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00:00And it became clear that if the population of an unidentified genus is less than 50% or more,
00:17then 25% of the population of the other genus was to be given shelter.
00:28Now, in this, against this shelter system,
00:38first in the High Court, then in the Supreme Court, a motion was presented.
00:44One motion, Suresh Mahajan v. Madhya Pradesh Government
00:55and the other, Kishore Krishna Rao Gowli v. Maharashtra Government,
01:01these two motions were presented in the Supreme Court.
01:09In the case of Maharashtra, the decision was made on 4-1-2021
01:14and in the case of Madhya Pradesh, the decision of the Supreme Court was made on 10-5-2022.
01:21In this decision, the Supreme Court said that the shelter will not be more than 50%.
01:32That is, if the other genus is sheltered more than 50%,
01:40the number will be the same.
01:44And in these two decisions, the Supreme Court said that
01:49to give shelter to the other genus, first you will have to do a triple test.
01:55Triple test means that you will have to make a dedicated committee.
02:00That committee will survey the social, economic, and cultural situation.
02:05It will survey and give its report.
02:07That report will be presented to the government.
02:11The government will accept it.
02:12And on that basis, the other genus will be sheltered up to 50%.
02:22In these two decisions, the Supreme Court said
02:27There are two important things in the Supreme Court's decision.
02:31In reality, this case was of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.
02:35But the Supreme Court said that
02:37these decisions will apply to all states and centralized states.
02:45Secondly, the Supreme Court said
02:47that if the state government does not form a committee,
02:50the committee's report does not come,
02:52and the state government is unable to make any arrangements for shelter for the other genus,
02:58then the State Legislative Assembly,
03:00if the work of the panchayat or committees has been completed,
03:06then the elections will be held in the same way.
03:10This means that SC, ST, and the other genus will be sheltered up to 50%.
03:20This means that the State Legislative Assembly will hold elections without the sheltering of the other genus.
03:26If the state government does not form a committee,
03:28does not trace the report,
03:30and does not accept the report,
03:32then it will not be sheltered up to 50%.
03:37Keeping this situation in mind,
03:42the state government,
03:45in accordance with the order of the Supreme Court,
03:49on 16-07-2024,
03:53as per the order of the Supreme Court,
03:56formed the Chhattrigad Raj Pichada Varga Taliyan Aayog.
04:02And the Aayog presented the extended report to the state government on 24-10-2024.
04:14The state government thought it through and approved it on 28-10-2024.
04:22In its report, the Aayog said that
04:2725% of the other genus will be sheltered up to 50%.
04:44This is what the Aayog said.
04:47We can understand this by saying that
04:49if the number of unidentified genus is 5-10%,
04:57then the other genus will be sheltered up to 40%.