• 2 months ago
ప్రమాదాలను నివారించే దిశగా పోలీసుల వినూత్న కార్యక్రమం - మిర్చి కూలీలు పొలాల వద్దకు చేరుకునేందుకు ఆర్టీసీ బస్సులు ఏర్పాటు


00:30This is the first time we have seen a road accident in the state of Kerala, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of
01:00Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
01:15of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
01:29of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
01:39of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
01:49of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
02:04of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
02:24of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
02:53of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
02:54of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
02:55of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
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02:58of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
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03:01of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
03:02of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
03:03of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
03:04of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
03:05of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the state
