• 2 months ago
"Una parte de mi corazón esperaba un milagro", señaló Elba sobre los últimos días del periodista.


00:00For the first time, after Jorge Lanata passed away,
00:04his widow, Dr. Elba Marcovecchio, was present.
00:07Yes, exactly. Mariano went to LAM a little while ago.
00:11Elba Marcovecchio spoke for the first time
00:14about the last days of Lanata.
00:16She saw him leave, she couldn't do anything.
00:19She told us what happened in the last six months.
00:23And, well, that he remained hospitalized
00:26and that he died on December 30th.
00:28Should we share it? Should we watch it?
00:30This is what Elba Marcovecchio said.
00:32Thank you for being here.
00:35How are you?
00:36Question two.
00:38It was hard for you to answer me the other day.
00:41How were you?
00:42Look, you texted me right away.
00:45Right away.
00:46Very fast.
00:47Yes, it was hard for me because...
00:51I couldn't talk to him.
00:53I wasn't...
00:56I was sad.
01:00And the basic answer you had,
01:02like, what does it mean, good, period, end,
01:08I couldn't lie to him.
01:11I couldn't.
01:12It's logical that you're not well.
01:14Why wouldn't you be?
01:15Yes, yes, it would be...
01:21In fact, I even talk to my therapist a lot.
01:25It's normal for me to be sad.
01:31Although Jorge came with very complicated health,
01:35and in the last few months at the hospital,
01:37much worse, I have to ask you how they were,
01:40they had time to prepare.
01:42Everyone says you can prepare, blah, blah, blah,
01:45but when it happens, it's different from what you imagined.
01:48No, I felt it.
01:55It was going to happen?
01:59And in fact, I don't know if...
02:01I think I told Mariana or Janina.
02:06In fact, they booked a lot of things.
02:12But I...
02:16The people at the hospital will understand.
02:19I saw Jorge in peace.
02:23In the last few days.
02:25Last week?
02:26No, a little more.
02:30And he was killing me.
02:32You saw him leave?
02:35And I couldn't do anything.
02:38And we couldn't do anything with the doctors,
02:41and there was nothing, and he had nothing.
02:44Because in the last few days,
02:48Jorge had nothing,
02:50and I read him, and I read him, and I read him,
02:53as if I could force him.
02:57I think it was a matter of selfishness,
03:00as if I could force him.
03:01You wanted to retain him?
03:03Like all relatives?
03:04Yes, yes.
03:05And I read him, and I read him, and I read him all the time.
03:12And don't prepare.
03:14At least me, I'm talking to you first.
03:18When he left, I said yes, yes, yes,
03:22but I didn't feel it in my heart.
03:24But a part of my heart was waiting for a miracle.
03:30And I was waiting for the miracle, and I was waiting for the miracle.
03:34And the miracle didn't come.
03:37And when it didn't come,
03:39I have to thank Mariana.
03:41I'm full of Mariana.
03:43I mean, she told me,
03:44No, don't talk about battles anymore,
03:46because there are issues that are not won, they are not lost.
03:50And that was a great teaching from her, as a therapist,
03:53and also how they contained me in the hospital.
03:58Because you feel that you lose,
04:03and that you lose, and that you lose, and that it is definitive.
04:05Did you talk about death with him?
04:08Yes, we talked about a lot of things,
04:13especially after the most ferocious hospitalization he had,
04:17the one that externalized him on September 16.
04:22Jorge was very sensitive about that,
04:25because for him it was like coming back from the...
04:29He told it in the show, didn't he?
04:31Yes, but he told it less.
04:32Less, less than what it was.
04:34Less for obvious reasons,
04:36for the limitation that you cannot compare
04:39what is a television show,
04:41or what is an interview with someone,
04:43to what it is to be sharing life day by day.
04:47I mean, when we talked,
04:49and Jorge told me that he was afraid,
04:56afraid of dying.
05:00I told him, let's give Batman 3,
05:04the one with Christian Nolan,
05:07or the one with Christian Bale,
05:10because the actor is Christian Bale,
05:12let's give it 3.
05:13I told him, the best explanation for fear is Batman...
05:17The best explanation, I mean...
05:19Yes, a simple one.
05:20Simple, I mean,
05:22fear is when you appreciate what you lose.
05:26I mean, that's where you're afraid,
05:30because you appreciate what you lose,
05:34so that's where you get all your strength,
05:36and that's where Batman comes out of the tube,
05:40from that...
05:41The bat-tube.
05:42No, from that, like a cave,
05:44where he was thrown,
05:46where he was thrown,
05:47and I give him Batman,
05:49I give him a crystal Batman,
05:51obviously we were always exaggerated,
05:54I mean, it wasn't just any Batman,
05:56it was a crystal Batman.
05:58And I give it to him so that he can see
06:01that fear is fine,
06:03because fear is saying how beautiful it is to be.
06:07How beautiful.
06:09How beautiful it is...
06:11Well, he enjoyed life.
06:12He always told you.
06:13He countered it.
06:14Yes, but...
06:16I can't tell you about the previous one
06:18for logical reasons, because...
06:20But he told you.
06:21Of course, yes,
06:22but I have to tell you,
06:23the previous one is a reference.
06:25I tell you about what I lived.
06:29And what I lived, Jorge...
06:31Jorge wanted to live to the fullest.
06:34Jorge wanted everything.
06:36In this hospital, in the last one,
06:38did he know he was going to die?
06:40Did he realize he was going to die?
06:42Jorge was afraid of doing that study,
06:44the one on June 14th.
06:46I remember that at five in the morning
06:48we were getting ready,
06:50and well, I met him.
06:52Forgive me for the time.
06:54Forgive me.
06:56Well, I knew Jorge a lot.
06:59Jorge had something...
07:01I don't talk to you as much.
07:03He had something big,
07:05something protective,
07:06but he had something like a baby,
07:08which I loved.
07:10And he loved it.
07:12And Jorge told me he was afraid,
07:16because Jorge was claustrophobic,
07:18so he was afraid of the study.
07:21And then I told him,
07:22now they're going to accuse me of poisoning.
07:25I told him, look, if you behave well,
07:27I told him, when we get back from the study,
07:29I'll buy you some half moons with ham and cheese.
07:32He told me, are you going to make me toast?
07:35Yes, I'm going to make you toast.
07:38I told him.
07:39And I grabbed Jorge.
07:42When he hugged me,
07:44he did this, very strong.
07:46And when I hugged Jorge,
07:48he would sit here on his chest,
07:50like a little boy.
07:52And I hugged him, hugged him, hugged him.
07:54And I told him, well, don't be afraid.
07:56It's just another study, I told him.
07:59It's just another study.
08:01And then when the study thing happened,
08:03I said, what other study?
08:05And the reverend one.
08:06How did this happen?
08:07That's when he had two stops.
08:08He had a six-minute stop there.
08:14And I couldn't believe it,
08:16I couldn't understand anything.
08:18And I felt...
08:21I promised you the half moons.
08:26What happened?
08:28But he recovered pretty well from that first one.
08:32From that first one, the 14th, he recovered pretty well.
08:35And the 15th, he was almost at the top,
08:37because Jorge recovered very quickly.
08:41And at 10.30 in the morning of the 15th,
08:44I started to see him,
08:46that he was sleeping.
08:48And I called the doctor.
08:50It was the only time I called...
08:52Well, not the only time.
08:53The doctors were extraordinary, from Italy.
08:58And I told him, I saw this, this is dioxin.
09:01I told him, I saw this.
09:02Because Jorge had had it before.
09:05And then they started to treat him, everything.
09:09And it started to get complicated again.
09:11And I was in that second episode, which was...
09:16It's very...
09:18It's very ugly to see things.
09:20Because the image is...
09:24It stays in your body.
09:27And they can explain to you the theory of relativity.
09:32Yes, but he stopped being that person you knew.
09:35But when I see him there,
09:41I cried and called everyone.
09:45Who are all of them?
09:46I called Margarita.
09:50I called Sara.
09:52I called Bárbara.
09:54By phone.
09:55Everything by phone.
09:56I called...
09:58I called Jasmín, who is my friend.
10:03I told her, Jasmín, come and nothing else.
10:06And I didn't call my mom.
10:08I sent a message to my mom.
10:11I asked her to come.
10:17I never asked anyone to come.
10:20So it was a very strong message.
10:25It was very strong.
10:26It was very hard.
10:27There is something that did not transcend all that process.
10:31And it is that practically in the last few months,
10:34Jorge Lanata was no longer Jorge Lanata.
10:37That's right.
10:38There was a situation already...
10:41The doctors had the neurological hope of reverting the picture.
10:49But really, the environment felt that it was impossible.
10:56The amount of drugs that the body had received was blamed
10:59in the sense of the treatments of all this time.
11:03And that somehow it was going to return to zone 0.
11:06But obviously he didn't recover...
11:09That's what Elvita said, right? The miracle.
11:11The miracle was expected too, but he didn't recover.
11:14And this study, the resonance that she told,
11:17that he entered with so much fear,
11:19finally he has a heart attack in that place.
11:23And that's when the debacle begins.
11:25At the beginning of the end, exactly.
11:27Of course, the debacle begins, the oxygenation of the brain and everything.
11:30And then all the problems that we have known.
11:32They had to do the tracheotomy after being intubated for a long time.
11:36The issue of the heart attack in the intestine,
11:39which forced an operation, do you remember?
11:41And well, even what was that great hemorrhage
11:44about the last weekend of the year,
11:47that the doctors could no longer control.
11:50And well, they called the family and said,
11:52we can't do anything anymore.
11:54Dr. Marcovecchio always spoke
11:56that the doctors were doing ateneos
11:59to see how to treat Jorge,
12:01who was treated first in the hospital.
12:03Yes, there are always good words.
12:05There are always excellent words,
12:07but the truth is that in this case,
12:09he was excellent on time.
12:11And how they treated Nata,
12:13obviously very grateful.
12:15He is the best in the country.
12:17He is one of the best in Latin America.
12:19He recently left the Italian hospital.
12:21But the truth is that since that happened to him,
12:23what happened to him in the first study,
12:25and everything that happened,
12:27the antecedents of his own previous situation,
12:30they made it impossible
12:32another result of what happened.
12:34Sure, exactly.
12:36Well, there are the networks that explode
12:38with this note that Elva Marcovecchio gave to the ME.
12:41It is in trend on Twitter.
12:43Everyone is giving their opinion,
12:45because she also talked about different topics.
12:47She talked about the relationship with the daughters.
12:49She talked about Romina Mangel,
12:51the relationship between Nata and her.
12:53She talked about many topics.
12:55Therefore, an excellent, excellent note.
12:57You can see it on the networks of the channel.
12:59Congratulations to Ángel de Brito
13:01for this note that they made for the ME.
13:03A great note, really.
