• 2 months ago
రామకోటి రాస్తున్న సాప్ట్‌వేర్‌ ఉద్యోగి నాగరాజు -రామకోటిని చిత్రాల రూపంలో రాస్తున్న యువకుడు - చిత్రాలను డిజిటల్‌ రూపంలోకి తెచ్చేందుకు కృషి


02:28I don't know how to write a book
02:30But when I was 4 years old, I saw my grandmother writing a book
02:33After that, when I was in the office, someone brought a Ram Gowda book
02:38I wrote about 10 pages of it
02:40We started from 2021
02:43Then one day my father was writing with color pens
02:47Red, blue, green
02:48I also tried
02:49Similarly, Ramudu is such a good devotion that I cannot say
02:53That's why I did it pictorially
03:00Ramayana is over
03:01Hanuman Chalisa is over
03:04Vinayaka Yuga 10 Rupees
03:05Almost everything is over
03:07Next I want to start Nama Ramayana
03:10Govinda Mala
03:12I want to try all these
03:14Instead of just drawing pictures
03:16He is trying to bring them into digital form
03:19He is taking pictures of these pictures and giving them to the people
03:23By keeping these in social media
03:26He is bringing Sri Ram Mantra closer to the youth
03:29He is thinking of writing Ramakoti among them
03:33According to the current situation
03:36No one has that much awareness of Ramayana
03:38Except for the elders
03:39For this generation
03:40If you write it normally
03:42There is a chance that they will think that it is just written
03:47If you write it like this
03:48They will like to see it
03:50And they will try
03:51Some people will ping
03:53They will ask how did you write it?
03:55How can I start?
03:56It will be happy to tell them
03:58But my first attempt is to take a step forward for this generation
04:03This should be shown to everyone
04:04And awareness should be given
04:05They will also write interestedly
04:07Everyone can understand
04:09What I wrote in the form of a doll
04:10Like storytelling
04:12I created a page on Instagram
04:14His parents are saying that the effort of Nagaraju is giving good results
04:19They are also saying that they are going in a spiritual path
04:22They are saying that they are enjoying in Ramakshetra as soon as the book is completed
04:29I usually go to Srisailam on Sivarathri
04:31I am going at the end of the month of Karthi
04:33If I go there for 29 years
04:35Sometimes I write Om Namah Shivaya
04:37I take him to Srisailam
04:41They also tried a bit after seeing me
04:44When I came to my mother in law's house, she told me to do this and that
04:50I should write Ramakoti too
04:52We thought it will be a blessing if God gives us food
04:58I will feel bad if I don't cook for my husband and children
05:02I will feel bad if I don't write Ramakoti
05:06Along with writing Sri Ramakoti
05:08Nagaraju is saying that he is very happy to work for the welfare of Dharma
05:17Nagaraju appreciates our Sanatana Dharma and the history of Dharma
05:27He is also trying to reach the goal of Sri Ramakoti
05:32Like Ramakoti, he is trying to bring Chitramalika in digital form
