• 2 months ago
Season 2 | show | 2025| S2 | Official Trailer | dHNzX3Fub3J0SkdCLTVJ


00:00Dear Tania Maria, I feel so lonely. I need a recipe, something to come with me.
00:09Dear Trouble.
00:11Grigas, the satanic mechanic they call me.
00:14It's important to take risks sometimes.
00:17We should take a break.
00:19A break.
00:21Is it possible for a couple to survive after someone has been unfaithful?
00:25Don't forget your secret ingredients.
00:28Grigas, the police don't have a clue.
00:30Every layer of flavour adds more depth.
00:34It just keeps getting more delicious.
