• 2 months ago
00:00has been on WMO Executive Board for more than 60 years, longer than any other country in
00:08the Asia-Pacific region.
00:11Dr. Mahapatra currently serves as the third vice president of WMO and provides invaluable
00:21Thank you, my dear colleague.
00:25As you may know, WMO-ADN is a worldwide collaboration helping build capacity in those countries
00:32lagging behind.
00:33This could not be done without members like India.
00:39India plays a vital role in regional meteorological cooperation.
00:43Last month, IMD for the first time hosted the Asia-Australia Meteorological Satellite
00:49Usage Conference here in New Delhi.
00:52I am proud that it was a huge success.
00:56It brought together operators and users of meteorological satellite products for a dialogue
01:01which is of great potential benefit to climate-sensitive sectors and vulnerable communities.
01:08IMD hosts several WMO-designated regional centers, including the regional specialized
01:15meteorological center New Delhi for tropical cyclones.
01:20Related forecasts and warnings and coordinated disaster management have served countless
01:26lives not just in India, but in the entire region.
01:32Tropical cyclones used to claim tens of thousands of lives.
01:36Thankfully, this is now a nightmare of the past.
01:42This is exemplified by Tropical Cyclone Mocha in May 2023, timely forecast by the regional
01:50climate here in New Delhi triggered major humanitarian preparedness and response activities
01:58before Mocha made landfall in Myanmar and Bangladesh, and loss of life was kept to a
02:07In this regard, congratulations again to IMD to have been elected in 2024 as host of the
02:14WMO ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclone Secretariat, and I am grateful for IMD to be coordinating
02:22this vital work for the countries bordering the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.
02:28WMO is also immensely grateful for IMD's support for the South Asian Climate Outlook Forum
02:37and its seasonal predictions for all important southwest monsoon.
02:42The seasonal outlooks are invaluable for the regional economy and are an example of
02:47how we can leverage science to serve society.
02:51We commend your interest in strengthening forecasting and monitoring also in the Third
02:57Pole region, including through the new Third Pole Climate Forum.
03:04Flash floods are major hazards, as we all know.
03:08Since 2018, India has served as a flash flood guidance system South Asia regional center.
03:15It provides flash flood guidance and forecasts to India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Sri
03:22Lanka, supporting nearly 1.5 billion people – 1.5 billion people.
03:31WMO has been delighted to train more than 90 IMD staff in operating, sustaining, and
03:38supporting flash flood forecasting and warning operations, including training the trainers.
03:44We are gratified that, in turn, IMD has supported other countries with training and tools for
03:50timely warnings.
03:53IMD commitment to climate monitoring and early warning systems align perfectly with the International
04:00Early Warnings for All initiative to ensure that everyone on Earth is protected by life-saving
04:08early warning systems by 2027.
04:11We commend you for translating complex science data into actionable information via tools
04:19like the newly launched Decision Support System and the MAUSAM Unified Mobile App.
04:25Early warnings work.
04:27They must work for everyone and reach everyone.
04:31IMD and Indian experts share this expertise through their active participation in the
04:38working group and expert teams of our technical commissions and regional associations, and
04:43such make invaluable contributions to our WMO community.
04:50This celebration comes at a crucial moment for the planet.
04:55Like many other countries, India had its hottest year –
