• 2 months ago
From exclusive items to portion sizes, we wanted to find all the differences between the US and UK Burger King menus in 2024 and see what's changed since 2020. This is "Food Wars."
00:00Menu items have come and gone, prices have gone up, and sales have slipped.
00:04It's been four years since our first Burger King episode, and lots has changed.
00:08Let's get into it.
00:08In 2020, we weighed our fries and discovered Frygate,
00:12in which the weight of both the small and the medium were the same.
00:15So I'm going to weigh all four of them again
00:18and see if they're giving us what they're advertising.
00:20So the first one is the value.
00:24Now what appears to be the small.
00:26120 grams from the value to the small.
00:30So let's start with the small fry.
00:37Oh, rogue fry.
00:39And now the medium fry.
00:44I'm making a face.
00:45I don't like that face.
00:47That's pretty cold, Burger King.
00:50That was a three gram difference, right?
00:53That's four grams.
00:54But this one, this one is billowing with fries.
00:57I, as a consumer, want this.
00:59We are also weighing the packaging.
01:00I want to point out that the small packaging
01:02is more of a substantial cardboard than this paper.
01:05On to the medium.
01:08And then we're going to do large, which is...
01:12Okay, 163.
01:13So I was right.
01:14This is the large.
01:15So the difference from here to here was 14 grams.
01:17The difference from here to here was 19 grams.
01:21I mean, are you wondering?
01:25That's 15 grams right there.
01:26So from here to here, it's just this.
01:29And then we're doing 19.
01:31There's a difference.
01:33And that's like nothing, right?
01:34Burger King isn't sitting around being like, what?
01:36Oh my God, we didn't notice that.
01:38This is the most deliberate pricing fry structure.
01:43They've had, what, 70 years to perfect this?
01:46I feel manipulated.
01:48Once again, here are the three sizes of fries in the UK.
01:51We also uncovered a fry conspiracy
01:53when we found that our small was bigger than the medium.
01:57We were actually having some concerns
01:58about the sizes of the fries in the UK
02:01because our measurements showed that the lighter orange bag
02:04actually contained more fries than the darker orange bag.
02:07However, when lined up very scientifically like this,
02:10what we'll actually see is that
02:13the bag sizes go up in that color order instead.
02:16So I think what's happened here is that
02:18our small was actually bigger than our regular.
02:22So it does seem like Burger King's fries
02:23are now correctly sized.
02:25The differences might not be as big as you think.
02:27For example, with the regular fries,
02:28you're getting 30 grams more than compared to the small.
02:30But if you look at it in terms of the fries,
02:32you're actually only getting eight more.
02:34The large is 34 grams bigger than the regular.
02:36So that's only another couple of fries.
02:39So generously speaking,
02:40that's only gonna be an increase of nine or maybe 10 fries.
02:42If you break down the differences from portion to portion,
02:44it doesn't seem like a drastic increase.
02:46However, I do think the large is probably worth it
02:48compared to the small.
02:50Potentially controversial opinion,
02:51I think Burger King fries might be the best fast food fries.
02:54There appears to be no cup size change from 2020 to now.
02:59As true as it was then,
03:00our largest size is still the 1,120 milliliter
03:04or 38 fluid ounces.
03:06Or so they tell us.
03:09Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.
03:1238, it's not even 32.
03:15What are you doing Burger King?
03:16This is, I'm inviting all Food Wars fans
03:19to go back to previous episodes over the past four years.
03:22I don't think it was this small to begin with.
03:24Interesting with the fries and the drinks, guys.
03:28And internet, you know what I've also noticed?
03:30The prices have not gone down.
03:32Back in 2020, our largest drink was 500 milliliters.
03:35That makes it smaller than a US small.
03:37At least according to the cups,
03:39the drink sizes in the UK haven't changed in the past four years.
03:42On the cup, it actually does say 0.5 liters
03:45and they have filled it to that exact line.
03:50I think they've actually been generous there.
03:52I'd say that's more like 550.
03:54Back in 2020, our Whopper weighed 271 grams.
03:58Since then, over the past four years,
04:00I have weighed a Whopper several times
04:02because my life is dope and I do dope.
04:05And this is a totally normal job.
04:07Our Whopper in America weighs 277 grams, right?
04:12That's really close.
04:13That's a six gram difference.
04:16In 2020, our Whopper weighed 280 grams,
04:18which at the time was actually bigger than the US one.
04:20Our Whopper today weighs just 255 grams.
04:23That's the smallest Whopper we've ever measured on Food Wars.
04:26Shrinkflation comes for us all.
04:29How has the price of Burger King changed in the past four years?
04:32In the mid-2020s in the US,
04:35we paid $3.19 for a large fry, $2.59 for a large Coke,
04:41and in 2021, it was $6.07 for a Whopper.
04:45But today, those same menu items are as follows.
04:50Large fry, $4.39, large Coke, $3.59, and a Whopper, $7.99.
04:57This is based on what we purchased for the show
04:59in the Burbank area of Los Angeles, California,
05:01so the price is very state to state.
05:03But this is a significant price increase.
05:07In 2020, in the UK, a large fries was £2.19,
05:11a large Coke was also £2.19, and a Whopper was $4.99.
05:15And here are the prices for those same items in 2024.
05:18Burger King does have several deals
05:20to hopefully attract and retain customers.
05:23These deals are limited.
05:24This one caught my eyes, the $30 Ultimate Bundle,
05:28two Whoppers, two chicken sandwiches,
05:3016-piece nugget, they gave me two eights,
05:33two small fries, two small drinks.
05:35This whole thing is $30.
05:37Now, looking at this,
05:39I would think this is enough for three people, maybe four.
05:44What do we think?
05:44Just because of the sandwiches.
05:46What is confusing to me about this is the two drinks.
05:49That to me implies it's for two people.
05:51I don't think that I would want a fry,
05:53a chicken sandwich, and a Whopper,
05:55and an eight-piece nugget.
05:56That seems like a lot for one person.
05:59But if you broke it up by three people,
06:01only two could just share a drink.
06:03It's very confusing the amount of food
06:06for the amount of people for this,
06:07but all this for 30 bucks seems like not a bad deal.
06:10There's also a $24 meal,
06:13which is three Whoppers, three hamburgers, and three fries.
06:15That makes a little more sense.
06:17That could be for three people, right?
06:19To me, maybe the best deal going for one person
06:21is the $7 Your Way meal.
06:23Starts with your choice of either a Whopper Jr.,
06:25Chicken Jr., or bacon cheeseburger.
06:27Boom, not bad.
06:28Then you get a four-piece nugget with a sauce.
06:31Then value fries, value drink.
06:34Yeah, seven bucks.
06:35I feel like I would be able to eat this for a meal
06:38and feel pretty satisfied.
06:40The question is why are these individually
06:42so much more expensive?
06:44And then you knock off the price to make it,
06:46couldn't it just be roughly this cost all the time?
06:49Just gonna throw it out there?
06:51We've also got a few value meals of note in the UK.
06:54Currently, we can get two regular Whopper meals
06:56for just 10.99.
06:57That's two Whoppers, two regular fries,
06:59and two regular drinks.
07:01One large Whopper meal in the UK is 5.99.
07:03You might also be able to find deals on delivery apps
07:05like this one from Uber Eats.
07:07On there, you can get two Whoppers
07:08and two large fries for 12 pounds.
07:10As the prices have risen,
07:11some say the burgers have gotten smaller.
07:14Or at least smaller than advertised.
07:16A class action lawsuit filed by a man in Florida
07:19claims Burger King misled customers
07:21with exaggerating sizes of burgers
07:23in its ad and in-store menus.
07:25It claims the burgers are 35% larger in the ads.
07:29The judge did dismiss the TV and online claims
07:32because they are advertisements.
07:33All right, that sounds fair.
07:35But, this is interesting,
07:36the in-store menu images,
07:39which lists the prices and product info,
07:41that is a different story.
07:43Their whole purpose, the judge says,
07:45is to present the potential customer an offering
07:48of the available menu items and their prices.
07:50As of October 2023, the lawsuit has proceeded,
07:53but there's no word on where we are with that.
07:54Here is everything in the UK Burger King
07:56you won't find in the US.
07:57Here is most of the US Burger King exclusives
08:00you can't get in the UK.
08:02We shot the first episode while Burger King
08:03was still offering a limited pandemic menu,
08:05whereas now we can show you the full range
08:07of treats on offer.
08:08Let's start with the burgers.
08:10Here we have the Smoky Chimichurri Angus Burger.
08:13This one is part of their Gourmet Kings range,
08:15which is Burger King's premium brand of burgers.
08:17I've got to say, it sounds really good.
08:19Obviously, you have quite a thick beef patty in there.
08:21You have an oak-smoked cheddar cheese in there.
08:24There is rocket on there,
08:25or arugula for the Americans,
08:26and a generous serving of their chimichurri sauce.
08:28For those who have not had chimichurri before,
08:30it's, I believe, an Argentinian condiment.
08:32Typically, you're going to get things like garlic
08:34and lime juice in there.
08:35Okay, okay, Burger King.
08:37I've got to say, that's actually really good.
08:39You get a real beefiness from the patty.
08:40The chimichurri sauce,
08:41while it's not the most intensely garlicky
08:44or herby chimichurri in the world,
08:45there's definitely a herbaceous element to it.
08:47The approach they've gone for
08:48is almost more like a kind of herby mayo.
08:51I also like that smoked cheddar as well.
08:53Smoked cheese, one of life's greatest pleasures.
08:56Huge fan.
08:57Starting with the burgers that are exclusive to the US,
08:59I wanted to cover these three.
09:01Starting down here is the Triple Whopper.
09:06United Kingdom, listen to me.
09:08I understand if you go into a Burger King
09:10and you ask for a Whopper and you're like,
09:13put another slice of meat in there,
09:16they'll probably do it.
09:17But as far as menus are concerned,
09:19we have a Triple Whopper on our menu
09:21and it looks like this.
09:22Guys, this thing,
09:23it looks like it was hit by a car on the way over here.
09:26We have done many, many fast food
09:30triple meat cheeseburgers.
09:32What Burger King does with their Triple Whopper,
09:35I just think it is so bizarre.
09:37And I'm asking anyone watching this to defend this sandwich
09:41because unlike every other fast food burger place,
09:46their Triple Whopper is three slabs of beef
09:51with nothing in between them.
09:58So what happens is when you bite into it,
10:01you get three times the meat in the Whopper,
10:03but the same amount of cheese.
10:05This is madness.
10:06Is it up to us to go,
10:08yo, can you slip some cheese in there?
10:09First of all, too big to bite,
10:11but if you can,
10:17the taste is almost all meat.
10:19The Whopper prides itself on the flame grilled,
10:21the Whopper beef,
10:23the Burger King beef always has a flame grilled flavor.
10:25I like where your head's at.
10:27It needs more cheese.
10:28Then we have another one of the gourmet kings.
10:30This one is the Barbecue Steakhouse Angus.
10:32In terms of toppings,
10:33we again have the rocket,
10:34but there is mayo,
10:35there's tomato,
10:36there's bacon,
10:37there are crispy onions,
10:38or what were once crispy onions,
10:40and barbecue sauce.
10:41It's not bad.
10:42With these gourmet ones,
10:43the patties are thicker
10:44and it is Aberdeen Angus beef that they're using
10:46and you do taste it,
10:47like it's a good quality patty.
10:49The barbecue sauce actually isn't that pronounced,
10:51which personally I quite like,
10:53but all in all,
10:53yeah, not the most strongly flavored burger I've ever had.
10:56I think the chimichurri one's better,
10:58but this is still pretty good.
10:59Next up is the Texas Double Whopper.
11:02Yes, it once again does this thing
11:03that I'm very annoyed by,
11:05but I have to say,
11:06this is one of my favorite fast food burgers.
11:08I know, seems weird, right?
11:09I was just ragging on this one,
11:10but it's really fantastic.
11:13I do like this burger a lot
11:14and it's really juicy.
11:15Maybe it's because of the jalapenos,
11:17I don't know.
11:17This thing is dripping, boy.
11:19All right.
11:19What I love about this burger
11:20is the bacon and jalapeno mix.
11:21It isn't too overpowering.
11:23The bacon kicks up the savory flavor of the burger
11:26and the jalapenos obviously give it a little bit of a kick.
11:29I'm not quite sure why jalapeno equals Texas.
11:33Don't you think there would have been
11:34a barbecue sauce on here?
11:35Overall, I think it's a fantastic burger.
11:37This is the Bacon Double Cheese XL Burger.
11:39I am surprised this one is a UK exclusive
11:41because it has all the things that Americans like.
11:43It has double, it has cheese,
11:46it has burger, and it has XL,
11:48which for me, that's America in a nutshell.
11:50It does, unsurprisingly,
11:52exactly what it says on the tin.
11:53It's a double patty burger with bacon and cheese.
11:56This one is not part of the gourmet range,
11:58so it's slightly thinner patties,
12:00much more of a standard fast food cheeseburger,
12:02but very satisfying.
12:03Moving on down here, we have the Bacon King.
12:06Now we're talking.
12:08Lots of cheese.
12:09Look at this, guys, huh?
12:11You have the capabilities to do it.
12:13Just do this every time.
12:14It's meat, cheese, bacon, sauce.
12:16There's no veggies on this either.
12:17That's really funny.
12:19Burger King knows their audience.
12:20That's a really good burger, a little intense.
12:22And of course, here's all the other burgers
12:24exclusive in the US I did not get today.
12:26Burger King in the US has so many chicken exclusives.
12:29I didn't realize there were so many chicken options
12:31at Burger King, but they have a lot.
12:33Starting down here, the Royal Crispy Chicken Sandwich.
12:37Yeah, not bad.
12:38This is a fiery Royal Crispy Chicken.
12:42Let's have a chicken sandwich here.
12:44Bacon and Swiss.
12:46Bacon makes sense, but why Swiss?
12:48I don't know, maybe they feel Swiss is fancier.
12:50I will say all of these sandwiches,
12:51these chicken sandwiches are good.
12:55Definitely not my favorite.
12:57And I couldn't see myself going out of my way
12:59to Burger King to get any one of them.
13:02We have a fair few exclusive chicken items here in the UK.
13:04Remember that Chimichurri Beef from earlier?
13:06Well, we also have an exclusive Chimichurri Chicken Sandwich.
13:09Chimichurri Chicken Sandwich is a hell of a tongue twister.
13:12One thing I do like, and I'm now noticing about this one,
13:14is that they sauce both the top and the bottom.
13:15That's something that not enough fast food places
13:17do with their burgers.
13:18I like the beef one.
13:19Let's see how the chicken compares.
13:21It's still really good.
13:22I actually got weirdly more of the kind of herby flavor
13:24from the chicken one than I did compared to the beef.
13:27I think chicken has less of a flavor compared to beef.
13:30So it's kind of more of like a blank canvas to work with.
13:32You just go and like paint your little flavor portrait on there.
13:36Honestly, yeah, this is really good.
13:38We've had the Barbecue Steakhouse Beef.
13:39This is the Barbecue Steakhouse Chicken.
13:42I think in that one, I actually prefer the beef version.
13:45There's less going on flavor-wise in terms of the toppings.
13:47So I think in that case,
13:48you actually want the stronger beef flavor to come through.
13:51This one is the original chicken sandwich.
13:54I never got this until we started doing this show.
13:58And what I think is interesting about this,
14:00so it's a basic sandwich.
14:01Sorry, you got the mayo sauce.
14:03It's shaped in this mini subway for seemingly no reason.
14:08I don't know why this, maybe because visually it stands out.
14:12It tastes exactly like a McChicken.
14:15Next up, we have the Chicken Royale.
14:17The US just calls this a chicken sandwich,
14:18but in the UK, it's a Chicken Royale.
14:20Describing a burger as Royale in a fast food context
14:22just makes me think of Pulp Fiction.
14:24That is a tasty burger.
14:26It's a bit sad looking.
14:28So the thing with the Chicken Royale is
14:30that it's not like a chicken breast.
14:33It's like a formed chicken patty,
14:34like a big nugget, basically.
14:36The Chicken Royale is one of the chicken sandwiches I've had.
14:39As much as I'm willing to go up to bat
14:41for British food and British fast food,
14:42I do actually think chicken sandwiches are an area
14:44where the US is kind of beating us.
14:47Just the fact that the default condiments
14:48for a chicken sandwich in the UK,
14:49generally speaking, are lettuce and mayo,
14:51for me, a little bit bland.
14:53And I think, generally speaking,
14:54the chicken in American sandwiches
14:55is a little bit crispier than ours,
14:56which works really well.
14:58At a US Burger King, you can get a Chicken Junior,
15:01which I'm assuming is a smaller size sandwich,
15:03and the Big Fish, which is, you guessed it,
15:04fish instead of chicken.
15:06I was lumping all that in together.
15:08Also at the US Burger King, you can get wraps.
15:12I don't like wraps.
15:14Today I got the Royal Crispy and the Fiery Royal Crispy.
15:17It's a calorie thing, I guess.
15:19Certainly isn't a taste enjoyment thing.
15:22Now, a lot of people in the UK
15:23are looking at this right now being like,
15:25but Joe, the UK has chicken fries.
15:28Look again, UK, have another look at that menu.
15:31As of two days ago, me and Harry were Zooming
15:34about this very shoot.
15:35We found that currently, at the shooting of this,
15:39only have the Fiery or the Hot Dorito chicken fries
15:43that he'll be showing off, not the regular ones.
15:46Harry, did you get the regular ones?
15:48Let me know.
15:49Maybe I'm wrong, but I never miss an opportunity
15:51to have the chicken fries.
15:54Such a great idea.
15:56Such a great idea.
15:57Currently, the only version of chicken fries
15:59we have on the menu are these Doritos
16:00Extra Flamin' Hot ones.
16:02They've replaced the standard ones.
16:03I don't know if that's permanent or temporary.
16:05We'll give them a try and see if my face
16:06ends up looking like his.
16:08It's actually not too bad.
16:10The Doritos Extra Flamin' Hot crisps
16:12are like relatively new to the UK.
16:14They definitely do have more heat to them
16:16compared to like the Chili Heat Wave, for example.
16:18And that does kind of translate here.
16:20My only complaint with these ones
16:21is that like it's kind of just like
16:23you've taken a teaspoon of chili powder
16:24and just eaten it.
16:25Balance those flavors out a little bit.
16:27Right now, it's okay.
16:29Burger King in the UK has a couple
16:30of exclusive plant-based options.
16:32If you go vegetarian, but you miss long chicken,
16:34then Burger King has you covered.
16:35This is their Vegan Royale.
16:37It's the same bun as the Chicken Royale,
16:39but with a fake meat chicken alternative,
16:41vegan mayo, and lettuce.
16:43Gotta say like looks-wise, they've kind of nailed it.
16:46Let's give it a try.
16:47Tell you what, that's actually not half bad.
16:49Texturally speaking, it's pretty similar
16:51to just like a cheap chicken nugget,
16:52which I don't mind at all.
16:54And flavor-wise, yeah,
16:54they've actually like pretty much got that.
16:56And then we have our plant-based Whopper.
16:58The composition is like a regular Whopper.
17:00Obviously, you have the lettuce,
17:01you have the tomatoes, the onions, the pickles,
17:03but instead we have a vegan mayo
17:07and a plant-based patty.
17:09In the US, they have the Impossible Whopper.
17:11However, Impossible Beef is still not allowed
17:13to be sold in the UK,
17:14so Burger King have developed their own version.
17:16Impossible Beef contains Heme,
17:18an ingredient approved in the US,
17:20but not in the UK or the EU.
17:22Now recently, the European Food Safety Authority
17:25ruled Heme safe for consumption.
17:27Impossible Foods still have steps
17:30in the approval process,
17:31but it sounds like the Impossible Whopper
17:33could be coming to the UK soon.
17:37They've done like an okay job with this.
17:38It reminds me of one of those
17:40like really cheap beef burgers
17:41that you get from a burger van.
17:43You're up early at like a car boot sale
17:45or it's bonfire night
17:46and you want one of those
17:48very quite crappy, quick burgers.
17:50I think all in all,
17:51the plant-based chicken has done a better job
17:52of replicating what it's supposed to taste like,
17:54but I think if you want like a satisfying
17:56fast food burger experience,
17:58the plant-based Whopper is still good.
17:59Now it's time for sauce talk.
18:04The UK Burger King has three sauces
18:06not found in the US.
18:07America has a barbecue sauce,
18:09but ours is smoky,
18:10very shiny and very gelatinous.
18:12Let's give it a go.
18:14That's not bad actually.
18:15It's not like overpoweringly sweet
18:17or overpoweringly vinegary.
18:19It definitely does have a smokiness to it,
18:20which I appreciate.
18:21When I was first doing Food Wars,
18:22I kind of hated barbecue sauce
18:24and honestly,
18:24it's kind of grown on me these past few years.
18:26That's a pretty pleasant condiment.
18:28Next, we have a sweet chili sauce.
18:30Sweet chili sauce is a really popular condiment
18:32in the UK
18:33and that has not changed in the past four years.
18:35Very standard,
18:35but acceptable Thai sweet chili sauce.
18:38I've said in the past that spicy mayos
18:39are some of my favorite condiments.
18:42I love that spicy,
18:42but also kind of cool balance of flavors
18:44that you get with the creaminess of a mayo.
18:46Let's see how they've done.
18:48I think if you handed me that
18:49in like a blind taste test,
18:50I wouldn't instinctively say spicy mayo.
18:53To me, that almost kind of tastes
18:55like a spicy Big Mac sauce.
18:57I mean that in quite a complimentary way.
18:58I think it's really nice.
18:59In the US,
19:00we have these four exclusive sauces
19:02in no particular order.
19:04Ranch, specifically Hidden Valley Ranch.
19:07You know, the ranch that tastes
19:10like all other ranch.
19:13Mmm, ranchy.
19:14And the sweet and sour sauce.
19:15Sweet and sour saucy.
19:19You know, I sleep on sweet and sour
19:20and I really shouldn't
19:21because it's very good.
19:21That's a very good sweet and sour.
19:23Ooh, barbecue.
19:25Regular barbecue.
19:26They have varieties of barbecue.
19:27We just have straight barbecue
19:29from the barbecue region of America.
19:31Just pan barbecue sauce.
19:32I don't know.
19:33Ooh, nice.
19:34Tangy, smoky flavor.
19:35Yeah, all right.
19:37And of course,
19:38buffalo sauce
19:41from the great city
19:42of Buffalo, New York.
19:46I'm a buffalo sauce head for sure.
19:48Currently the only US exclusive side
19:50is this Mott's applesauce.
19:52You know what applesauce looks like.
19:57The UK has a few loaded fries options.
19:59Burger King are really getting
20:00their money's worth out of the chimichurri
20:02because currently we have these
20:03smoky chimichurri king fries.
20:06I have thoughts on loaded fries.
20:08The thoughts mostly are
20:09that I don't like them.
20:10These are loaded to the absolute hilt
20:12with crispy onions,
20:13and that chimichurri sauce.
20:15All the toppings just kind of go
20:16on the top layer
20:17and then all the ones underneath
20:19are unseasoned and untopped.
20:20I feel like I like them as a concept.
20:22I think the idea is good.
20:23I think the execution
20:24needs to be refined.
20:25There's actually a bit of heat to this,
20:26which I wasn't expecting.
20:28I think there's like little bits
20:29of chopped up chili in the chimichurri,
20:30which I didn't really get in the burgers.
20:32I think the flavor profile
20:34is actually pretty good.
20:35Yeah, all in all.
20:36We also have loaded king fries with bacon.
20:38These have fries,
20:40and a lovely radioactive cheese sauce.
20:42Generous with the bacon, I will say.
20:45And for the vegetarians out there,
20:46Burger King just has loaded king fries.
20:48It's the cheese sauce
20:49with none of the bacon.
20:50That is certainly a cheese sauce.
20:54The color on that.
20:55One side worth highlighting in the UK
20:56are halloumi fries.
20:57For those who aren't aware,
20:58halloumi is a firm cheese
21:00made with goat's milk.
21:01The main producer of this is Cyprus.
21:03British people absolutely love halloumi.
21:05I don't think it's really taken off in America,
21:07which is sad because it's very nice.
21:09It's nice and salty.
21:10It's not too cheesy.
21:12It's just really good.
21:13Moving away from halloumi,
21:14but sticking with cheese,
21:15we have these chili cheese bites.
21:17The chili cheese bites
21:18actually contain a cheese blend.
21:20There's cheddar in there.
21:21I think there's also some processed cheese as well.
21:23And the little green bits are jalapenos.
21:25One relatively new addition
21:26to the Burger King menu
21:27is that you can get Monster Energy
21:29from a UK Burger King.
21:30This has kind of blown my mind.
21:32Right now, you can get three flavors
21:33of Monster Energy at a Burger King in the UK,
21:36starting with the classic.
21:37You can also get the Monster Energy white zero sugar,
21:40and you can get the Monster Energy juiced mango loco.
21:44I feel that putting Monster Energy
21:46on a fast food menu
21:47is setting something of a dangerous precedent.
21:50If I'm being honest,
21:51I'm not a huge fan of this business decision.
21:53We did a whole episode on Monster Energy,
21:55and I think I made my feelings
21:56quite clear in that one.
21:57But I will say the mango loco one
21:59was, I think, my favorite flavor that they have.
22:01A couple of other fun drinks worth highlighting.
22:03In the UK, Burger King sells Capri Suns.
22:06We have both the orange
22:07and the blackcurrant and apple flavors.
22:09UK Burger Kings also offer
22:11a full range of hot drinks.
22:12Of course, in the UK,
22:13you have to sell English breakfast tea.
22:15They appear to be using PG Tips tea bags.
22:18You can also get a hot chocolate,
22:19and you can also get a full range
22:21of espresso coffees.
22:22You can just get the espresso on its own,
22:24or you can get it mixed into a cappuccino,
22:26an Americano, a latte, or a flat white.
22:28The US has so many exclusive drinks,
22:30like all of these.
22:32They also have frozen drinks.
22:34In front of me today,
22:34I have a frozen Coke
22:36and a frozen wild cherry drink.
22:37There's also a frozen blue raspberry.
22:40Let's try these guys out.
22:44Oh, man.
22:44I think the syrup has settled to the bottom.
22:46This has been sitting very long,
22:48but very flavorful.
22:49Also an instant headache.
22:50And of course, frozen Coke.
22:53Oh, man.
22:54Tastes gonna hurt your teeth.
22:55For desserts, you can get a variety of shakes.
22:59There's a chocolate shake, vanilla shake,
23:01strawberry shake,
23:02and this, the Oreo shake.
23:04I'm telling you, this thing,
23:08a delight.
23:08Now, deceitfully, it looks like a vanilla shake
23:11with bits of cookie in it.
23:12Not so.
23:13This shake is actually flavored
23:15the cream of the Oreo cookies,
23:18the center cream part.
23:20Oh, my God.
23:21So good.
23:22Oh, it's fantastic.
23:23They also have soft serve at Burger King.
23:27I didn't ask if the machine was broken or not.
23:28I'm not bringing ice cream here.
23:29It's gonna melt before I get to the studio.
23:31You know what soft serve looks like.
23:32Also exclusive dessert here in the US,
23:34we have chocolate chip cookies.
23:37Yeah, okay.
23:37They're supposed to be this crunchy?
23:40I mean, they're still good.
23:41It's this thing where like,
23:42they're probably stale.
23:44I'm not supposed to be like this,
23:44but I'm still gonna eat them.
23:46Sadly, over the past four years,
23:49we've lost many, many items in Burger King.
23:52We wanted to pay tribute to some of our favorites
23:54that we've lost since 2020.
24:17Burger King in the US is pretty vague
24:19when it comes to ingredients.
24:20They don't disclose a comprehensive list anywhere.
24:23Shortly after we filmed our original
24:25US versus UK Burger King episode,
24:28Burger King permanently banned
24:29120 artificial flavors from the menu.
24:32Including aluminum, yellow numbers one through five,
24:36BHA, and BHT.
24:38Here's a full list.
24:41After our international online viral sensation,
24:45Food Wars US versus UK Burger King,
24:48I wonder why they did that.
24:50I wonder.
24:52Once again, let's look over some of the comments
24:54from the original US versus UK Burger King episode.
24:58When you realize the US small drink
25:00is literally larger than the UK large.
25:02Yes, it is, which is wild.
25:04Back then, it was about 90 milliliters bigger.
25:06I think that still might be the case,
25:08although our large definitely got quietly a bit smaller.
25:11I think in Food Wars history,
25:13that was the first time our small was bigger
25:16than the UK large.
25:17Not the last time, though.
25:18When the medium and small US fries see each other,
25:21Spider-Man pointing intensifies.
25:23First of all, love that meme.
25:24So glad they referenced it in the new Spider-Man film.
25:26And yeah, that was kind of wild.
25:27I feel like Frygate 2020
25:29is a really early defining Food Wars moment.
25:31I'm glad to see they've kind of sorted it out,
25:32and I like to think that we can claim some credit for that.
25:34The US guy has just a fun sense of humor,
25:39while the British guy has a more professional thing.
25:41Yes, correct.
25:43Although Harry has loosened up over the years,
25:45me, I'm exactly the same.
25:47So this is what Harry Potter and Malfoy are doing
25:49after graduating from Hogwarts.
25:51Yeah, fair enough.
25:52As a kid called Harry with glasses,
25:53and even have an eyebrow scar,
25:55it was a rough childhood.
25:56Right, another award-winning Food Wars episode
25:58in the books.
25:59As a reminder, we release new episodes
26:01on this and only this channel.
26:04So why don't you go ahead and subscribe.
26:05And if you have an idea for an episode,
26:07go ahead and leave it in the comments below.
26:08We're clearly running out of ideas.
26:10And if we end up doing your idea,
26:12maybe we'll do it and give you no credits.
26:15Dylan J. Locke was our PA.
26:18And Brian, I'm going to guess incaniso?
26:23Oh my God, that's how I always pronounce it.
26:25I was right.
26:27Way to go.
