• 2 months ago
AccuWeather's Geoff Cornish and Bree Guy highlight before-and-after images that show the scale of devastation in Southern California.
00:00Some of these images, the before and after contrast, before and after the fires are pretty staggering.
00:05I know. I mean, we were just looking at these and it's still just so powerful watching what used to be and what it looks like now.
00:15Yeah. Right here in downtown Pacific Palisades here, just amazing burn.
00:20You can see even through the holes in the building to other neighborhoods that have been destroyed.
00:23And there are so many images like this. This is amazing. This is a true same location.
00:27Here's Big Rock and Pacific Coastal Highway. You can't see the water in this perspective, but after the fires.
00:33It's going to rotate a little bit. Gone.
00:35Yeah, the whole house, it's missing there. It's just amazing.
00:38Horrible how these fires have just burnt through areas and into Altadena as well.
00:43You can see a large school. Many children learn there every day and that school has been destroyed.
00:50Just terrible. I mean, can these children who have to look possibly at these images and say what was and what is now, they're not.
00:59And what is to come in the future?
01:01Yeah, very unsettling here. This is the Benjamin Franklin Elementary School.
01:04Here you can see that the community church in Pacific Palisades, the entire roof line, gone.
01:09That's the only real semblance of, again, the same grid points here being on that map.
01:14And then into Wiley's Bait and Tackle here in Malibu.
01:18Here's the sign. Completely charred.
01:21All right. Well, thanks so much for being with us here for this hour special on the AccuWeather Network.
01:26Don't forget, for the latest updates on the California wildfires, go to accuweather.com and follow us on all our social media platforms.
