00:00We strongly feel that more and more use of technology at the grassroot level,
00:08smart classrooms, digital learning aids in the schools can be of great use to our students.
00:19But remember, technology is only an enabler.
00:29It can only enable you to learn in an easier way.
00:35What an inspiring story you heard from Commissioner Secretary Praveen Bakshi
00:41when he talked about how he cleared his IAS exam.
00:45There's no technology in it.
00:49But it is what you believe, what you think, and what you want to do in life.
00:57That no technology can bring.
01:02So while we help you and support you with this technology,
01:09I want to once again remind all our young boys and girls out here.
01:16It depends on you.
01:19How you choose to use this technology.
01:23And I urge all of you to remember these words that I'm telling you today.
01:31That you will use this technology for the good.
01:38You will make use of it to understand concepts.
01:43You will go into the syllabus and go through the different digital contents.
01:48Otherwise, this program is meaningless.
01:53And so I urge all of you, the students, the teachers,
02:00to use this technology for the betterment of our overall education system in our state.
02:09As IT Minister, I also would like to share with all of you
02:14that the information technology sector is really transforming in our state.
02:26Apart from the IT parks that are coming out in Tura and in Shillong,
02:33the Tura construction is going on as we speak.
02:37We will be having our own IT park out here.
02:41Any of you who is interested in technology can start their business in their company
02:48or work in different centers, technology companies,
02:52who will come and set up their base right here in Garo Hills, in Tura, in Doldegre area.
02:59We hope that this will be complete in the next two years' time.
03:04Optical fibers are being laid throughout the state as we speak.
03:11We are hopeful that every school will be getting access to the optical fibers.
03:21It won't happen in one day or one year.
03:25It will take time, but the process has started.
03:29Which means, these M-tabs that you have in your hand,
03:34the day will come very soon where you will not need any internet connection.
03:41And direct the Wi-Fi through the optical fibers that will land up,
03:47and then the Wi-Fi will distribute the information.
03:51That system will be up very soon in most of the schools.
03:54I'm not saying all the rural schools will take time, but as far as possible.
04:00Which means your M-tabs can be updated for free at any given time.
04:06More content will come into your M-tabs.
04:09We will be able to send you, in the future,
04:12different things like the CM Impact program that I started,
04:17which are books in the form of question papers,
04:22which will help you answer the questions in Class 10 board exams.
04:29I hope to replicate that for Class 12 also.
04:33So that you will, on your M-tab, be able to get all those questions.
04:37There are some of them, but you would like to see more.
04:40And like that, technology will move forward.
04:43So there's a lot of things that are happening in IT.
04:46We are going to have this network set up and spread all across the state.
04:55And as I said, I'm hopeful that even your schools will be able to do that.