• 2 months ago
A single mum has spent her three years of maternity leave backpacking around 20 countries with her daughter.

Sarah Noack, 27, from Frankfurt, Germany, worked as a flight attendant when she gave birth to her daughter, Luana, now three.

Her generous maternity package with her airline meant she got three years of maternity leave.


00:00so after the first tour company told me it's impossible to do this hike with my daughter
00:03i decided to go with another one and they said yes we're currently in nong kiau in laos and this
00:07region is famous for hiking there's a tiny obstacle and it's that i don't have any hiking gear with me
00:11so i simply asked two locals to show me how they carry their babies bought a pair of sneakers for
00:15around 10 euros and then climbed up the mountain for around four hours with a bunch of strangers
00:19i'm pretty sure the first part of the hike was the hardest thing i've ever done it was basically
00:23just walking up on gravel for like one hour in the sun at this point i thought about quitting because
00:28i couldn't see how we were going up to the top
