• 2 months ago


00:00natural beauty, health security and social development with the people of
00:05high self-respect and composite culture. Our aim is to create cross-cultural
00:13learning communities beyond any sectarian, narrow-mindedness of race,
00:23religion and caste. In that spirit, this congregation international call of an
00:31emerging hub of higher education with many institutions of academic diversity
00:36and autonomous research centers of excellence. With these words, I declare
00:43this congregation inaugurated. Thank you.
00:53It's a privilege to be here and address this august gathering at this higher
01:20education conclave, a forum which we are striving to do some collective commitment
01:32and committed activities for shaping the future of Kerala's academic landscape.
01:38Education has always been a cornerstone of Kerala's identity. Today, as we envision
01:46Kerala as the higher education hub of the country, we embark on a journey that
01:52redefines our aspirations and reimagines our strategies. In recent years, we have
02:02witnessed a significant rise in the number of students pursuing education
02:08abroad. In 2022, 13.2 lakh Indian students ventured overseas for their
02:16studies, with approximately 4% from Kerala. This trend is not a cause of
02:24concern, but a reflection of globalization and the accessibility of
02:31foreign education. However, our ambition is to ensure that the youth of Kerala
02:39need not look beyond our borders to access welfare class education. The state
02:46government is committed to establishing institutions of international standards
02:52right here in Kerala, offering cutting-edge facilities and programs. To
02:58this end, we will formulate comprehensive policies to reform higher education.
03:03These will be guided by the roadmap laid out by the Higher Education Reform
03:09Commission, established in 2022. Our focus will not only be on academic excellence,
03:16but also on integrating expatriate academic experts into our education
03:23system. I am delighted to inform you that this initiative, announced in our state
03:30budget, will be undertaken under the stewardship of the Kerala State Higher
03:34Education Council, which is always guided by the Higher Education Department. It
03:42will focus on crafting a comprehensive higher education investment policy,
03:47offering special incentives and packages to attract investment and fostering
03:54collaborations with reputed national and international institutions. This
03:59initiative will serve as a cornerstone in our milestone to elevate Kerala's
04:05higher education landscape to global standards. Kerala is witnessing a
04:11paradigm shift in higher education, from focus on knowledge acquisition to its
04:19application. Our universities are not only creating new knowledge, but also
04:25driving innovation, nurturing entrepreneurs and contributing to
04:30economic transformation. Kerala stands as a beacon of this transformation. As the
04:39first university in India to develop an AI processor, it has achieved 16 patents
04:45and established a state-of-the-art brain computing lab for neuroscience research.
04:50Nobel laureate Sir Andrew James' association as a visiting professor is a testament to
