before,
04:37zero rate to non-professional activities that used to pay gross income, for example.
04:42Yes, I can't stop asking you about what happened this morning,
04:46at least it was known this morning, which is the tragedy of another city police officer,
04:50killed in the back by motorcyclists.
04:53It is the thirteenth in a year.
04:59It is the thirteenth.
05:00Of the last 14, as Javier said, of the last 14 fallen in compliance with the service,
05:0713 were killed leaving and coming from their home in the urban area.
05:11In other words, let's think that they are all day in the city of Buenos Aires fighting crime,
05:16arresting criminals, making raids and they kill them leaving and coming from their home.
05:22So much so that as of last year we communicated a measure,
05:27which is to allow the police, if they decide so, to wear their own vest.
05:34Because in the city of Buenos Aires, luckily, we have a police vest,
05:38not like in the province where there is a hot vest,
05:40so a police officer has to take it off so that the other can use it.
05:44And we told them, use it to go home.
05:46We ask you, please, to take care.
05:48Because the truth is that a few days ago we had five confrontations
05:52on the same day by police officers in the city of Buenos Aires, in the province of Buenos Aires,
05:56and unfortunately yesterday they killed Officer Coria.
06:00So all the support to his family and the force,
06:03because this impacts a lot on the police force and hits us all.
06:07Is there any other measure, any conversation with the province of Buenos Aires to prevent this?
06:15It's just that it's very difficult, Rolando,
06:18because how many times did you hear Kicillof talking about security?
06:23No, in general he talks about his Minister of Security.
06:26It's not a priority for him.
06:29Yes, and little, and the truth is little.
06:33And I see that they throw the burden on the mayors,
06:35the mayors do what they can, some better than others,
06:38some with more commitment than others.
06:40In fact, when one analyzes the security indexes
06:43in municipalities where there is commitment from the mayors,
06:46it is quite noticeable and the numbers are different.
06:48Well, you were vice-mayor of Vicente López,
06:50you know well how to discuss with the province of Buenos Aires.
06:53Yes, exactly, I know well.
06:57I know that problem well, I know what it is about,
07:01and I know how difficult it is to govern a district
07:04when there is no political decision from the governor to give this discussion.
07:07It is not an agenda issue,
07:09but it is for many sectors of the guarantor justice,
07:12and that is why it is so important, Rolando,
07:14the discussion that the national government has just installed
07:16and the opportunity we have to approve reiteration
07:19in extraordinary sessions.
07:21It is of very high relevance,
07:23and I will try to explain it very quickly.
07:26For a criminal to have as aggravating
07:29the previous sentence that occurred in Argentina,
07:32there has to be a firm sentence.
07:34You know well, Boja, that this takes seven years in Argentina.
07:38Or ten, even worse.
07:40So they have all that time to continue with Boja,
07:42committing increasingly violent crimes.
07:44The reiteration is like the yellow in football.
07:48A yellow, then it is red, and you wait for a detainee.
07:51The Boja is over.
07:52This thing that there is no firm sentence, no.
07:55Once I give you the chance to make a mistake,
07:57you made a mistake twice, you wait for the detainee sentence.
08:00That, that, so simple,
08:03to be able to have yellow and red in this, in the crime,
08:06changes everything.
08:07That is why it is very important that people take advice
08:10about what is going to be discussed in these extraordinary sessions.
08:14Especially in the type of crime that is more linked to consumption
08:19and to people who do not control their behavior.
08:22To say, well, once the yellow, the other,
08:24you wait for a detainee until it happens to you.
08:26Because in practice, that would get the criminals out of the streets.
08:33That's what we need.
08:35Let's see, today I tweeted in the morning,
08:37today we arrested a criminal 21 times.
08:40It means that we arrested him 20 times before,
08:42they still leave him in freedom.
08:44A month ago we arrested one that we had arrested 28 times.
08:47When you see the notice, Rolando,
08:49it is not chicken theft.
08:51It is armed robbery, sale of narcotics,
08:53resistance to authority, gender violence,
08:56climbing to enter a property.
09:01We usually say here in the newsroom
09:06that justice does not wake up until there is no dead.
09:13Yes, and it wakes up for a while.
09:15Because you know what the problem is?
09:17We, those of us who have executive responsibility,
09:20we walk the street and we are known.
09:22Those who make mistakes, many times not.
09:24So, how is that lax interpretation of the law
09:28and leave them in freedom with great comfort?
09:31And since no one knows who was the guarantor judge
09:34or the prosecutor, according to the jurisdiction,
09:36who made that decision,
09:38the concrete diagonal to finish with that joke is reiteration.
09:42And there is a fundamental opportunity
09:44and we have to put positive social pressure on Congress
09:48for this law to come out.
09:49It is as important a clean sheet as reiteration.
09:51Yes, and after it is not denaturalized
09:54through the procedure codes.
09:59In other words, it is a modification.
10:01The procedure code that is later denaturalized
10:03in the small letter.
10:04Of course.
10:07Of course.
10:08But we are weighing the discussion.
10:10If I caught you stealing once and stealing again,
10:13it's inside.
10:14There is no interpretation.
10:16It is theft, it is theft.
10:17This thing that if it is theft, well, no weapons were used.
10:21Yes, it's okay, go tell the 13-year-old boy
10:23that they took away his cell phone or backpack
10:25and left him lying on the floor.
10:27The trauma that remains for life.
10:29No, but it was theft, it was not theft,
10:31there was no firearm.
10:32Two days later, the same guy is stealing with a firearm
10:36or with a white gun in the street
10:38because he was not a little boy and someone resisted.
10:41Yes, there you have to put that question on the table again.
10:46The question of personal trauma
10:48in the face of the baroque interpretation
10:50of whether there was intention or not,
10:52if he had good faith or not.
10:54It comes to a point that is crazy.
10:57As it is.
10:59And it also goes back to the burden of the test.
11:02We forget about the real victim
11:04and we transform the victim into the victim.
11:08We are analyzing whether he really wanted it or not,
11:11but the result is concrete.
11:13Yes, back there.
11:14He killed, he hurt, he generated a trauma, he raped.
11:17There is no intermediary there.
11:19And back there are victims who suffer what happened.
11:22Jorge, we thank you very much for the contact.
11:24See you one day here in the studio.
11:28Of course. Thank you very much. Good afternoon.
11:30A hug.
